Fresh, fragrant green cucumber fruit is a true delight for gourmets. Especially if you yourself have grown and reaped a good harvest. But this wonderful vegetable is a very gentle and capricious subtropical plant, requires attention and careful handling, especially the root system. In this review we will talk about the structure of the roots of cucumbers, its formation, possible diseases and methods of treatment.
Table of ContentsEveryone who wants to indulge himself with a high yield of strong green cucumbers should be remembered: the secret of the fertility of a plant is in a strong and healthy root systeme.

What are the roots of cucumbers? This heat-loving subtropical plant belongs to melon crops( pumpkin genus) and has a root trunk similar to them, only much smaller and makes up only 1-2% of the mass of the whole bush. But the ability to absorb moisture is very high.
Cucumber roots are close to the soil surface, at a depth from 20 to 30 , forming an extensive network. This helps to take more moisture and nutrients from the soil, more firmly held in the ground. The more the main root deepens, the less side remains on it. A rich harvest can be obtained from the bush with a length, well-formed, developed root system.When loosening the soil should try not to damage the small lateral roots. The plant will spend 8-10 days on their restoration( provided that the soil is well wetted) and, thus, will significantly shorten the fruiting time.
Since the cucumber has a branched root with a lot of thin side roots, the culture does not tolerate transplantation very well, it takes root with great difficulty. Temperature extremes are also harmful to seedlings. To plant sprouts in open ground should, if the temperature of the soil reaches a minimum of 13 degrees.
Formation of the root system
To create a powerful root system of cucumbers for growing seedlings from seeds, use the method of adding soil. As they grow, fertilized soil is added to dishes with seedlings. New, additional roots form from the bottom of the stem. Then the seedlings dive into separate pots, also half filled with soil, and gradually fill up until the dishes with the seedlings are filled with earth.

This method allows you to double the size of the roots, significantly increasing the yield.
After planting in open ground, the following factors influence the formation of a healthy root system of cucumbers:
- Soil composition and density. Cucumbers love loose sandy lands.
- Content of useful organic compounds. The soil for cucumber beds must be fertilized with humus, and nitrogenous fertilizers must be applied.
- Illumination, humidity. Cucumber plants like good illumination( to form a large number of female flowers), so when planted in the ground, the distance between the rows should be at least 40 cm, between the plants - 50 cm, soil moisture - 80%.
Root Rot - A Common Cucumber Disease
Root and root rot - a disease caused by fungal infections. As a rule, rot can strike a plant at any stage of its growth and development. On the segment of the stem, dark or brown spots appear at the root itself, which gradually merge. Constrictions are formed, the growth of cucumbers stops, the stem turns black, begins to rot, the plant dies. To treat this disease is quite difficult.

The main feature by which it is easy to determine that cucumbers are affected by root rot is plant lethargy. The wilting of leaves occurs both in sunny weather and in overcast. By removing the soil and exposing the basal part of the stem, one can notice all the signs of damage to his dangerous disease.
Disease symptoms:
- leaf fatigue , plant lodging with regular watering;

- constrictions on the stems and leaves;
- the appearance of red spots and the drying of the leaves;
- termination growth .
reasons for the defeat of the root rot
Since cucumber - the culture of subtropical and very moody, sensitive to weather and climate conditions, the main causes of the disease root rot are unfavorable conditions for growth and development:
- too dense and heavy soil , which compresses the root system andinterferes with its development, provokes a lack of oxygen and interferes with normal moisture;
- drops day and night temperatures;
- watering plants with cold water, cucumbers throughout the entire growth must be watered with warm water from reservoirs;
- soil saturation with nitrogenous fertilizers, acidification of the soil;
- in greenhouses should be avoided too high humidity in the room and cold air flows( drafts).
How to protect the culture from the disease, methods of treatment

Root rot is very dangerous because it is impossible to save the infected individuals at any stage of growth. How to deal with this root disease? To successfully combat the disease, you need to try to prevent seedlings from becoming infected. For this purpose, it is advisable to follow some rules:
- renew the land in the greenhouses ( adding peat gives effective results), completely destroy the remnants of last year’s plants, disinfect the soil and seedlings;
- observe the temperature regime, avoid differences;plant seedlings in open ground under optimally favorable weather conditions;
- observe watering and soil moisture;
- when planting to make at the root of the drugs preventive action to combat fungal diseases( for example, Trichodermin, for watering - Previkur).
If you detect cucumber disease in time, take all necessary measures to combat it, the positive results will not take long. A healthy root system will allow healthy plants to grow, will significantly increase the yield. Fragrant and healthy culture will delight you with its dietary fruits.