Every year, landscape design is becoming more popular. Now gardeners pay attention not only to the productive and useful qualities of plants, but also to decorative. This characteristic has the Ottawa barberry, which is equally attractive as a solitary plant and in combined plantings.
- General characteristics of barberry Ottawa
- Landing barberry Ottawa
- Care Basics barberry Ottawa
- Pruning shrubs
- Diseases and pests
- Pests
- Diseases
- Reviews
General characteristics of barberry Ottawa
type of barberry Ottawa is the result of crossbreeding Berberis thunbergii and Berberis vulgaris inOttawa( Canada).In culture since 1889.The natural habitat of the ravines, estuaries and forests of North America.
In domestic gardening, this type of barberry is known for several varieties of :
- "Superba"( "Superba"). This is a 2.5-3m tall shrub. The leaves have dark red and purple shades with a bluish tint.
- Aurikoma( Aurikom ).Forms a compact shrub from 1.8 to 2.2 m. Large leaves when blooming have a dark red shade, closer to the autumn they become light red or orange.
- Purpurea( Purpurea). Well branched shrub in height from 1.5 to 2 m. The leaves at the beginning of the season are purple-red, in the autumn they get a coral shade.
- Silver miles. Spreading shrub height from 2 to 2.5 m. Leaves burgundy-purple color with a silver tint.

All the varieties of Ottawa barberry are grown in the form of Ottawa Barberis Ottawa Superba
The complete ornamentalness of the bushes reaches 6-8 years through after landing .Flowering bushes begins in mid-May and lasts up to 20 days. The flowers are small, yellow-red.
For fruiting shrubs requires insect pollination. The flowers of the plant are distinguished by high honey productivity( 100 kg / 1 ha).
Fruiting shrubs begin 5-6 years after planting. Depending on the variety, fruiting begins in mid-August and early September. The average yield per adult bush 10-13 kg fruit .Saturated red fruits are able to hold out on a bush until December. Shrubs lasts for up to 50 years. With proper care, plant productivity is maintained up to 35-40 years .
The advantage of Ottawa barberry is a high growth rate, the increments of one-year shoots reach 35 cm. For the culture 4 zone of cold resistance( USDA) is defined. This means that plants can withstand a decrease in temperature to 35 ° C .Therefore, shrubs can be planted in the southern and middle regions of gardening, and with proper shelter in the Urals.
The disadvantage of the species is the average winter hardiness, which, depending on the variety, has I-II points. This means that annual shoots may be completely or partly destroyed by plants.
Planting a barberry Ottawa
The best option for the initial planting of a barberry in the garden is to purchase a two to three year old seedling. It is better to buy planting material in specialized nurseries that breed varietal plants. In addition, in the nursery it is often possible to assess the external characteristics of an adult plant visually. The seedling quality indicator is a root of at least 20-25 cm long with no traces of rot and mechanical damage .

For planting barberry Ottawa, you should choose the most illuminated areas protected from piercing northern winds. The plant will develop well in partial shade, but the decorative leaves will be reduced .
Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, the barberry is sensitive to excessive moisture. Therefore, groundwater in the area should lie no higher than 2 meters. Otherwise, you need to lay a solid drainage layer.
A month before planting, the site needs to be dug up to a depth of 30 cm, remove the roots of weeds. In this case, based on 1 m2 make :
- potassium salt 10 g;
- superphosphate 20 g;
- manure or compost 10 kg;
- lime 0.5 kg( with high acidity).
The distance between the bushes depends on the purpose of landing. During the formation of a dense hedge on a plot of length of 1 m planted on 4 seedlings of , with more sparse 2 .When the barberry is considered as a plant-soliter, it is planted at a distance of 1-2 meters from other cultures.
After selecting the landing site, pits 40x40 are formed. At the bottom of the pit lay the top layer of fertile land and apply fertilizer: manure or compost 30 kg, potassium salt 40 g( wood ash 300g).Fertilizers are evenly mixed with the soil and shed plenty of water.

In the middle of the pit have a seedling. It is important to make sure that the root neck is not buried. Considering the shrinkage, it is left on 3-4 cm above the ground level .The roots of barberry sprinkle with fertile soil, preventing the formation of voids and unnatural bends. Soil compacted and watered with 10 liters of warm water. Pristvolny circle mulch humus or peat.
The Basics of Ottawa Barberry Care
Barberry Ottawa is not demanding care. Considerable gardener's time can be taken only by annual pruning to form a decorative crown.
The first top dressing after planting a shrub is made in the spring of the following year. To stimulate the growth of shoots make an aqueous solution of urea ( 30g / 10 l) .The fertilizer rate is 10 liters per 1 m2 of trunk circle. Subsequently, nitrogen is fed only once every 4 years.
For planting flower buds and normal aging of the shoots, the plant before flowering and after feeding with organic .To do this, 1 kg of well-rotted manure or humus pour 3 liters of water, insist 3 days and filter. One liter of infusion is diluted in 3 liters of water and poured under a bush. In order to strengthen the barberry, in the autumn, 15 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulphate are introduced into the near-stem circle.

