Solar collector for home heating

Roof solar collector


Solar collectors for home heatingCost on solar collectors may vary based on all the features of each individual equipment. The prices below depend on the existing parameters, capacity and other technical characteristics of solar systems.


  • Principle of operation
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Types and selection criteria
  • Flat
  • Vacuum
  • Connection
  • Reviews

Usually, the total cost is calculated based on the specific nuances of each individual case.

Therefore, before performing all installation work, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary energy examination of the house, where It is planned to install the collector, so that based on the results obtained, choose the most suitable option devices.


  1. Small water heating system. The tank capacity of such a collector is 250 liters. The cost of all components is 160 thousand. rubles.
  2. Basic solar system. Suitable for an object whose area reaches 100 sq.m., and the tank volume is from 250 to 500 liters. The cost of all components varies from 278 to 450 thousand. rubles.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Extended system. Such a device is much more powerful than previous collectors and is able to heat a room with an area of ​​up to 200 sq.m. The volume of the tank is 500 liters. Approximate price - 527 thousand. rubles.
  5. Large solar system. It is characterized by the presence of a double-circuit tank, the capacity of which can be in the range from 1000 to 4000 liters. The price of all components starts from 795 thousand. rubles and ends 3 million rubles.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of solar collectors

If we consider the most ordinary heliosystem, then it is a few metal plates of a black hue, located in a glass case. The collector is installed, as a rule, on the roof of the house, and the principle of operation is the accumulation of solar energy and its subsequent conversion into heat necessary for heating.

The system consists of the following components:

  1. Directly to the collector itself, as well as the water tank and a special circuit for heat transfer.
  2. In the collector itself is a liquid that heats up to a certain temperature due to the action of solar energy.
  3. Due to its heat-insulating qualities, the coolant in the tank keeps the temperature for a sufficiently long period of time.
  4. The necessary circulation of the coolant can be carried out both naturally and with the help of special pumps.
  5. An electric heater can also be installed in the tank itself, thanks to which the water automatically heats up even in the period of steady rains or cloudy weather.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages include the following:

  1. Thrift. The use of such systems can significantly reduce gas consumption in the cold period, and in the summer season they do not need any additional electricity at all.
  2. Non-volatility. In the warm season, you can use a coolant of optimal temperature without subsequent gas consumption.
  3. Easy to install. All installation work does not differ in any installation complexity and will require you only to comply with all the basic rules that guarantee high-quality installation.
  4. Long period of operation. The service life can exceed 20 years, which means you will have the opportunity to use a free source of thermal energy for a long time.

As for the shortcomings, then they include the following:

  1. Too high cost. Solar collectors can not afford everyone, so the high price can be a significant disadvantage for many.
  2. Inconstancy. In addition to the solar system, the house should have another additional way to heat water, because the weather will not always be able to you are pleased with the sunny weather, and on cloudy days the collectors are ineffective and are unlikely to bring you significant favor.
  3. Among other things, For full work you will also need to additionally purchase a special storage tank.

Types and selection criteria

If we consider the main varieties of solar collectors, then there are only two types:


Flat solar collector

It consists of a flat panel and a glass case, and a special layer used in the system perfectly absorbs all the accumulated heat. Thanks to special connected tubes, the coolant, which is usually propylene glycol, is supplied.


Vacuum solar collector

It consists of hollow glass tubes, inside of which there are smaller tubes with an absorber of thermal energy. The heat insulator is a special space created between the main pipe and the smaller pipe inside.

Air solar collectors are also used as an alternative. They are characterized by insufficient efficiency, since air is the worst conductor of heat, unlike liquid.

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that the size of the tubes used in the system mainly affects the amount of heat generated. Therefore, choosing devices whose pipes are characterized by a small size, be prepared for the fact that the amount of heat will not please you with a significant indicator.

A diameter of 58 mm is considered to be the norm if their length is in the range from 1 to 2 m. It is best to opt for models with U-shaped pipes. It is these solar systems that are considered the most effective today.


Connection diagram for solar collectors

For all installation work you will need the following tools:

  • spanners and socket wrenches;
  • adjustable and pipe wrenches;
  • hammer drill;
  • screwdrivers;
  • soldering iron;

Installation can be divided into several stages:

  1. Relying on the instructions for the product, At the initial stage, the product frame should be assembled.
  2. Using special mounts firmly fix the assembled frame on the roof of the corresponding object.
  3. Next, raise the storage tank to the roof. To do this, it is best to use a cable, after tying the tank with special durable material. Using nuts, you should attach the drive directly to the frame itself.
  4. Using the socket wrench it is necessary to install an automatic air vent, temperature sensor and TENA.
  5. Next, supply water and fill the tank with a special coolant, after which the power supply is connected. The mounting block is pre-installed and power is supplied up to 220 Volts.
  6. At the final stage, all the necessary installation is performed. schedule for subsequent heating of the coolant used. v = Nn7sQM3sgRk


Solar collectors on the roof of the house
  • Michael, city Moscow. “A few years ago I installed a solar collector in the house. I have to say right away, an enormous amount of finance has gone. And while this design has paid for itself only a few percent. The special ease of installation did not require any additional costs. I am glad that this system is environmentally friendly. After all, I have two young children in my house, and this is important for maintaining their health. ”
  • Artem, city Irkutsk “I don’t understand why many people decide to spend fabulous amounts and buy collectors for such crazy money. Personally, I made such a device for heating water with my own hands, and at the same time I spent several times less on the amount that other buyers of solar systems spend. I’m quite satisfied with the result! ”
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