How to plant lettuce seeds in open ground

Leaf lettuce is included in the diet of therapeutic and dietary foods, due to the rich vitamin composition. To please yourself and your loved ones with delicious, and most importantly healthy dishes, you can, if you plant the crop on the garden plot or directly on the window sill.

With proper care and proper agricultural practices, even a novice can sow and grow lettuce.

Contentswhat scheme can you sow seeds

Terms of planting lettuce seeds in open ground

Planted lettuce in the garden every 2 weeks , taking a fresh crop throughout the heatabout the season. Terms of sowing are determined taking into account the characteristics of the variety.

Among the proposed varieties there are plants of different vegetation periods: early ripening, mid-ripening and late . culture matures in 25-50 days .

Planting work begins in early spring when night temperatures reach positive values. In the middle lane, this time falls for April - early May .According to the lunar calendar, the so-called tops, to which the salad belongs, land on the growing moon.

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Growing leaf and head lettuce is possible in several ways:

  • seedlings;
  • seed.
Romain cultivar cultivated only in seedlings.
Romaten lettuce is cultivated by the

seedling method. The beds are organized by outdoors, in a greenhouse, and even on an sill. The seedling method is more suitable for regions with a harsh climate and in cases where there is a desire to get an early harvest.

Springtime is characterized by inconsistent weather, and a high probability of night frost. Seedlings should be planted on an open bed when the threat of frost penetration of young shoots is past.

The seedling method allows you to get an early harvest, which is ahead of the usual terms by 3-4 weeks .

The most popular varieties of lettuce for growing at the cottage

A variety of varieties will satisfy the needs and desires of the pickiest gardener. And for those who are just beginning to master the technology of growing vegetables, it is recommended to purchase proven varieties.


Lettuce Azart

Azart is a plant of medium early maturity with the growing season 64 days .The size of the fan-shaped sheet is quite large, the edge has a characteristic waviness. The structure of the greenery gentle semi crispy. The bush reaches a height of 25-27 cm, outlet diameter is 30-32 cm.

The weight of a head of a medium size is 250 g .Boarding dates: April-May .

After the emergence of shoots in the formation phase of the first leaf, thinning the beds is performed, leaving an interval between shoots of 5-7 cm. After 2 weeks, the extra shoots are removed by selecting the underdeveloped ones. The distance between the remaining - 25-30 cm.

Features of culture: a positive reaction to fertilizing and watering, but do not abuse food. Excess water leads to decay of the roots.


Dubrava Salad

Vegetation period lasts 65-80 days .Variety refers to the oily variety of lettuce. Mature shrub is characterized by a large size and semi upright shape. Yellowish-green sheets have a folded surface, but the structure is delicate. At the height and taste.

Benefits of Dubrava: resistance to gray rot and edge burn .

We recommend planting at the beginning of May according to the following scheme: 25x30 cm, seed depth 2 cm. Productivity from 1 m2 reaches 2-2.5 kg.


Appearance of lettuce is similar to white cabbage. The leaves during the formation of going to the core, forming a ball. The color of juicy crunchy greens has a whitish hue. The plant is weighty, large specimens reach 1 kg ( average 300-600 gr.).

Iceberg Lettuce

Technical ripeness of culture begins in 75-90 days .A special feature of Iceberg is resistance to chaff and downy mildew. Grade value: high commodity and taste, a long period of storage of a fresh product( up to 3 weeks).

Romain Gelbus

The culture of average aging, the growing season lasts 85-90 days .Oblong leaves grow strictly vertically. The structure of the greenery is crisp, but gentle on perception. The popularity of the variety is due to a very pleasant taste and juiciness.

The variety is very demanding for irrigation, it is impossible to prevent the soil from drying out, the plant will wither. Crop feature: high and stable yield ( 1-2.2 kg per 1 m2).

What soil does the plant like?

? The culture responds well to fertilized soil with drainage, which is enriched with the mineral additives .If the medium is acidified, it must be neutralized by introducing dolomite flour or chopped lime.

The place to plant is chosen. The is well lit and ventilated by , but without drafts. Culture grows well in scattered penumbra. If there is a choice between a hill and a lowland, then preference is given to a hill. This reduces the risk of decay of the root system.

A well-ventilated and lighted place is selected for planting salad

How to prepare a bed for sowing

The soil must be prepared beforehand. In autumn, it is appropriate to enrich the future bed of with humus. And in the spring, 2-3 weeks before planting, the land is re-dug up again and mineral fertilizers are applied, in particular potassium salt, ammonium sulphate, superphosphate, etc.

peat, humus, compost, wood ash.

Preparation should begin in the fall, making fertilizer when digging the ground. In the spring, the landing site must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water.

Before sowing, you need to level the ground well, break all any large lumps with a rake. The lettuce loves loose soils, which is why relieves dense land with peat, river sand and humus.

Proper seed preparation before planting

For planting, select high-quality seeds with a high germination rate of ( at least 80%).

Lettuce Seeds

Initially, the seed is calibrated: healthy and undeformed specimens are selected from the total. Sorting also includes the rejection of small grains.

As practice shows, shoots sprouted from them are weak and small. The size of the seeds complicates the task, so gardeners use this method:

  • to prepare solution of salt( 3-5%);
  • pour seeds into them and leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • surfaced grains; remove ( those that remained at the bottom are considered suitable);
  • gently drain and rinse the remaining seeds under running water through a sieve.

After drying, seeds should be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Before sowing, it is worth checking the seeds for germination.

To do this, select a few pieces of each class and wrap them in a damp napkin. If after 1-2 days the seeds have spiked, you can plant them into the soil and count the number of sprouts.

The spring period is characterized by a deficiency of vitamins and valuable microelements for any person, so the early harvest will be good, and most importantly a useful addition to the table. will help speed up the development of lettuce soaking seeds in the nutrient fluid.

The following fertilizers are recommended for this:

  • Ideal( teaspoon per liter of water);
  • Epin( 2 drops in 100 ml of water);
  • Epin-Extra( 30 drops in a glass of water).
Soaking seeds in Épinay will help accelerate the growth of lettuce

Other drugs suitable for are also suitable for stimulating the growth of plants.

According to which scheme it is possible to sow

seeds. There are several schemes for planting lettuce, an option is chosen depending on the characteristics of the variety. Summer residents who own small plots of land, manage to sow the plant in the rows, along the fence, between the beds of vegetable crops.

A few days before planting, the soil is abundantly moistened with the subsequent loosening procedure.

The bed is formed by in the loose way and ordering by .The interval stipulated by the salad planting scheme is observed only when transferring seedlings to open ground or a greenhouse. When sowing, the distance between the seeds is not more than 3 cm .

A scheme intended for undersized plants recommends adhering to an interval of at least 20 cm between bushes and at least 20 cm ( 20x20 cm).For tall crops the distance of is 25-30 cm ( 25x30 cm).In the greenhouse, make furrows for rows with an interval of 10-15 cm. Seeds are immersed in the ground at a depth of 1-2 cm. It is impossible to replant the plant.

Salad growing technology is quite simple, you just need to follow general rules and follow the regime. And the harvest obtained through our own efforts is always tastier than purchased greens.

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