Full description and characteristic of a grade of a tomato Bull Heart

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Bullish Heart is a medium late tomato variety. He was bred by the breeders of Agrofirm Poisk LLC.In 2003 it was entered into the State Register of the Russian Federation. Tomatoes are planted in greenhouses, and just at the dacha. Tall bushes need to tie up and remove stepchildren. Consider a full description and description of the variety.


  • Temperature
  • Pollination
  • Shaping the bush
  • Feed
  • Step-by-step order of cultivation in open ground
      • Care Feed
      • Watering
      • Forming Bushes
  • General Information

    Variety Description Bullish Heart

    Shrubs high( 1.4—1.8 m), strong. Tomatoes belong to the giants , since the mass of one fruit can be more than 600 g. However, tomatoes weighing 100 g and fruits are giants can grow on the same bush.

    The peculiarity of the variety is that one bush can produce fruits of various sizes.

    The largest tomatoes grow on the first inflorescences, then they become smaller. The fruit has an irregular shape, similar to the shape of the heart.

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    Characteristics of the variety

    Taste sweet tomatoes with a slight acidity .Ripe tomatoes are not stored for a long time, they are 10-16 days.

    Harvest perspective: from a bush of a bull heart growing in an open area, up to 3.5–5 kg of tomatoes are harvested, and from a bush located in a greenhouse - 8–12 kg.

    Species: pink, yellow, white

    The difference of the Bull heart from other varieties - the variety is divided into subspecies having various colors. In addition to the traditional red fruits( red bullish heart) there are:

    1. Pink , among them the most well-known subspecies of the Bull Heart, which are called: King London, Abakansky.
    2. Maroon - they grow on shaded areas.
    3. Black - tomatoes get this shade when they are planted in sunlit places, the most common subspecies is Black Heart of Brad.
    4. Yellow ( may be confused with orange), the most widely known is the Yellow Brown giant.
    5. White , this subspecies is very rare and it is practically not grown in Russia.

    All these subspecies begin to bear fruit at the same time after the appearance of the first shoots, 120-140 days later, have a similar taste.

    The small differences of the subspecies of the variety are only in the height of the bushes, the mass of fruits. If the tomatoes ripen later, they are oval in shape, conical, and not in the shape of a heart.

    Resistance to diseases and pests

    This type of tomato is quite resistant to diseases and pests , and especially against late blight.

    Agrotechnical cultivation of the variety

    . Sowing tomato seeds.

    . Seeds are sown since March 1.

    First, pour 2/3 of water into a polyethylene bag. After put the package in the freezer. When the water turns into ice, remove the bag, place the ice in a container and defrost to room temperature. Next, pour the seeds into this water. Leave for 12 hours.

    Then make a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dissolving 1 g in half a glass of water. Place the seeds there for 45 minutes. Then rinse them.

    Plant seeds in plastic containers. Place the purchased soil for growing tomatoes with a layer of 3 cm. Pour the soil, put the seeds with tweezers. Indent 2–3 cm between seeds.

    Then use with a pencil and push them into the soil 1–2 cm with .Sprinkle with earth on top. Cover with glass or plastic and place in a warm room. Constantly moisten the earth.
    When the first shoots appear, remove the glass, thin the seedlings. Put the container on the windowsill.
    . You can begin to harden shoots. Periodically place a container with seeds on the loggia for a few hours, where the air temperature is + 8—12 ° C.After you carry it back to the room.

    When a 2-3 leaflet appears, dive the seedling , arrange it in separate plastic cups, placing 1–2 pcs in each.

    Step-by-step order of cultivation in the greenhouse

    When the seedlings reach a height of 20-25 cm, they are transplanted into a greenhouse. This is done in early May.

    A well-lit place for the greenhouse. In the greenhouse, one wall should be raised or windows should be opened, since the greenhouse must be aired frequently.

    Recommended distance between the beds - one meter

    Requires to walk freely between the beds .Tomato seedlings Bull heart is planted, keeping a distance of 1 m between them. Dig holes to a depth of 12-15 cm. Pour a little humus into each well.

    When growing a Bullish Heart in a greenhouse, you can plant deeper seedlings, but so that 4-5 cm remain above the surface and the first leaf. Carefully water the seedlings.

