Instructions for use of potassium monophosphate

Every grower uses fertilizer to increase yields. They fill the soil with beneficial elements and nourish the plants. Potassium monophosphate has such properties. The instructions for the use of this drug can be found below.

Table of Contents

  • Composition and Purpose of Potassium Monophosphate
  • Mechanism of Action
  • Advantages and Disadvantages Compared to Other
  • Instructions on the Use of Fertilizer
    • Preparing the Workers' Candidates of the First Humans and Humans for Humanity.for poisoning
    • Storage conditions and shelf life

Composition and purpose of potassium monophosphate

It is a concentrated white topowderIt is easily dissolved in water and quickly absorbed by the soil. It contains potassium( 33% ) and phosphorus( 50-55% ). Refers to mineral fertilizers.

These two elements contribute to a multiple increase in the yield of vegetables, fruits and berries, increase the content of vitamins. Increases the shelf life of the crop. After its application, garden crops tolerate disease better.

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Structural formula and forms of production of potassium monophosphate

This fertilizer is available in two types:

  • Powder. It can only be dissolved in water, which should not be of increased rigidity, because it tends to be sintered.
  • Granules. They can both be dissolved and shut off with water of any quality.

Mechanism of Action

As soon as fertilizer is dissolved in water, most of the orthophosphoric acid begins to be actively delivered to plants, bypassing the chemical reactions in the soil.

They do not always absorb all the phosphorus. In such cases, it remains in the ground, undergoes some chemical transformations, and also nourishes the culture.

Potassium interacts with the soil and is then absorbed by the cultures. It has no property to accumulate in the ground. Best retained on loamy and clayey soil types.

Advantages and disadvantages compared to other means of

All fertilizers have their positive and negative sides. It is important to know how they differ from other mineral supplements. Benefits:

Potassium monophosphate does not contain harmful impurities.
  1. Absorbs quickly into the soil, immediately begins to nourish the plants.
  2. There are no harmful substances in the composition.
  3. Capable of to protect against cold during the frost period.
  4. Effectively moisturizes dry soil.
  5. Ideal for all indoor plants .
  6. Young cultures help to increase the number of shoots by .
  7. Compatible with pesticides.
  8. Does not oxidize to the soil.
  9. Protects plants from disease with powdery mildew .
Mealy dew( other names - pepelitsa and bel) is a fungal disease. The first symptom is the appearance of a whitish plaque with drops of moisture. It affects plants from the bottom up.

The disadvantages of potassium monophosphate should not be overlooked:

  1. cannot quickly accumulate in the soil; quickly decays.
  2. It is not used to prepare crops for winter, since is not stored in the soil.
  3. Weeds also prefer to eat this fertilizer.
  4. Not compatible with fertilizers that contain calcium and magnesium.
  5. For indoor plants, that develop slowly( orchids, azaleas, gloxinia, and others) are not suitable because they have high activity.

Instructions for use of fertilizer

Superphosphates are considered a universal type of fertilizer, therefore it is used for various purposes: from gardening to strengthening the growth of shrubs and trees

First you need to carefully study the rules for using fertilizers that are printed on the packaging.

It is necessary to prepare a solution in small quantities, as its substances quickly disintegrate, and then it becomes completely useless.

Potassium monophosphate is used in the following cases:

  • for seedlings of garden crops in those years when planting time is not delayed;
  • for better flowering and fruiting of horticultural crops;
  • for abundant flowering of for ornamental plants ;
  • for fast foliar fertilizing garden and indoor plants , if there is a lack of potassium( leaves become brown, shriveled).

Preparation of the working solution

Preparation of the potassium monophosphate solution

Prepare a preparation for irrigation should be in the following proportions:

  • 10 grams per 10 liters of water - for seedlings and houseplants;
  • 15-20 grams per 10 liters - for vegetable crops that are grown in open ground;
  • 30 grams per 10 liters - for all fruit plants.

Terms and methods of spraying plants

Spraying a garden and garden crop is also possible and necessary. This is best done in the evening at sunset or in the morning before dawn. During the day, it can quickly evaporate in the sun.

The plants should be optimally sprayed before a wet visual film appears on the leaves. Do not allow rolling drops to occur.

Dosage and method of using potassium monophosphate

According to experts, it is enough to use potassium monophosphate two or three times a year:

  1. When planting vegetables and flower crops:
  • the first top dressing is in the phase of 2-3 true leaves;
  • second - 2 weeks after landing in the ground.
  1. For vegetable crops:
  • the first - at the beginning of fruiting, the formation of tubers and root crops;
  • second - 2 weeks after the first feeding.
  1. For fruit and ornamental plants:
  • first - after flowering;
  • second - 2 weeks after the first;
  • third - in mid-September.

Safety measures when working with the

tool You can work with it only with gloves. Mineral matter must not be allowed to come into contact with skin and mucous membranes. When spraying it is better to use a respirator.

When spraying this product, use personal protective equipment

After work, wash your hands and face with anti-bacterial soap immediately.

Compatibility with other drugs

Potassium monophosphate is absolutely not compatible with drugs that have calcium and magnesium.

Combined use with nitrogen-containing fertilizers is not contraindicated. But it is better to apply nitrogen after monophosphate, in 2-5 days.

Well combined with other fertilizers.

First aid for poisoning

There are situations when spray solution gets into the eyes or on the skin. In such cases, as soon as possible you need to wash the affected areas with running water.

If fertilizer got into the stomach, it is necessary to rinse it immediately. To do this, drink two glasses of water. After that, induce vomiting.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Fertilizer should be kept in a sealed bag in a ventilated room or outdoors, but away from light and water. It absorbs moisture well, and its subsequent use will be extremely inconvenient.

It is necessary to store fertilizer in a ventilated area, in which there is no access for children and animals.

Shelf life is not limited.

Essentially, potassium monophosphate is the ideal choice for fertilizing garden crops. He has many positive qualities that outweigh minor negative aspects. Minerals have a beneficial effect on the soil, nourish the plants, help them to grow steadily and bear fruit. Fertilizer can be purchased in small bags or large bags.

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