Useful properties and contraindications of pumpkin for the human body

Many consider it food of the gods. Previously, pumpkin recognized as a food product, then gradually excluded from the diet. Meanwhile, the vegetable is useful in the vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. In this review we will talk about the beneficial properties and contraindications of pumpkin for the human body.


  • Description and pumpkin characteristics as vegetables
    • Useful properties
    • harm and contraindications for the use
  • use in folk medicine
  • Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Recipes with pumpkin
    • millet porridge with pumpkin pulp
    • Rice porridge
    • Juices
  • Conclusion

Description andcharacteristics of pumpkin as a vegetable

Everyone knows that pumpkin is eaten since ancient times. America is considered the birthplace of the vegetable; it came to our country in the sixteenth century, caught on quickly, with no special requirements for care and climate, it bore excellent fruit and remained for a long time.

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Pumpkin is an unpretentious plant and does not need special care

Pumpkin pulp is considered a light food, since it does not entail a strong stomach excretion of juice and benefits people suffering from high acidity.

Today, many gardeners grow this vegetable on their plots. There are even countries that cultivate this vegetable on an industrial scale, including Russia, Asia, the CIS countries, Africa, and America.

The plant is unpretentious, does not need special care. For its normal growth, two conditions are necessary - warm and sufficient amount of moisture.

Useful Properties

The pulp of this vegetable contains a huge amount of iron. In addition, it can detect carotene, which helps the body to develop and is recommended by doctors for vision problems.

It is recommended to use pumpkin during the diet

In addition, the pumpkin contains:

  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, helps with colds, prevents many diseases;
  • vitamin group B and E;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • starch;
  • trace elements;
  • sugar;
  • fiber;
  • pectin;
  • calcium;
  • enzymes and proteins.

The presence of pectins in itself pumpkin removes excess cholesterol, slags and toxins from the body, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Vegetables are classified as diuretics, as it contains a large amount of water and potassium salts, which contributes to the dissolution of kidney stones and bladder.

Pumpkin manifests itself excellently in the role of both a prophylactic and a real medicine

Raw pumpkin is recommended for constipation, for kidney failure, bladder inflammation. Vegetable is useful for aspiring to lose weight, as well as removes slag accumulation, stabilizes the real exchange, is a low-calorie product( 22 kcal per 100 grams).

It is in the pumpkin that contains rare, but very useful vitamin T, which is responsible for the formation of platelets and blood clotting.

Separately it is necessary to tell about the benefits of pumpkin seeds. They contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Many have heard that the seeds help get rid of worms. In addition, seeds are an excellent tool for the prophylaxis of prostatitis, kidney and liver disease. It is from the seeds that oil is made, which is considered useful in tuberculosis and diarrhea.

Has found its application in cosmetology. Shampoos, balms, soaps, lotions, creams and masks are made from it, which are excellent in rejuvenating the skin of the face.

Many people believe that pumpkin improves tone, gives strength, relieves insomnia and nervous system disorders.

Harm and contraindications for use

Pumpkin should be used cautiously suffering from gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, low acidity, gastritis. It is forbidden to use diabetics.

Acids contained in the seeds harm the enamel coating of the teeth, so that after using them, rinsing the mouth with water.

Use in traditional medicine

Taking two gelatin capsules and five hundred milligrams of pumpkin extract in dry form along with food, you can treat constipation, improve the function of the prostate gland, stabilize urination. With the same purpose, you can drink one and a half hundred drops of alcohol tincture of seeds added to a glass of water every day.

The following prescriptions are available for the treatment of prostate adenoma:

  • one hundred - one hundred fifty drops of alcohol infusion per cup of water daily;
  • Up to ten seeds must be chewed and eaten every day.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It should be said that the pumpkin is useful for pregnant women. It is recommended to use it in the second week, so that the fruit develops normally.

Pumpkin is recommended to expectant mothers as a natural remedy against vomiting, alleviating the symptoms of toxemia.

If a nursing mother has iron deficiency anemia, then she should eat several pumpkin slices daily in raw form.

Pumpkin puree is already allowed to give a six-month-old baby in the form of complementary foods.

Recipes with pumpkin

Millet porridge with pumpkin pulp

Millet porridge with pumpkin

Vegetables must be peeled, cut, pour hot milk, cook until softened. Millet is washed, poured into a saucepan with pumpkin puree, add sugar, salt, cook another fifteen minutes. After that, the porridge is sent to the oven for about thirty minutes;

Rice porridge

Rice porridge with pumpkin

It is an excellent breakfast not only for adults, but also for children. It will take three hundred grams of pumpkin, seven tablespoons of rice, water, salt and sugar. Rice should be soaked overnight before use. Vegetable cut into slices, put into a pan and fill with water. Rice is added, everything is cooked for about twenty minutes over medium heat. After letting it cool down, they are whipped with a blender. You can add some milk or water. Then the pan is put on the fire again, sugar is added, and the porridge is salted. It should be heated, stirring constantly with a spoon.


No. 1.

pumpkin juice. Purified vegetable mash is passed through a juicer, add about 5 tablespoons of to each liter. The juice is put on the fire and boiled for five minutes. Then it is poured into the banks and rolled up.

№ 2. Juice is squeezed, boiled, bottled. Pasteurized them must be at a temperature of ninety degrees for at least ten minutes, then roll up.

No. 3. Pumpkin is grated on the pumpkin, is poured all over with water, sent to the fire. It is necessary to boil until complete softening. Add peel or lemon juice to the mass, grind it with a blender, add water, boil for ten minutes and roll it into jars. To taste you can add sugar.


Many people call the pumpkin a first-aid kit. And nothing strange about it. Vegetable contains everything a human body needs.

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