All experienced poultry farmers know that during the cultivation of poultry it is necessary to monitor its health. Mandatory for normal development and for maintaining health, birds from a young age need to be given vitamin preparations that are intended for the full growth and development of individuals .These drugs include chictonic. This tool is in great demand among many farmers because it has good properties. Before you start using this tool, you need to familiarize yourself with its features and instructions for use, which will be discussed below.
Table of Contents
- For which diseases is it used?
- What are the dosages of chictonics
- How to apply to chicks?
- chicken
- For goslings
- For turkeys
- For other birds
- Instructions for use for the adult birds for broilers
- For other
- Side effects Contraindications
- Pharmacological properties
Which diseases apply?
Chiktonik is a prebiotic. Thanks to this tool, the digestive microflora returns to normal. Means of this type provide
maintaining the optimal balance of intestinal microflora , and change it if necessary.The main indications for taking chictonics:
- For saturation of the body with vitamins , useful components;
- Under stress and unbalanced diet;
- Often give before vaccination ;
- Give to birds after poisoning with toxic substances ;
- During a long reception of antibiotic ;
- For to enhance growth and development of chicks;
- In the period of active growth young individuals.

The following indicators are provided with this preparation :
- Improvement of bird tone;
- Improved pen cover quality ;
- improves appetite ;
- Normalizes the work of the urogenital system and gastrointestinal tract ;
- Increases egg production ;
- It has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of birds .
What are chictonic dosages
Chiktonik, like gammatonic, is taken orally, is diluted in drinking water .At 1 liter add 1-2 ml of premix. This solution is watered for 5 days. For convenience of reception, many poultry farmers use auto-drinkers.

On large poultry farms before vaccination or before the start of a situation that can stress the bird, premix is bred in large quantities - 1 liter of product per ton of water .Usually this solution is given 3 days before the start of a stressful situation and 3 days after it. If the owner needs to transport or transplant young individuals, the drug is given in the same doses( 1-2 ml per 1 liter of water) 2 days before the intended event and the next 3 days.
The drug can be given in conjunction with other drugs and food additives, the interaction of the drug with them is not revealed.
How to apply for chicks?
For chickens
Chiktonik for chickens is an essential tool to ensure the full growth and development of the body. Unlike adults, chicks have a weak immune system and have almost no resistance to various diseases. To increase the protective functions of the body, starting from the age of 7 days, chickens are given chicks.

The following indicators are provided in chickens at the expense of the drug :
- The body’s resistance to the effects of on infectious and viral diseases increases;
- Improves skin and plumage of young ;
- Saturation of the body with essential vitamins and with nutrients from food;
- Improved tonus and appetite .
For chickens, the drug is taken using the oral route. Add it to drinking water. It can be given in two ways: - 1 ml per 100 ml of water or 1 ml per 1 liter of water. Many veterinarians advise giving it at a dosage of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. They argue that if the reception is carried out in this dosage, the absorption of the drug increases, and there is no overdose. The drug is given for 5-7 days, but not more than .
For goslings
Chiktonik for goslings is used to improve the protective functions of the body , enhance immunity. In addition, the tool normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and also normalizes the work of the urinary tract.
In addition, starting with the 7-day-old goslings, the drug is given to promote health, ensure full development and growth. The tool provides good absorption of nutrients and nutrients from food.

