If you use salt, you'll be king in the fall!

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Surprisingly, even ordinary table salt can be used with great benefit in kitchen gardens and cottages with different purposes. It is environmentally and economically.

The use of salt in cottages and gardens

Successfully used sodium chloride

  • to get rid of pests;
  • for fertilizing plants and improving the quality of fruits;
  • to accelerate the process of fruiting.

It is important to remember: an overdose of table salt can bring tremendous harm! Excessive salinity of the soil leads to the death of all life on it.

Getting rid of pests with the help of table salt

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How often do we use the expression "pour salt on the tail" in our speech, without thinking about the true meaning of the phrase. Most often, we mean its figurative meaning. And, nevertheless, these words are true and in their direct meaning.

Fighting moles

The mammals that are digging the land bring a lot of harm to the household. Digging their own passages and burrows, they not only spoil the landscape. By their actions moles violate the structure of the soil, undermine the roots of plants. Therefore, if the owner of the garden or dacha finds out on his plot grown here and there a bunch of land, he immediately begins to take any action with respect to the pests.

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Since ancient times, everyone knows that moles do not like table salt. And other animals that build burrows in the ground: shrews, field mice, ground squirrels, hamsters. Therefore, the best way to banish them from your site is to dig out all the holes of the animals and fill the holes with dry salt, 100 grams per well. Burying them is not necessary - so it will be easier for animals to leave the site where their eyes are looking.

It is not necessary to use salt backfill in vegetable gardens, where vegetable crops grow. For them, surpluses of salt can be fatal. But on the lawns, flower beds and flower beds, this method is very helpful.


Vegetable flies can not tolerate table salt

Therefore, the most effective way to get rid of them will be with the help of sodium chloride. In everyday life it is called "cooking salt."

Seedlings of plants should be watered 3 times every 14 days. The first solution is prepared from the calculation of 300 grams of salt per bucket of water. The second time it is made more concentrated - sodium chloride is taken already in the ratio of 450 to 10000. And finally you need to dissolve in water 600 grams per 10 liters.

A bow struck by a midge.

As for onions, this watering will help to cure it from yellowing of feathers. Do not rot the harvest by the end of summer. In fact the reason of these troubles just and is onion midwife against which this technique works.

Just remember that before the procedure, as well as immediately after it, the beds are well spilled with clean water. And still avoid getting the solution on the stems and leaves of onions. But spraying the tops of carrots will save it from the invasion of slugs.

By the way, onions before planting can be soaked for half a day in a bucket of water, where 200 grams of table salt is dissolved. This will increase its germination, relieve many diseases.

Healthy onion on the bed

Anthills in the garden - not good!

Watching everything alive in nature is commendable. We all used to think that you can not destroy anthills. But what if these industrious insects settled right in the middle of a site with crops or near a recreation area? Not everyone tolerates such a neighborhood.

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In order not to kill insects, but simply to force them to move to another place, you can sprinkle salt on an anthill. The deaths of the residents of the ant town will be avoided in this way, but they probably will not like it.

Feeding of plants by table salt

Before embarking on this procedure, it should be understood that sodium chloride is an indirect fertilizer.

A solution of table salt can only improve the process of dissolution in the soil of nutrients, which are then assimilated by plants in a larger volume. Such a procedure is especially effective on poor sandy soils.

Extra nutrition with salt of fruit trees and berries

Even in the XIX century, members of the Berlin Horticultural Society used a surprisingly simple, very effective method of cultivating land near plants. It was used to increase the fruiting of trees and improve the taste of berries and fruits.

Gardeners simply sprinkled the trunk of the plants with salt. The result was excellent! On the advice of experts, it is best to conduct the procedure in the early spring, when snow still remains under the trees, but you can do it in late autumn.

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The application of this method was described in the Agricultural Newspaper in 1884. And to this day many gardeners successfully use it.

A row of root crops "podlit" - yield a good harvest!

Ogorodniki, who already had time to use this advice, argue that the beet, which before salted water gave not sweet fruit, surprised the owner with its sugariness and red color. The solution for the procedure is prepared from the calculation of 35-50 grams per bucket of water.

A good watering effect produces on carrots and radishes. Only for radishes should be made a solution of lower concentration. One tablespoon of salt per bucket is enough.

And more important to remember: pour a solution of sodium chloride, vegetables should not be under the root, but in the grooves, located 10 cm from plants.

Salvage of tomato harvest with salt

If the signs of late blight suddenly appear on tomatoes, you can, of course, resort to the treatment of bushes, apply chemicals. But there is an option easier and cheaper.

Spraying plants with a solution of common salt in water in the ratio: 0 will cause the tomatoes to discard all the leaves. After this, all the forces of the plant will be thrown on the fruit ripening. The film, which is formed on tomatoes due to spraying, will stop the development of the disease further.

Should follow this rule: if in one year or so in the garden was used the method of salt watering, then in autumn in the soil must be introduced an increased amount of organic.

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