    Tomato care in the greenhouse

    To properly form a crop, conditions must be observed. The air temperature in the greenhouse should be 20-22 ° C.If the sun shines, then just planted plants a little pritenite. You can put mulch in between the rows.


    While tomatoes do not take root and grow, they are not watered. After they begin to water once a week. Pour by 5 - 7 liters per 1 m² .As tomatoes grow, the amount of water increases to 12 liters per 1 m².and in case of heat and fruit ripening - up to 15 liters.

    Watered necessarily early in the morning or late in the evening. Water must be defended. Water under the root so that moisture does not fall on the leaves and stems.

    Tomatoes are picky about the amount of moisture, especially during the hot season.

    .When the heat comes, the windows open on ¼.Air out until that time until the moisture dries.


    The best temperature for growing a Bull Heart is 20-22 ° C, with a temperature of 25 ° C possible during the day and 16-18 ° C at night. The optimum humidity is 65-70%.


    Hand pollinating , taking a brush and transferring pollen from a flower to a flower. Do it in the morning at a temperature of 24-25 ° C and a humidity of 70%.

    Formation of a bush

    Shrubs form into 1 stem. Tie up the bushes 7 days after planting young seedlings in the greenhouse. You can leave the lowest stepson, and cut off the rest when they appear.

    When 7-8 fruit brushes grow, pinch the top of the stem.


    During the season of the plant , feed 3 - 4 times .Mineral fertilizers use in early spring and no later than 2 months before picking vegetables.

    Fertilizing with organic :

    • The first time they are fertilized 2-3 weeks after placing the seedlings in the greenhouse ground. Make a solution, pouring into a ten-liter bucket of water - 0.5 liters of manure, 1 tbsp. Spoons nitrofoski.
    • For another 10 days, dissolve 1 part of chicken manure in 15 parts of water.
    • The third time - dissolve 1 part of the mullein in 10 parts of water.

    Pour approximately 1 liter of solution into a bush.

    Step-by-step procedure for growing in open ground

    The soil is prepared in the fall by the , 4 kg of manure are spread per m², and they are dug up, removing weeds along the way. In the spring, 4 kg of rotted manure are again poured on the ground, 1 tbsp.spoon of potassium chloride, 5 tbsp.spoons of superphosphate for 1 m² and dig.

    Seedlings are placed in the ground at the beginning of June. Seedlings before planting are advised to sprinkle with a solution of 30 g( 90%) of copper oxychloride and a ten-liter bucket of water.



    The first time is fed 10–11 days after placing the seedlings on the garden plot. Take 1 kg of manure, diluted in 10 liters of water. When feeding should be at the same time water the plants.

    It is best to pour a layer of mulch 5 cm thick of pine needles, sawdust or straw onto the ground after the first feeding.

    The second time is fed 10 days after the appearance of the ovaries 1.5 cm in diameter. Prepare a solution of 1 kg of manure, 1 tbsp.spoons of Kemira Universal and ten-liter bucket of water. Under a bush poured 2 liters.

    Last - the third top-dressing of the variety - when collecting the first tomatoes. Make a composition similar to the composition of the second feeding, but poured 2.5 liters under each bush.


    Watering exclusively at the root, it is unacceptable that water gets on the leaves and stems. If the weather is cool, then is watered twice a week. , when it is hot, it is watered more often. Watered early in the morning with distilled water having a temperature of + 24-26 Cº.

    Forming bushes

    At the edges of the beds near each row, drive in stakes 3 m in length so that 0.5 m of stakes are underground. Then, at a height of 30 cm from the soil level, stretch the nylon cord, then tie the stalks of tomatoes to it.

    When the seedlings are still growing, stretch the cord at a height of 60 cm and tie the bushes, and so on.

    Regular garter of the bushes will help them to form correctly.
    You can tie each bush of the Bull Heart separately by hammering a peg near it and tying the bush to the peg. Do not forget to pick off stepchildren.

    Although the Bull's Heart and tomatoes require meticulous care of , but as a result, gigantic-sized tomatoes grow, having a wonderful dessert taste, very sweet.

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