Detailed description and characteristics of the bean variety Pablo f1
Beet is not only tasty, but also a useful root vegetable with a huge amount of vitamins of the PP, B group, betaine and mineral components( iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron).By eating this vegetable, you can improve your digestion, metabolism and blood circulation. Beets cleanse the kidneys and blood, reducing the acidity of our body, while also helping to cleanse the liver.
Today, a lot of gardeners prefer this kind of beet as Pablo, because the roots are very tasty, juicy, the harvest is good and stored for a long time. And with the description and how to grow this cultivated plant, we will meet later in the article.
Table of contents
Description and characteristics of the beetroot variety Pablo
Advantages and disadvantages of
Planting of seeds
Care and cultivation of
Features of this variety
Diseases and pests
Description and characteristics of the variety of beetroot
Disorders and pests
Description and characteristics of the variety beetroot that will bring out the questions, and the same year, in the same year, and in the same year, they will be the same, and they will be the agendries of the beets and the priests of the beets that are
The characteristics and characteristics of the beetroot
He was selected in Holland. But thanks to the excellent properties of the root, it became widespread and got to our borders. Get the harvest after the first shoots can be literally a hundred days. Gardeners agree that this root crop is ideal in terms of color and shape. It is round and in diameter is 150 mm. The average weight of a standard beet is about 0.2 kg. The vegetable skin is very thin and smooth. The pulp is distinguished by bright crimson color, juiciness, tenderness, with the presence of a note of sweetness. In this case, there is no ringing of the root. Pablo f1 beetroot f1
This hybrid is considered extremely resistant to rifle and the emergence of various kinds of diseases. Root crops are well stored in a cool place and do not lose their gustatory quality over the course of several months.
Pablo beets are not afraid of high and low temperatures, , so it can be planted in open ground in fairly cold and hot climates. The root crop is especially valued for its high yield.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
It's no secret that beet has a huge number of useful properties and characteristics. In its composition, it has a lot of vitamins, organic substances and trace elements. A variety of Pablo additionally has a high content of sugars and betaine.
The main advantages of the root include:
lowers blood cholesterol and removes excess fluid from the human body;
regular ingestion of this root will ensure removal of radionuclides, toxins and slag formations;
because the root vegetable is a valuable source of iron, its is recommended to be eaten with anemia ;
vegetable has a mild laxative effect of and helps to cope with constipation, while improving digestion;
has a lot of magnesium, so is good for the nervous system;
Pablo beetroot is useful for normalizing the digestion of
with the use of this cultivated plant. also strengthens the vessel walls ;
normalizes liver function ;
in view of the fact that the root crop is characterized by a high amount of potassium, magnesium and iron salts, it contributes to the improvement of blood circulation. This vegetable is recommended to be used without fail for people suffering from circulatory system diseases;
reduces the number of inflammatory processes and heals wounds. ;
normalized functioning of the gastrointestinal tract .
But even with all the positive properties of Pablo , there are people who are not allowed to eat root vegetables. For example:
if the person has , the metabolism of is disturbed. He suffers from pathologies of the urogenital system and kidneys, it is better not to abuse the use of this root in food. All because of the high content of oxalic acid;
in diabetes mellitus prohibited to eat beet;
The -identified pathological abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis is a forbidden condition for eating Pablo's root vegetables.
. Seeding.
. Seeding is recommended at the end of spring or early summer. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to weather conditions and local climate features. The optimum temperature for seed planting is + 18- + 20 degrees Celsius. This plant is not too whimsical, so the soil in this case will suit any. But some gardeners insist on avoiding excessively acidic soil. On such a land plot, a root crop will not develop comfortably. Significantly increase the taste of beets and the amount of the harvest of the preliminary enrichment of the soil with humus or peat.
Pablo variety beets are planted in late spring - early summer, tentatively in the first third of June.
When choosing a plot of the vegetable garden where you will plant the beet, pay attention to the spacious and well-lit places. Sunlight will allow the vegetable to ripen faster, as well as get excellent taste and juiciness.
Before planting, seeds can be further processed. To do this, it is recommended for a couple of hours to pour a slightly diluted solution of potassium permanganate. This will not only speed up the process of emergence of shoots, but also protect the plant from various fungal diseases.
To plant seeds stands exclusively in the heated soil. The depth of the beds themselves should not be more than 20-30 mm. Between individual rows it is worth leaving about 0.2-0.3 m. After planting the seeds, it is recommended to moisten the soil well.
Care and cultivation
Most gardeners argue that beets do not need special care. But if you have a desire to get the maximum yield, then you can take some measures for the care of plants. So, practice shows that after the appearance of the first shoots, it is important to thoroughly loosen the soil. The same manipulations should be done after heavy rain and abundant watering.
Pablo beets require frequent weeding and loosening the soil.
Special attention should be paid to the timely weeding of the plot and the removal of weeds. This is especially important in the first time, when shoots appear. In order for a plant to grow well, it needs a large amount of moisture, sunlight and nutrients.
Beetroot Pablo is not afraid of drought, but good watering it does not hurt. The harvest will be better, and the roots are tastier and juicier. The optimal mode of watering vegetables - at least once a week. During the active ripening of beets and the formation of the root itself, it is recommended to increase the watering to two times a week.
Pablo does not need extra nutrition. But if you wish, you can use potassium supplements. This will significantly increase the yield and speed of ripening of root vegetables. While with nitrogen fertilizers is worth being very careful and attentive. All because beets tend to accumulate nitrogen. And this will adversely affect the health and health of the person who consumes such beets in food.
Features of this variety
This beet variety has good resistance to the emergence of various diseases ;
is a hybrid cultured plant is very unpretentious .But if you want to get a good harvest, it is recommended to produce plenty of watering Pablo beets;
fertilizer use for Pablo beets is also optional .If this is not possible, you can do without additional power.
Diseases and pests
Another advantage of this beet variety is the increased resistance of the hybrid to various diseases and damage by pests. He rarely throws arrows, , as often happens with other cultivated plants. Practically not afraid of scab and roots. And if in time to feed root vegetables with potassium and phosphorus based fertilizer, then the vegetable will become practically invulnerable.
Root crop of beets, damaged by rodents
At the same time, should be afraid of various rodents, that can damage not only the leaves, but also the tops. To protect the cultivated plant from such an affliction, gardeners recommend sprinkling tree ash or purchased chemical formulations from rodents between the rows.
If you carefully dig up the land before planting and after harvesting, you can significantly reduce the risk of Pablo being infected by rodents.
If you decide to plant Pablo's beets on your land plot, you definitely will not regret it. Root crops will grow large, juicy, tasty and fragrant. But this is all subject to the proper planting and care of cultivated plants. To get a good result you need to spend a lot of effort and labor. But it's worth it.
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