In spring and early summer, I want to crunch only cucumber plucked from the bed. Many gardeners have no doubt what kind of crop to plant in the greenhouse or on the ridge, for early Zelentsy. Because they have long made their choice - this is Herman cucumbers.
Table of contents
- Description and descriptionSeeds of cucumbers of the Dutch selection have long occupied their niche from our summer residents. Herman from among them, he received in Holland( firm Monsanto).The year of inclusion in the state register is 2001. The variety can be grown both in open ground and in protected ( greenhouse, greenhouse, temporary shelter).
Hermann F1 - unshelled hybrid( parthenopichesky), belongs to the group of early ripe cucumbers, ripening speed from 36 days to 40 days.
The seeds of the Herman F1 hybrid cannot be used for the further cultivation of cucumbers.Herman is a non-pollinated plant, which means that only female flowers are formed, which do not need pollination. The place of the formation of beam inflorescences - the sinuses of the leaves. In one inflorescence, ovaries can form from 4 to 6 pcs.
According to the description, fruits are gherkins of the cornish type, length up to 10 cm .The color can be either light green or dark green, depending on the light. If the bush is formed correctly( 1 stalk), the cucumbers are colored bright green. On a thickened plant the color of the fruit is more pale.
Variety Herman - Cornish type
The main external characteristics of the fruit:
- Length - 10 cm.
- Diameter from 2.5 to 3 cm.
- Weight up to 100 g.
- Shape cylindrical, smooth.
- Spikes are light.
crispy, aromatic pulp has a sweetish taste, no signs of bitterness. .Cucumbers Hermann, plucked in time, ideal for making light summer salads.
Beautiful greenhouses look great in banks. They are good in salting and marinade. Choosing a variety, you need to evaluate its yield. Cucumber Hermann with 95% yield of marketable products gives from 1 m2 of up to 25 kg of fruits of .
Advantages and disadvantages
Pluses Disadvantages Samoopylyaemost Seedlings not tolerate transplanting( picks) Precocity soil Lowering the temperature and the air does not tolerate Excellent flavor, no bitterness Low resistance to rust Yield disease Stability fruit does not turn yellow under storage versatility One of the major drawbacks of Herman cucumber is rust susceptibility
Soil requirements
First requirementto the soil before planting - temperature .
Even if the soil is rich in humus, but its temperature is below 12 degrees, do not wait for friendly seedlings or quick seedling adaptation.The second requirement is Fertility .It can be easily increased by adding humus, peat, sand. The combination of these components and proportions depend on the quality of the soil.
In the averaged version, you need to make 1 m2 of ridge:
- 1 humus bucket;
- ½ bucket of peat;
- ½ bucket of sand;
- superphosphate 1 tbsp.l;
- potassium nitrate 1 tbsp.l;
- ammonium nitrate 1 tbsp.l
Seeding Cucumber Rules
Cucumber Herman is a powerful plant; for growth and development, it must have space for .When line landing rows need to be placed with an interval of 60 cm .The distance from the bush to the bush to withstand not less than 30 cm .
The distance between the bushes of cucumber Herman must be at least 30 cm.
Experienced gardeners note that the harvest of beam cucumbers is higher with a rare planting( 40 cm).
As mentioned above, Herman F1 transplants the transplant poorly, so the seeds are sown for seedlings in separate containers with an volume of at least 0.5 liters .To speed up germination, place cups in plastic bags. The seedling is ready for transplant at the age of 20 days, when 3 true leaves were formed.
When sowing seeds observe the planting scheme described above. Seeds should not be buried more than 1.5 cm. With the humidifier, to preserve moisture, rumble with humus or compost. Soil temperature at planting is not less than 15 ° C.
It is important compliance with the terms of planting .They are different for open ground and greenhouses. In the ground seeds can be planted from May 26, seedlings - after June 1.In the greenhouse - in early May.
Care after planting
All plants and cucumbers, including, require attention after planting:
- watering at least 1 time in 3 days ;
- top dressing root and foliar for the whole season at least 3 times ;
- weed removal;
- loosening between rows after watering;
- garter to the trellis;
- timely collection of Zelentsov.
Watering is required at least 1 time in 3 days.
In addition, a cucumber bush must be formed.Adhere to the rules:
- remove all flowers and shoots from the leaf axils( 1 to 4);
- leave 1 ovary in the sinuses 5-6 sheets;
- leave 2 ovaries in the axils of 7-10 leaves;
- regrown stem to throw over the trellis;
- pinch the top at 1 m from the ground.
The main mistake of novice gardeners - watering with cold water .Cucumber problems with this care: bitter fruit, developmental delay, weakened immunity.
Another mistake - abundant watering at low soil temperature( 12 degrees and below).Cucumber roots absorb nutrients poorly, so you need to limit watering and do not feed at this time.
How to get a second wave of
harvest To get a second crop, you can use foliar top dressing
In August, the productivity of cucumbers decreases. If you don’t be lazy, you can lengthen the fruiting period - get the second wave harvest. Ways are different. The most effective are foliar top dressing .
Iodine and milk or boric acid dissolved in warm water are most commonly used. You can apply one and the other option with an interval of 10 days. Spray the plants in the evening.The first recipe: 1 l of milk( whey), 35 drops of iodine. The second recipe: take a packet( 10 g) of boric acid in 1 liter of almost boiling water, bring the resulting solution to 10 l and use as a top dressing.
In addition, the bushes spud .Additional roots will form that will provide additional nutrition. Removing the yellowed leaves is another way to reanimate the cucumber bush.
Diseases and their prevention
Information for those who plan to land Herman F1.The variety of cucumbers is susceptible to the fungal infection causing the disease - rust .
Symptoms of the disease:
- yellow spots on the leaf surface at the initial stage;
- brown spots in the acute phase;
- dry leaves and shoots - the result of the disease.
Effects of rust damage - gradual drying of leaves
Preventive measures can help to avoid disease: the first is to form an bush in 1 stem of , remove damaged leaves and stems. The second measure is the June treatment of with Bordeaux liquid ( 1%).
The development of the disease can be stopped at the initial stage( yellow spots).At this time, you can do without chemistry. Boil with boiling water 300 g of ash, let it brew.
To rub 50 g of soap of economic 72%.All mix and add water to the bucket. The resulting solution to spray sick plants in the evenings. Observe the interval between two treatments for about 7 days.
Ash not only fights against infections and pests( aphids, whitefly), but also acts as a fertilizer.
Harvesting and storage rules
Zelentsy need to be collected 1 time in 2 days
Proper collection of Zelentsi 1 time in 2 days is a guarantee of long-term fruiting of Herman cucumbers. Cucumbers 5-7 cm in length are suitable for pickling, 10 cm for pickling and salads.
Fresh fruits can be stored no more than a week.They during this time do not turn yellow and do not lose their presentation. Cleaning is recommended to conduct in the early morning or in the evening .Beam type cucumbers do not break off, but cut with scissors.
Hybrid Herman F1 is a good choice for the summer resident and farmer. This variety guarantees a steady harvest. It is less susceptible to diseases than other types of cucumbers.