At what distance to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse and open field

No garden plot can do without cucumber beds. Cucumbers love to eat everything, both fresh and in conservation. A good harvest depends on the method of planting and the correct location of the plants in the bed. In this review we will talk about landing patterns, how to plant and how far.

Table of Contentsgreenhouse. A good harvest requires a competent approach to planting cucumbers, given the optimal distance between seedlings. This will contribute to their comfortable and full development.

The cucumber bushes should be planted in no less than 20–30 cm.

The consequences of thickened planting of cucumbers are:

  • pulling out of the plants due to insufficient lighting, which leads to a decrease in yield;
  • poor ventilation of the thickened plantations leads to stagnation of air and an excess of evaporated moisture, which creates comfortable conditions for the development of fungal diseases and the reproduction of pests;
  • Excessive humidity of the air
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    in thick-bottomed greenhouses leads to precipitation of moisture on the flowers, their rotting, the formation of a large number of barber flowers even on self-pollinated varieties.

In case of sparse planting of cucumbers:

  • irrational use of the useful area of ​​greenhouses, which leads to a shortage of crop and uneconomical.

At what distance and how many centimeters to plant cucumbers? The distance between the bushes in the greenhouse depends on the period of cultivation, the type of fruit( gherkin or long fruit), the degree of weaving inherent in this variety. The optimum is the location on 1 m2 of the greenhouse of 3-4 cucumber plants. The distance in the row between the holes with cucumbers should be 0.4-0.6 m, the passage between the rows is not less than 0.9 m.

Scheme of planting cucumbers in the greenhouse

In polycarbonate greenhouses, in order to save useful area and increase yields, cucumbersgrown in a vertical way( tying growing lashes to a vertical support), so can take the minimum distance between bushes - 0.4 m.

The distance from the greenhouse walls to cucumber seedlings should be at least 0.25 m, to ensure good circulationI will airand a sufficient amount of heat plants in cold weather and frost. The walls of the greenhouse quickly heat up and cool down just as quickly. Therefore, the proximity of cucumber plantations to them can lead to overheating and burn of the seedlings or their freezing.

Planting scheme

Three schemes are used in greenhouses and greenhouses for growing cucumbers:

  • two-line( two-row);
  • staggered
  • single line( single row).
Variety of cucumber planting schemes

The choice of cucumber planting scheme depends on the particular development of the selected variety, its ability to increase leaf mass, the height of the bush, the number and size of side shoots.

It is preferable to grow strong-growing hybrids in single-row rows, weakly branchy and long-fruited two-row ones. When planting in a staggered manner, all saplings are well lit and do not interfere with each other.


Two-line planting scheme for cucumbers

Two-line planting scheme provides for the arrangement of two rows of plants for one wide bed. At the same time, the distance in the row between cucumbers should not exceed 0.4 m, between rows up to 0.5 m, walkways between the lines 0.7-0.9 m.

The density of planting depends directly on the size of the greenhouse. The larger the size of the greenhouse, the greater the distance you can leave between the bushes and the more comfortable the cucumbers will feel. The diagram below shows the optimal placement of cucumbers, with maximum use of the greenhouse useful area.

Cucumber planting schemes in greenhouses 2-3 m wide


When planting cucumber seedlings in two rows in a staggered , the distance between the bushes is 0.35 and .Since plants are planted with a displacement in rows during planting, this eliminates the interweaving of growing lashes and, therefore, there is no thickening of plantings.

Planting cucumbers in a staggered manner.


. A single-line greenhouse cucumber plan provides for placement in a row at a distance of 0.2-0.4 and , and the distance of 770 cm distance between cmr and 1775 in

1170Each method of planting has its own advantages:
  • with two-row , more seedlings are planted, therefore, we will get more yield;
  • with the chess method cucumber bushes get the maximum illumination, grow well - the result is increased productivity;
  • for single-row cultivation of cucumbers for plants is convenient to take care of, since there is free access to each plant.

The method of growing herring cucumbers in the open field

Cucumbers can be grown in a rather original way in the form of a Christmas tree. This is a very convenient method of forming cucumber beds on open ground, able to decorate any garden plot. How to plant cucumbers herringbone? The essence of the method lies in the fact that is planted in cucumbers( by seeds or seedlings) not in straight beds, but seeds are sown in a circle.

Planting cucumbers in warm beds in a circle

A groove is dug along the edge of a circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 m, at the bottom of which you can lay mowed grass, humus, and compost. A layer of soil is poured in from above, and sow seeds or plant seedlings at a distance of 40 cm between plants.

A peg is hammered near each plant, to which a twine will be tied. A high support is hammered in the center of the circle - whether it is a metal pipe or a wooden peg. For subsequent cucumber garters, hooks are hung at the end of the support if a metal pipe is used or a nail is hammered when using a wooden peg.

You can install long supports for each plant and join them at the top together, forming a tent. It is possible to throw a light covering material on it, which will protect the plants from both cool air and from the scorching sun.

The advantages of this method include:

  • convenience in the care of cucumbers;
  • rational land use , irrigation water and fertilizer, since watering and fertilizing is done in the center of the circle and does not spread over the soil surface;
  • plants feel comfortable, they are not thickened , get a lot of sunlight and well blown by the wind.

can be considered a disadvantage of the cost of materials for garter cucumbers, but when growing plants in a vertical way this is a necessary condition.

For the cultivation of cucumbers, you can choose a suitable method for your garden plot, the main correctly place the plants on it. This will contribute to the normal development of cucumbers not to the detriment of the crop.

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