The annual use of land for cultivation of various crops greatly exhausts the soil, significantly reduces its fertility. There are many ways to fill the nutrient deficiency in it, the most popular crop is syderat. But how and when to sow, when to dig in, Can it be planted in autumn or better still in spring? The answers to these questions you will find below.
Table of contents
- What is siderates
- Pros and cons of landing
- Types of siderates and the rules for their planting
- Radish oilseed
- Rye is annual
- Phacelia for good soil
- Rapeseed winter and spring as a fertilizer
- Application of mustard in spring and autumn
- Oats in the winter in the garden
- When you can sow lupine
- Wheat podzimnya in October
- Comparison table of siderates with sowing time
What is siderates
Ciderates are plants that have the ability to restore the soil structure, enriching it with valuable trace elements, without which the normal vegetation of any fruit culture is impossible.
The peculiarity of plant nurses is that in a short period of time it is possible to obtain a unique green fertilizer, rich in useful substances:
- nitrogen;
- calcium;
- zinc;
- magnesium;
- iron and many others. other
After the disease and parasites were found on the seasonal bed, it is absolutely necessary to carry out soil rehabilitation. The use of siderates for this purpose is an affordable and simple means.
Pros and cons of landing
Assess the benefits of syderate crops by their useful properties:
- the use of plant nurses for soil sanitation represents a natural process, which indicates safety;
- restoration of fertility and improvement of structure occurs in just a few months (before the decomposition of the green mass);
- prevention of erosion;
- the form of the fertilizer is acceptable for microorganisms living in the soil environment;
- siderates suppress the growth of weed grass;
- deeply penetrating root system of cultures makes the soil loose, thereby increasing its air and moisture permeability;
- grown syderaty simply dig through the site, the need for their collection, transportation, distribution of the bed is no longer necessary;
- cultivation of the land with green fertilizers clears from harmful bacteria, spores, larvae of pests and the parasites themselves.
In the discussions of truck farmers there are also negative reviews about the use of sideratnyh plants. For example, when planting a sweet clover, the shoots germinate for several years. This is due to the fact that this culture is a long-term one, so it will not be possible to remove the grass in one year. Someone considers this harm and gives preference to annual grasses.
The recommendation in this case is one - before sowing it is necessary to get acquainted with the characteristics of the siderata, and only then make a decision about its use.
If you reach out to the formation of seeds, you will not be able to obtain a qualitative fertilizer. The stems are rusty at this stage. Therefore, it is important not to miss the period when the flowering begins, when the plant is filled with the maximum amount of micronutrients and preserves the delicate structure of the stems and foliage.
.Types of siderates and the rules for their planting
Radish oilseed
The culture is honey, fodder, and also used as a green fertilizer.Grass enriches the soil with humus and organic.The presence of essential oils in the composition provides a deterrent effect from pests and fungal diseases. Radish Maslenica is used in the fight against wireworm and nematode.
Cut greens for use as a fertilizer should be for 5-7 weeks of vegetation. Autumn cleaning should be completed 2 weeks before the soil freezes.Closure in the ground better shovel or cultivator.
Rye is annual
One of the popular plant nurses in the cottage is rye. Culture is unpretentious to the type of soil, withstands arid weather.Simple agrotechnics is supplemented with useful sideratical properties:
- facilitates dense soils;
- suppresses weeds;
- oppresses fungal spores, helps to get rid of nematodes;
- increases the fertility of the soil.
Sowing is planned from the end of August to the 20th of September. The green mass builds up quickly, forming thick bushes.When the height of the greenery reaches 15-20 cm, the above-ground part is cut off and grounded.
Phacelia for good soil
Phacelia has not only an attractive appearance, but it also has the ability to lighten heavy soils, enrich them with valuable microelements.A feature of the plant is considered to be good compatibility with almost all the garden crops, so after cutting the greens can be planted all.
Sowing works are produced in spring or after harvesting (until the end of August). Some truck farmers plant a phacelia under the winter. For the cultivation of green fertilizer suitable for any type of soil, flowers grow even on scanty nutrients in the rocky terrain.
Features of the plant:
- increases the fertility of the soil;
- prevents erosion;
- drives away pests;
- purifies the environment from harmful bacteria and spores.
