How to and when to cut off the leaves of tomatoes in the greenhouse

When growing tomato plants in greenhouses and open ground, work is planned on the formation of bushes. This measure is necessary to improve the growth of tomatoes and fruit ripening on them. As a rule, you need to cut off the extra sheets and shoots of tomato, which are called stepchildren. They only increase the amount of green mass on the bushes, consume the nutrients needed for ripening tomatoes.

If you neglect this event, the fruits of tomatoes grow small, the plants will hurt, the quality of the crop will be low.

Table of contents

  • The need to remove leaves from a tomato
  • What leaves should be cut on the pits?
  • The correct time to cut leaves
  • How to cut tomatoes
    • How and how to cut off the sprouts
    • How to cut
  • how many cut tomatoes
    • how many brushes cut
      • It is no secret that the foliage of any plant performs the important functions of photosynthesis. And if you cut off all the leaves from the bush, it will just die.

        In the process of growth, the very first sheets that are below begin to age, come into contact with the soil surface, turn yellow and become covered with spots. They are the

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        provoke stagnation of air in the greenhouse and the development of diseases .If you think about it, then they performed their function, the plant no longer needs them.

        In the process of growth, the first leaves that appear start to grow old and need to be removed.
        Fading leaves often become a source of diseases that, under greenhouse conditions, quickly enough are around the bush.

        What kind of leaves on tomatoes should be cut

        It is not recommended, when coming to the garden, to cut off everything that the eye sees. Bushes are alive, they are under stress from any actions. So in one procedure to remove a large number of leaves should not be .

        First of all, you need to break off the greens that lies on the ground .After a few days, you can examine the plants more closely, and if the tomatoes on the hand have grown to normal size, you can safely remove the foliage below.

        As a rule, experienced gardeners perform the same procedure twice a week , which allows the plant to form fruits in the hands, located above.

        In addition, attention should be paid to:

        • foliage, oriented to the north. So you improve the ventilation of tomato beds, which is very important for thick plantings;
        • fat branches, not forming fruit. Removing them, you give the bush an opportunity to increase productivity.
        If fruits do not form on the branches - they need to be removed

        The right time for pruning

        A separate category assures that this should be done after has formed, and tomatoes will be formed.

        One can argue ad infinitum, but there is a simple solution - to divide the bed into two parts and to cut the leaves at each time at different times, later comparing the results obtained.

        If based on theory, during the flowering and formation of the ovary, tomato brushes receive the necessary nutritional components, which are formed as a result of photosynthesis, directly from the leaves. A little later, as soon as the tomatoes begin to synthesize them independently, the leaves can be cut.

        cannot determine the specific dates in this .Much depends on the type of crop, climate features in a particular area, greenhouse microclimate. For the reference point, it is necessary to take the period of flowering and the appearance of fruits. As soon as the vegetables begin to grow in size and grow brown, the lower leaves should be removed gradually.

        In a normally developed bush, the thirty-centimeter portion of the stem under the bottom fruit cluster should be empty .Only in this case, he will receive the required amount of light, the nutrients from the root system will begin to flow directly to the ripening tomatoes.

        A normally developed 30 cm long stem of the lower stem does not have

        Feel free to add to this the increase in the humidity level of the air, the improvement of ventilation, the reduction of the risk of disease.

        How to cut tomatoes

        There are no strict rules for pruning, which must be observed. It is believed that any plant without any problems transfers the removal of to three leaves twice a week. .Sometimes a shrub needs a more global procedure if it develops a dangerous disease.

        How and how to pick off shoots.

        Gardeners remove foliage in various ways. But it is best to choose one that is more convenient and less harmful to tomato crops.

        Do not sharply tear the foliage, directing it down. So you leave large wounds on the plant, in which bacteria will start to grow immediately.

        Break off the leaves, slightly turning them clockwise is possible, but this scheme is not perfect.

        You can break off the leaves by turning them clockwise.

        Pruning instructions

        . To do this correctly and not injure the plant, we recommend that you proceed as follows:

        • perform the procedure in warm weather ;
        • in advance to prepare sharp scissors and a small container with hydrogen peroxide;
        • tool pruning extra foliage - it will be more convenient and faster;
        • wound is treated with peroxide to protect the plant from disease.

        Acting in this way, you inflict minimal damage to the crop, which after drying will dry very quickly. Instead of hydrogen peroxide, it is allowed to use manganese solution or activated carbon.

        How many brushes should be left on tomatoes in a greenhouse

        The basic rule that is mandatory is that if the brush of a plant has not yet reached all the fruits, then most foliage should be left intact over it.
        Pinching the tops of the tomato bush

        In late July - early August, most gardeners start to pinch the tops of the plants. Already it becomes obvious that the rest of the brushes to form tomatoes do not have time. On the plant, remains seven or eight of the most developed tassels, , which will yield a crop.

        After a similar procedure, when you do not need any greens, can cut the entire foliage of , leaving three to four on top. First, you do not disturb the movement of the juice in the plant. Secondly, perform excellent prevention of probable diseases.

        As you can see, the measure is really necessary, it helps the plant perfectly in growth and fruiting. Observing all the recommended advice, you can protect the beds from disease and get a decent crop of tomatoes.

        The main thing is to carefully examine the bushes, to choose the foliage for removal, to act carefully so as not to injure the culture.

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