Yellow spots on the leaves of tomato seedlings and methods of dealing with them

Everyone who grows tomatoes on his plot, at least once in his life has met with yellowed or drooping leaves. This significantly affects the yield of plants, so the problem must be eliminated immediately. Next, we describe the causes of yellow spots on the seedlings of tomatoes and methods of dealing with these ailments.


  • Causes yellow spots on tomato seedlings
    • poor care
    • Lack of minerals
    • Incorrect
    • lighting pests
  • Why wither and die
  • tomato leaves How to cure the plants in the greenhouse
  • Prevention wilting and yellowing of tomatoes on the windowsill

Causes yellow spots on tomato seedlings

Yellow leaves of tomatoes are a sign that the plant is experiencing stress.

They occur in tomatoes because of: improper care

  1. ;
  2. diseases.

There are several types of yellowness:

  1. several lower yellowed leaves. This happens when transplanting tomatoes. Lower leaflets can curl and dry.
  2. yellow leaves with a blue tint. The cause is hypothermia.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. rapid yellowing of leaves at the bottom of the bush. These are symptoms of a damaged root system.
The leaves begin to turn yellow gradually from the bottom

Poor care

Incorrect care can be attributed to errors in:

  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • illuminated;
  • feeding.

Failure to comply with the irrigation regime can lead to twisted, yellow, drooping leaves. Plants wither and even die. Why does this happen? This is due to an excess or lack of water. Tomatoes need abundant, but rare watering. In the open ground no more than 2 times a week. Volume - 5 liters under one bush. Best before lunch.

Water containers should not be placed in the greenhouse. They create excessive moisture.

Lack of minerals

Yellow leaves can occur due to lack of minerals:

  • with a lack of nitrogen all plants are covered with spots;
  • copper - no spots, but the whole bush loses its color;
  • sulfur - the leaves turn yellow, become hard;Magnesium
  • - small spots;
  • manganese - quick yellowing, rot;Phosphorus
  • - yellowed tip.

Loosening is performed to enrich the roots with oxygen. Too frequent, deep loosening can cause root damage. Depth - no more than 10 cm.

Incorrect lighting

Incorrect lighting - another reason for the yellowed leaves. When sunburn occurs white spots. On hot, sunny days, bushes, seedlings should be pritenyat.

Yellowed leaves on tomato seedlings
Tomato leaves should not be watered. This can lead to sunburn.

Pest Control

Diseases affecting tomatoes can be:

  • fungal;
    • kladoporiosis( yellow-brown, brown spots);
    • fusarium( yellow-green, twisted, sluggish leaves);Phytophtora
    • ( brown spots);
    • gray rot( brown spots, gray scurf);
  • bacterial;
    • bacterial cancer( white spots with black center);
  • viral;
    • tobacco mosaic virus( mosaic, with alternating dark and light green colors);
    • virus curl( yellow on the edges of the sheet).
When the first yellow leaves appear, they must be removed.

In greenhouses, greenhouse problems with tomatoes more. Here, high humidity, high air temperature - excellent conditions for the development of disease. Therefore, watering - no more than once a week.

Why leaves of tomatoes wither and die

Causes of drooping leaves:

  • non-compliance with agricultural practices;
  • disease.
Yellowed leaves of tomato seedlings close-ups

Improper care of plants is:

  1. dense planting;
  2. unsuitable plot;
  3. insufficient, excessive amount of water;
  4. improperly selected ground;
  5. lack of excess sunlight;
  6. overheating, overcooling;
  7. in humid air;
  8. drafts;
  9. improper feeding.

When dense planting seedlings they overshadow each other. There is competition for sunlight. Bushes drawn out. The roots lack space. There is a struggle for water, nutrients. The result is a flaccid bush. Black leg disease may occur.

Fusarium fungal disease causes wilting of tomato leaves. In this case, the roots become red in color, the leaves turn yellow. Diseases can be defeated only at an early stage of development. If the bush can not be cured, it must be removed, burned. Process the land.

With a sufficient amount of water in plants, they are in a state of turgor. The disadvantage is their withering. Too much moisture can lead to rotting of the spine, black leg.

Good lighting is required. Light is needed for photosynthesis. When early planting seedlings in the greenhouse, you can use additional lighting - fluorescent lamps. But do not cover the plant during the day. Some processes in a plant take place only at night.

If the plants are in a greenhouse, the greenhouse air temperature during the day should be no higher than 28oC, at night - 18oC.Optimum - 24 - 26oC.At a temperature of 38-40 ° C, leaves begin to fall. Requires regular airing.

Tomatoes love heat. Cold can cause drooping leaves. At temperatures below 15 ° C, they do not absorb phosphorus, at 10 ° C - nitrogen. Feeding bushes must be balanced.

How to cure plants in the greenhouse

If the tomatoes have wilted, the leaves have turned yellow, first of all it is necessary to establish the cause. Sometimes changing growing conditions help get rid of problems. It is required to adjust the level of watering, feeding, light, temperature.

Wilted leaves on tomato seedlings

Yellowed leaves must be removed, otherwise the plant may begin to fall and die. If there is a shortage of some trace element, you need to feed it with an appropriate fertilizer. For example, starvation is eliminated by spraying with urea.

With sunburns, it is necessary to reduce the amount of sunlight. In the case of seedlings, they can be shaved with the help of paper, closing the glass of the window to it. In the case of improperly selected soil, over-moistening the soil, the tomatoes should be dug out and transplanted into a suitable place, otherwise the seedlings will begin to rot and disappear.

If the cause could not be established, it is possible to treat the tomatoes with copper sulfate( 70 - 80 grams per 10 liters of water).

Tomatoes infected with pests must be treated with the appropriate preparation. The bushes to uproot. Burn it. Land, work equipment, gardener's clothes to process.

Preventing the withering and yellowing of tomatoes on the windowsillOnly the right actions will help gardeners to deal with the problems that have appeared.

Required conditions for growing tomatoes:

  1. is weakly acid, neutral soil;
  2. light day at least 12 hours;
  3. moderate amount of fertilizer;
  4. warm, dry air;
  5. regular airing;
  6. moderate watering.

What conditions are contraindicated for tomatoes:

  1. cold;
  2. high humidity of the soil, air;
  3. heavy, sour soil;
  4. dense planting bushes;
  5. high air temperature;
  6. excess fertilizer.
Tomato seedling care and disease prevention

As a preventive measure, you should regularly loosen the ground under bushes. This contributes to the enrichment of the roots with oxygen. Water does not stagnate under the tomatoes.

When planting, it is recommended to purchase , which are resistant to diseases and pests of the tomato variety. Seeds, soil, planting containers, working equipment at the beginning of the season must be processed.

Distance between seedlings - at least 40 cm. Depending on the variety. During the installation of the greenhouse, greenhouses should provide a ventilation system. It is required to make a crop rotation every year. Tomatoes in the same place can be planted only after 3 - 4 years after the last planting.

In early spring, in late autumn, it is necessary to process the greenhouse and the greenhouse with sulfur blocks. This is done to destroy parasites, pests and diseases( rust, spotting).

Tomatoes can not be planted in the soil, where others were growing earlier.

The causes of wilting, yellow dots on tomatoes can be many. Starting from normal biological aging, transplantation and to serious illness. With proper care, compliance with preventive measures, all these problems can be avoided. Compliance with all norms of agricultural technology will reward a gardener with a bountiful harvest and will help save plantings.

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