Rapeseed winter and spring as a fertilizer
Among the main advantageous characteristics of rape is the ability to suppress weed grass, improve the soil structure, saturating it with useful trace elements.
The spring variety is desirable to plant in late March or early April. The cut is produced after 35-45 days. Winter rape is planted from August to the end of October.Cut the elevated part until the beginning of flowering.
When planting with carrots, vegetable crops show an increase in yield and quality of root crops.
.Application of mustard in spring and autumn
Ciderat copes well with cleaning the soil from scab, late blight, black leg, etc. diseases. The plant, thanks to the content of essential oils, repels pests (nematode, wireworm, etc.). Mustard grows on almost any soil, quickly forming a green mass.
After embedding the soil is enriched with phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, etc. microelements.You can sow the plant on the beds at any time. Cut must be in the initial stage of flowering until the formation of pods and immediately smell.
Oats in the winter in the garden
The culture improves the soil structure, enriches with nutrients, suppresses the growth of weed grass. Resistance to cold allows sowing, starting from March to November. ЗHelium mass is increased on average for 5-7 weeks, after which it is cut and embedded in the ground.
When growing for the winter digging is not done.
When you can sow lupine
Culture belongs to the family of legumes, as a siderata used since ancient times. It is especially effective to apply the plant on dense soils.
Lupine makes them loose, rich in potassium, nitrogen and other nutrients.After the introduction of green fertilizer, it is ideal to plant cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes. Corrosion of green mass is produced when it reaches a month old. A feature of lupine is its ability to reduce the acidic environment in the soil.
Wheat podzimnya in October
An excellent option for improving the soil is the landing of winter wheat pzvimney in the country. Its powerful root system structures dense ground, the green mass is saturated with nitrogen, calcium and other nutrients. Because of the properties that dry up the ground, it is recommended to sow wheat in combination with other siderates.
Sowing is planned for autumn.In the spring, before landing the main crop (for 2-4 weeks), the land needs to be dug.
Comparison table of siderates with sowing time
Comparative analysis of siderates | ||||||
Name |
pros |
Minuses |
Timingplanting |
The schemesowing |
Readinesstomowing |
Normseed (gr.) onweave |
Mustard |
reduces the leaching of minerals, loosens the lower layer of the earth, excellent honey, releases hardly soluble phosphates |
Can not be planted before planting cruciferous, plant seeds attract birds | March-August |
rows, depth of closing 3 cm, between rows - 20 cm |
, months |
300-400 |
Lupine |
penetrates deep into the soil, loosens it, reduces acidity | grows poorly on neutral and alkaline soils, likes loosening | April |
rows, the width of the aisle is 20 cm, the depth of the closure is 2-4 cm | , months |
300 |
Winter wheat | effectively removes weeds, enriches the soil with nutrients | not used before cereal harvesting, attracts a wireworm | august-october |
the spreading depth, 3-4 cm depth |
height of greenery 15-20 cm |
2000 |
Oats |
loosens the soil, enriches with nitrogen, calcium, grows on any sites, good compatibility with most garden crops |
scant volume of green mass, exacting to watering, heat intolerance | early spring |
rows or scatter, depth of immersion 2-3 cm |
1 month |
1500-2000 |
Rapeseed (winter / spring) |
Weeds, improves the soil structure, quickly grows greens |
is cut off at the age of not later than 7 weeks, so accumulates toxins in it as it grows | March-August |
sprawl, depth of immersion in soil 3-4 cm |
1 month |
200 |
Phacelia |
excellent honey, suppresses the nematode, enriches with nitrogen, suppresses the growth of weeds | high cost of seeds | March-August |
rows, depth of sealing 2-4 cm | 1 month |
120 |
Radish oilseed |
suppresses the growth of weeds, cleans the soil of diseases, nematodes, improves the structure |
low nitrogen content in biomass, can not be planted before planting cabbage | april-august |
sow rows, depth of closing 3-4 cm, between rows - 15 cm | , -2 months |
200 |
Rye |
Suppresses weeds, improves soil structure, suppresses harmful microorganisms |
the plant loves moisture, so it sears hard, planting it better in regions where there are no problems with precipitation | from August 25 to September 20 |
scatter or in rows, depth of closing 3 cm |
after the formation of green mass |
2500 |
It is very important when choosing a syderat for the garden to take into account its influence on the crops that are planned to be planted on healthy soil.