The drug is given together with water. In 1 liter diluted with 1 ml of the product. This solution is watered chicks. The duration of receiving is from 5 to 7 days, but not more.
For turkey poults
Turkey poults, unlike goslings and chickens, are rather weak and are more susceptible to the effects of various diseases. The use of chictonics for poults must be started at the age of 7 days, , and sometimes they begin to be used from 4-5 days of life of the chicks.
Thanks to chiktoniku turkeys normalizes microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to various viral and infectious diseases. It enhances growth, accelerates the digestibility of vitamins, amino acids and useful components of the body of young. Medium improves the quality of leather and feathers .
According to the instructions of the , chictonic is diluted in drinking water. In 1 liter of water is added 1 ml of funds. The solution is given once a day for about 5-7 days.
For other birds,
For young of other species of birds, - ducks, quails, pigeons, the use of chictonics is a prerequisite for normal development and growth. In addition, it is needed to maintain the normal state of the gastrointestinal microflora and urinary system. Thanks to this component, the chicks receive nutrients, vitamins, amino acids from food, which are necessary for the full development of the young body.
Chicks started to give chicks from the 7 day old .It is also given along with water. To 1 liter of water add 1 ml of the product. Reception period is 5-7 days at most.
Instructions for use for adult birds
For broilers
Chiktonik for broilers is necessary to implement important conditions for the normal functioning of the , namely:
- Increased protective functions of the body's ;
- Normalization of microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system ;
- Improving for skin quality of and feathers;
- Beneficial effect on reproductive system of ;
- Improved appetite ;
- Increased egg production ;
- Helps with stressful situations ;
- Be sure to use before vaccination;
- This means increases the absorption of vitamins, amino acids, nutrients and nutrients from food;
- Metabolism Normalization .

Therefore, this tool must be given to broilers .It is diluted with water. For adult birds dilute the solution according to the following scheme - 2 ml per 1 liter of water. This solution is given within 5-7 days.
For other
For other types of poultry - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, the purpose of this tool is the same. It is designed to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital system. Enhances protective functions, strengthens the immune system, provides the body with the absorption of useful and nutrients from food, and also improves the skin and feather cover. And this is of course not all of its properties. Therefore, the use of chictonics for adult birds is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of individuals.

Chiktonik give with water. For adults, dilute 2 ml of the drug in 1 liter of water. The period of taking the solution should be 5 to 7 days.
Side Effects
With proper compliance with dosages and rules for the administration of the premix , side interactions do not occur. The tool is not new and it has passed all the tests in the laboratory, so we can definitely say that it is safe for the health of the bird.
There are practically no contraindications for this remedy. Sometimes it is not recommended to give the drug if individual intolerance or sensitivity of the organism to the components of the premix arise on it. Chickens laying hens should be given this remedy, because it increases egg production.
Pharmacological Properties of
In appearance, Chictonic has the appearance of a dark brown liquid , which is contained in small glass bottles. This tool is included in the prebiotic group. Prebiotics ensure the normalization of the gut microflora of the body of the bird.

Chiktonik is a useful feed additive, which consists of the following substances:
- Tryptophan;
- Lysine;
- Tryptophan;
- Lysine;
- Methionine;
- Choline chloride;
- Retinol;
- Tocopherol;
- Phenylalanine;
- Tyrosine;
- Isoleucine;
- Leucine;
- Valin;
- Colecalciferol;
- Menadione;
- Thiamine;
- Riboflavin;
- Pyridoxine;
- Sodium Pantothenate;
- Cyanocobalamin;
- Biotin;
- Inositol;
- Cystine;
- Histidine;
- Arginine;
- Aspartic acid;
- Threonine;
- Serin.
The following indicators are provided due to the vitamin-complex composition:
- Regulation of ratio of biologically active compounds , which enter the body of individuals;
- All benefits and nutrients are replenished;
- Normalizes metabolism ;
- Strengthen the immune system and increase the protective functions of the body;
- The increases and increases the body mass of the in young individuals;
- In laying hens, increases egg production ;
- Increases the body's resistance to stressful situations ;
- Improves the performance of the reproductive system ;
- Reduced fetal mortality ь;
- The quality of the skin and feather cover of the is increased.
Chiktonik does not have a toxic effect on the organism of warm-blooded animals .It belongs to low-hazard substances and at elevated dosages does not have an embryotoxic, teratogenic and sensitizing effect.

The full development of poultry is the key to obtaining a high number of individuals. Therefore, when growing poultry must necessarily use the drug chictonic .Due to it, it is possible to increase the protective functions of the body, strengthen the immune system, improve the health of individuals. This drug is a prerequisite for the full life of poultry.