When the master's business is just a pipe ...

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A man of business will find a talented application for everything. He will even be able to adapt plastic pipes in his dacha so creatively that an experienced designer envies him. And the gardener will certainly say "thank you".

And why plastic pipes?

Today, everyone is trying to use the stuff with profit. Especially it concerns plastic debris.

Plastic practically does not decompose, clogging our planet. But this is a real dignity! Items from it can serve an eternity to man.

Also from the useful qualities worth noting the strength of plastic pipes, sufficient ease in processing them, light weight and relatively low cost. And if the cutting of plastic pipes and fittings remained after repair in the apartment, then providence itself suggests that they need to be used with advantage for themselves.

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Plastic beds in the suburban area

Pipes can be installed on the ground vertically, cutting previously in them holes for plants. Inside the obtained vertical "beds" pour the soil.

Very unusual and beautiful look like the same pipes installed at an angle to the surface of the earth. If from above these beds are joined at one point and form a corner arch, then inside you will get an original gazebo, in which there will always be a pleasant shade in the summer.

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Sometimes "beds" of pipes are installed horizontally.

You can do this on one level or with a ladder.


An interesting variant of the location of "beds" steps.

By the way, with this method you can also achieve the effect of the corner arch. It is enough to arrange the steps asymmetrically.

Raised above the ground beds of plastic pipes have many advantages:

  1. They do not freeze even when night frosts come.
  2. Specially selected soil protects crops from various fungal diseases, invasion of pests living in the soil.
  3. Such beds are easy to process, as it is not required to tilt.
  4. A multi-tiered and vertical vegetable garden of pipes takes up less space, so you can grow more crops.
  5. If necessary, such a garden can be moved to another place, covered with a removable hood, turning it into a greenhouse or protecting it from hail, heavy rains, hurricane winds. Having erected a hood from the net, the owner will not let the birds spoil the fruits.
  6. For the winter, you can clean the beds in the shed or put them in the greenhouse, if they grow perennial plants that do not tolerate severe frost.

Plastic pipes protect plants

From whom and from what protection of garden and garden crops is needed, every summer resident knows. Damage to plants can and spring cold, and wild birds, and domestic living creatures.

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Therefore, craftsmen build a greenhouse of plastic pipes. They will serve as a good protection for seedlings and seedlings from frosts in early spring.

It is very convenient to make plastic fencing from goats, dogs, cats. It is enough to pull the net between the posts.

Cuttings of large diameter pipes will be an excellent protection for low plants from chickens, geese, turkeys and ducks.

And some also skillfully use them to create a charming scarecrow.

Although it is more appropriate to define garden figures.

And if this fruit of imagination does not scare anyone, then at least it will give pleasure to contemplate a man-made work of art to guests and neighbors.

Watering system

Plastic is not afraid of moisture, contact with the ground, low and high air temperatures. Therefore, it is very advantageous to build a system of watering crops from what remains at hand after repairs. Use for this, both trimming plastic pipes, and fittings.

By organizing point watering, you can save much water and do not care about the fact that the plants will wither in the garden during the absence of the owners at the dacha.

Convenient buildings in the country of plastic pipes

Surprisingly, some people manage to make luxurious fences from improvised materials. Of course, they will not be able to protect themselves from robbers and invasion of large livestock, but to show good people where private estates begin, in a state.

Read also:How to make flower beds from large pipes

A tasteful "lace" arch seems to indicate how hospitable and benevolent the owners of this dacha are.

If the arches of plastic pipes pull a dark fabric, you get a gazebo to relax.

Using water-repellent material, the master easily builds a carport.

Furniture from plastic pipes

Putting their imagination and skills on, craftsmen create real masterpieces from trash. For example, from scraps of pipes you get comfortable and beautiful outdoor benches, chairs and tables for a rest zone.

If you try a little, you will be able to build chairs and chairs, which will not be a shame to put inside the cottage. And if you want, you can also make tables, beds and sofas.

It is possible to make of plastic pipes and a portable stand under the garden stock. It will be easy and convenient.

Truncated pipes are fastened to the wall. So we get creative shelves for small things, shoes, newspapers. In the economic block, these devices help to keep tools in order.

How to make a stand for tools made of plastic pipes and fittings

Of course, here is a far from complete list of crafts that can be made from plastic pipes. Therefore, the readers have such a request: share here their ideas, successful options for using what is commonly called junk!

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