How to transport the washing machine: lying, on its side or standing? Is it possible without transport bolts?

If you need to transport the washing machine yourself, for example, in the event of a move, you must correctly determine its position and securely fix, because otherwise, during the transportation, external or internal damage. So, in this material we will describe in detail the process of preparing and transporting the washer.


  1. Preparing for the transportation of household appliances
  2. Drum fastening: is it possible to do without bolts?
  3. Transport the washing machine: standing or lying down?
  4. Additional transportation rules

Preparing for the transportation of household appliances

First of all, it is necessary to unscrew the water supply hose, having previously blocked the access of water to the washing machine. Do not lose the rubber gasket and the inlet filter. Place a cap on the water inlet or simply seal it with tape.

Next, remove all liquid from the tank. Unscrew the drain pump filter and tilt the machine, after placing a basin or floor rag under the drain hole. If there is an emergency water drain pipe, use it to empty the washing machine.

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Drain the washing machine

After draining the water, it is advisable to leave the laundry loading hatch open so that the tank is ventilated. The mains cable together with the drain hose can be fixed to the washer body with tape. The hatch door and powder tray are also recommended to be fixed in the closed position with adhesive tape.

The next step is to install transport bolts. Transport bolts come with the machine, and they allow you to fix the drum on the rear panel.

Installation of transport bolts

Bolts in place? Just screw the fasteners to the back wall and make sure that the drum does not spin.

As for the case itself, it needs to be packaged in bubble wrap or covered tightly with an unnecessary blanket, secured securely with tape or rope. The machine is ready for the trip.

Drum fastening: is it possible to do without bolts?

Many owners are interested in whether it is possible to transport the machine without fixing the drum with transport bolts. We will answer right away that it is possible, but it will be more reliable to use the mounts.

The drum is the most vulnerable component of the washing machine, and it can damage the internal parts of the equipment during heavy rolling caused during transportation.

If the bolts have been lost, you can proceed as follows:

  1. The horizontal cover must be removed to get to the drum.
  2. Between the walls and the drum itself, it is necessary to put foam.
  3. Try spinning the component. If it is not amenable to rotation, then the “insides” of the machine are not in danger during transportation.

Advice! In order not to perform the above manipulations, you can purchase transport bolts in a household appliance store.

Transport the washing machine: standing or lying down?

Most questions are caused by the correct position of the machine in the car body during transportation. It is recommended to transport the washer in an upright position, and the remaining options are carried out at your own peril and risk.

In extreme cases, you can try to transport the unit lying:

  1. Cover the car body or luggage compartment with soft material.
  2. Securely lock the machine using the straps.

Of course, the unit should not lie on the drum - only on the back wall.

Horizontal transportation of the washing machine

It is undesirable to try to transport equipment sideways - it is better to spend money on renting a truck than to give the car for repair after such an attempt to transport it.

Additional transportation rules

It is advisable that the machine be fixed in the car body using special belts.

Fastening the washing machine in the back of a car

If you are driving a car, then try to avoid sharp braking and sharp turns.

Read also: how to transport the refrigerator correctly? Expert advice.

The rules are quite simple and their observance in 95% of cases guarantees the safe transportation of household appliances. Also choose the most “soft” route without beaten roads and pits. The recommendations from this article apply to other large-sized household appliances.

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