When choosing cucumber seeds, preference is given to early-ripening species, which are distinguished by good yield and resistance to adverse weather conditions, diseases and pests. The listed qualities correspond to the Mash cucumber variety.
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Description and characteristics of the Mash cucumber variety( Masha)
The shrubs are formed with a powerful branched stem and thick greens. Each branch with proper care gives an average of 5 fruits. Grade Masha is suitable for greenhouses and cultivation in open ground .
According to the description, Masha's cucumbers( Maria, Masha) in mature form have a dark green color, the shape is cylindrical with dense skin. The length of the fetus reaches 8-10 cm with a maximum weight of up to 90 grams. Vegetable diameter 3-3.5 cm.
Taste characteristics are soft and lack of bitterness .From 1 m2 remove 11 kg of fruit, which indicates a good yield.
Hybrid of cucumbers Masha F1 ( Our Masha F1) was bred in 2000 by Dutch breeders. The rightholder is the company MONSANTO HOLLAND B.V.

. Advantages and disadvantages of
. When breeding cucumbers, breeders aimed at to obtain a hybrid resistant to weather whims, diseases and pests .
Among other advantageous qualities of the hybrid:
- early ripening;
- scab immunity;
- weak susceptibility of flour dew, mosaic;
- the ability to independently carry out pollination without the aid of insects, humans;
- simple agrotechnical rules;
- high yield.
If cultivation involves transplanting seedlings, then it is worth considering the fact of weak development of the root system in seedlings.
Hybrid Masha, as well as other varieties, are prone to overriding quickly. Therefore, the fruit should be harvested daily, so that the harvest removed from the beds should have a marketable appearance.

Soil requirements for planting
Soil preparation should be started in advance, better in the fall. Manure, wood ash and nitrophores( 3 buckets / 3 cups / 100 grams per square meter) are applied to the plot of the planned cucumber beds of .
If the autumn work on enriching the soil with nutrients was not performed, in early spring on the site of future plantings spread manure with a thin layer and cover it with fertile soil( pad at least 20 cm).
An alternative is to introduce an mixture of ash and superphosphate to the site( 1 cup / 2 tablespoons per 1 m2).
If there is humus, you can add it in the amount of 1 bucket per 1 m2.Complete the procedure of watering future beds with a solution of sodium humate( 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

When growing seedlings, a substrate is used that includes: peat, sand, humus, and leaf earth( all components are taken in equal parts).It is advisable to pour the resulting mixture with boiling water and leave for 5 minutes in an oven preheated to 200-250 °.
This treatment ensures the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and larvae of pests that are dangerous for a new crop.
The soil for cucumbers should be light and non-acidic. The plot with high groundwater storage will not work.
Cucumber seeds and sowing rules
The Masha variety is considered universal due to self-pollination; therefore, can be sown both in greenhouse conditions and in the open ground .Sowing works are carried out at a stable temperature regime of + 14 ° C and above.
Spring weather is full of surprises, the probability of frost is still high. Reinsure can be the shelter of crops at night with plastic film. This will protect the seeds and seedlings from freezing.
Whatever cultivation method is chosen, it is necessary to prepare seed material before seeding. For disinfection, should be immersed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes .
If the seeds have an unusual bright color , then they have already been processed in the factory, as can be seen from the information on the label.
Seeds should be sorted and sorted before preparation. Damaged and weak copies are removed, the sense from them will still be small.
After soaking, the grains are washed in clean water and the is wrapped in a wet wipe for sprouting .The process takes 4-5 days. It is important to prevent drying of the fabric.

Cucumbers are grown in two ways: seeds and seedlings.
Seeding in open ground is performed in the second half of May, .5 plants are planned for 1 square meter.
The location of the holes with the horizontal method of cultivation( the spreading of the lashes along the ground) is planned according to the 60x80 cm scheme, with the vertical( on the trellis) 100x20 cm. The depth of immersion of the seeds is 2-3 cm.
With a seedling growing method, the first fruits can be obtained earlier than .Seeding in separate containers is done at the end of April( 1 grain per separate capacity).
The main conditions for a good and fast growing of seeds are sufficient moisture, lightness, temperature conditions, which vary depending on the stage of development of the shoots.
Before emergence above the surface of the substrate, heat up to 28 ° is necessary. After sprouts appear, the temperature drops to 18 °.
Planting seedlings should be carefully , transferring it along with the substrate to the well. The root system is not developed at this stage, any mechanical action can destroy the escape.

care In general, the agricultural machinery of Masha is not complicated, there is no need for special treatments. The care involves standard procedures for dressing, irrigation, weeding and loosening.
Watering the plant should be every 1-2 days , depending on the intensity of drying of the soil.
It is ideal to use sprinkling, you can expose the root part with a lot of pressure, which will cause the culture to rot. Irrigation in the grooves, drip system.
After irrigation, the soil should be mulched with to prevent rotting of ripening fruits.

When and how to feed
If the soil has been properly prepared, then should be fed at the beginning of flowering and after every 10 days .
For this purpose, organic and ready-made complex fertilizers are used, which can be alternated.
From organics, is most commonly used with mullein infusions( 1:10), bird droppings( 1:25) or nettle( 1: 5).Wood ash( 1-2 cups) is added to the prepared solution. The application rate of nutrients is 500 ml under 1 bush.
is suitable from ready fertilizers: Agricola for cucumbers( 25 g. Per 10 l of water), Fertika Lux( 20 g. Per 10 l of water), BioMaster for cucumbers( 25 g. Per 10 l of water), etc.
prikormki not used, should be entered in liquid form after watering .

The tool should not be dug deep into the ground, so as not to damage the root system.
It is also useful to pile up the bushes .To form a bush, increasing the number of lashes, it is recommended to pinch the top over the fifth leaf.
How to properly form cucumbers:
Errors when growing
Often, gardeners, not taking into account the characteristics of the crop, make gross errors that can affect the crop .
Among the main ones:
- , when choosing a sowing date, be guided not by a temperature indicator, but by the church calendar;
- to break the beds annually in the same place;
- to thicken the beds;
- abolish all types of treatments when buying hybrids and rely only on plant immunity;
- to refuse complex fertilizers for the purpose of growing organic crop.
Diseases and their prevention
The Masha variety is resistant to many diseases and pests , however, it is not worth neglecting regular control and prevention.
When detecting the first signs, you need to quickly recognize the cause of the problem and carry out processing to localize the lesion.
The main enemies of cucumbers are:
- root rot;
- powdery mildew;
- white rot;
- spider mite;
- aphid;
- slugs.
As a preventive measure, the following measures are recommended:
- , after sowing, cover the beds with a film to maintain the temperature;
- before planting process seeds, disinfect the soil;
- at the edges of the seedling sprinkle crushed eggshells, it will block the access of the slugs to the plant.

Harvesting and storage rules
You need to harvest the fruits regularly( every day) to prevent over-ripening. Frequent harvesting speeds up the fruiting process.
When removing cucumbers use force is not worth it, you can harm the lash. Fruit picking starts on the 37-39th day after planting seeds.
This is very convenient for those who grow hybrid for sale.
To obtain a generous harvest, you must follow the basic rules of growing vegetables. Timely care and prevention significantly reduces the risk of death of the fruit due to disease or pests.
And although the variety Masha is considered unpretentious and resistant to external factors, , it is necessary to pay attention to the beds.