After each feeding and once a week in dry weather, the barberries are watered. Norm for one bush 5-10 l .After watering, adjust the layer of mulch. Water recharge irrigation( 20 l) is carried out in a dry autumn 2 weeks before frosts.
In the early years of life, the barberry Ottawa required careful shelter for the winter .To do this, the layer of mulch is increased to 10 cm, the branches of the shrub are covered with a soft rope, and a cap of burlap or other covering material is covered on top. Additionally, the plant is covered with spruce branches, and in winter they pull snow.
Pruning shrubs
Barberry Ottawa refers to the ornamental deciduous shrubs, to maintain the beauty of which requires annual pruning. This is done to stimulate the active growth of young shoots, which are distinguished by the leaves of maximum decorative effect .The second goal of pruning is sanitary, it is needed to remove excess load from the bush, prevent the development of diseases and pest damage.
In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out. The procedure is carried out when the shrub begins to enter rest, at least 2 weeks before the first frost. Depending on the regional climate, pruning dates may begin at the end of September and last until the end of November.
It involves the removal of :
- old and dried branches;
- areas affected by pests or rot;
- unnaturally intertwining branches;
- shoots growing inside the crown.
Cuts are made only on the annular flow or above the kidney with sharp and decontaminated garden shears. Large wounds should be treated with garden pitch. After the procedure, all plant debris, mummified fruits and fallen leaves are disposed of by .
Barberry Ottawa beautifully forms the crown in a natural way. This is facilitated by thin branches growing vertically upwards at an acute angle. Therefore, with single landings, you can do only sanitary pruning.

For plants intended to form hedges, you will need a regular haircut. In the second year after planting, the barberry shoots are shortened to 1/3 or 1/2 .This will stimulate the tillering of plants. Flowering barberry occurs on the growths of last year. Therefore, in order to make shoots with flower buds grow back, the procedure is carried out immediately after the flowering of the shrub.
In the same way, the barberries continue to cut in subsequent years, until the crowns of neighboring shrubs close. After that, the lateral and upper growths are shortened twice a season. Thus, flat faces of hedgerows with a thicker lower part are formed.
Diseases and pests
The vegetative mass of the bar of Ottawa contains a large number of phytoncids, which makes it resistant to many pests and diseases. The defeat of pathogenic microorganisms and insects of the barberry Ottawa most often occurs during a massive epidemic in the backyard or a violation of the agricultural technology of the plant( waterlogging, crown thickening).
Most often the barberry Ottawa affects aphids and moths .Since autumn, both insects lay eggs capable of hibernation, from which larvae and caterpillars appear in spring. Their activity on young leaves and shoots leads to the loss of decorative and productive shrubs. Therefore, the fight against them must begin immediately upon detection.

aphids. In case of massive lesions in the barberry, is treated with the following insecticides:
- Corbofos;
- Actellic;
- Confidor;
- Bankol.
The procedure is carried out according to the instructions for each drug.
If the insect population does not exceed the permissible threshold, you can limit yourself to washing the shrub with a soap-and-soap solution. For this, ash( 400 g) is poured over with ( 5 l) and boiled for 30 minutes .Broth is filtered, brought to a volume of 10 liters and 50 g of soap is added.
For the prevention of the appearance of pests during autumn work, the bushes are sprayed with fungicides. To do this, 500 g of urea is diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is sprayed with shrubs. This is a universal remedy that additionally destroys the spores of fungi.
The weak side of the bar of Ottawa is fungal diseases : powdery mildew and rust. Most often leaves suffer from them, less often shoots and fruits are affected.
Rust can be noticed by leaf swelling and the formation of a powdered dark scurf on their surface. When powdery mildew on the leaves appears white bloom, which gradually forms a liquid in the form of small droplets.

To fight diseases, fungicides are used in the form of ready-made preparations or active substances to prepare the solution :
- Topaz;
- Vectra;
- Fundazol;
- blue vitriol;
- colloidal sulfur;
- Bordeaux mixture.
Preparations are used according to the instructions. Depending on the lesion, you will have to perform 4 to 6 treatments before curing the shrub. In case of severe injuries, sanitary pruning of problem areas is carried out with subsequent disposal of waste.
Natalia, Voronezh .Our site is quite extensive, and most of it is occupied by a spacious lawn. On the advice of friends, they decided to plant barberries there. Very liked the barberry variety of Ottawa "Superba".Planted in the fall, there were fears that it would not take root. However, 2 years have passed, the bush is already more than a meter long and does not bring any problems yet.
Valentine, Saratov .Several years ago we decided to insulate the perimeter of the site with a hedge. We picked up plants for a long time, wanted to achieve beauty and functionality. We chose the barberry Ottawa, planted tightly and cut several times every year. I want to say that out of several dozen plants, I have not taken root only one shrub. The rest evolved well. Now it is almost two-meter plants that are transformed every season.
Diana, Pskov .Five years ago, I first met the bar of Ottawa during a trip to a sanatorium. I was impressed by the beauty of the leaves and fruits, and when I found out about the beneficial properties, I decided to plant it on my site.5 years have passed since then. Low seedlings turned into magnificent bushes, which annually make me happy with beautiful and useful fruits. I cook compotes, jams and preserves, add to herbal teas and tea.
The attractiveness of the cultivation of the bar of Ottawa is not only a high ornamental plants. All parts of the shrubs have healing properties and are widely used in traditional medicine .From the barberry fruit they cook compotes, jams and jams, which can diversify any diet with their extraordinary taste.