Proper feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse and open ground

27 best potato varieties for the middle Urals

27 best potato varieties for the middle UralsPotatoes

When choosing a potato variety, you should focus on the geographical location and climatic conditions of the area where the crop will be planted. It should also take into account what kind of cro...

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What is yam and how to grow it in the middle lane

What is yam and how to grow it in the middle lanePotatoes

People call it sweet potato as “sweet potato”.However, this vegetable has nothing to do with potatoes. This name appeared due to the visual similarity of tubers. Sweet potato has a sweet taste...

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How many days after planting potatoes sprout

How many days after planting potatoes sproutPotatoes

Potatoes are probably the most important and staple food in any family. In order to enjoy a rich harvest in the fall, you need to know the rule of planting and caring for it, as well as after how...

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