Automatic washing machine: external, internal, after washing

In order for the washing machine to work properly, and also last as long as possible, it must be properly looked after. In this matter, several rules and recommendations for care that each housewife can take will be especially effective.


  1. External care
  2. Care after washing
  3. Internal descaler cleaning
  4. Video: Cleaning the washing machine

External care

On the surface of washing machines, not only dust can accumulate, but drops of water, detergent residues, smudges, etc. At first glance, it might seem that this is not a big deal. However, washing powder and water remaining on the surface of the plastic, provoke yellowing. As a result, it becomes not only ugly, but also brittle. The use of a special cover will help to avoid yellowing of plastic.

All external care of the washing machine is reduced to regular cleaning as follows:

  1. A clean rag is wetted in soapy water (solvent and abrasive compounds are prohibited) and squeezed thoroughly.
  2. The surface of the unit is wiped.
  3. With a clean, damp cloth, wipe the machine again.
  4. The machine is wiped with a dry cloth.
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Quite often, dust accumulates on the glass of the loading hatch, so it must also be regularly cleaned.

Care after washing

To keep the washing machine in perfect condition after using it, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The washed laundry should be unloaded immediately after the program is completed and not to leave it inside the appliance for a long time.
  • Be sure to open the hatch of the washing machine, then wipe the drum with a clean and dry cloth.
Washing machine care
  • It is important to check whether the laundry is left inside the machine, especially if it was socks that might get stuck under the rubber pad.
  • After washing, the ram is checked for foreign objects, for example, coins dropped out of the pockets of the pants.
  • From the rubber seal located on the loading door, residual moisture and water are removed. Small items dropped out of pockets can also get stuck here.
  • Be sure to check the detergent tray. If air conditioning or powder remains there, it is removed. The tray is carefully removed, washed with plenty of water and wiped dry.

After completing the washing mode, it is recommended that you leave the detergent tray and loading door open for a while. This is necessary in order to evaporate all excess moisture, which will help prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Internal descaler cleaning

In order not to accumulate scale, and there are no problems in the operation of the device, it is necessary to periodically conduct internal cleaning. For this, a variety of modern means can be used. For example, to combat the scum during washing, it is recommended to add “Anti-scale”.

Limescale cleaner

But various folk remedies are no less effective:

Vinegar Cleansing

Simple acetic acid can be used to clean the washing machine from various types of contaminants. The cleaning procedure is performed as follows:

  1. You will need to take about 2 tbsp. l acetic acid (acetic essence).
  2. The product is slowly poured into the device - directly into the drum.
  3. The machine turns on and the long wash mode is set.
  4. The maximum washing temperature is set, so that the procedure will be most effective.
  5. The machine should work for at least 5 minutes in the set mode.
  6. After this time, a “pause” is pressed, but acetic acid is left inside the device for an hour. This time will be enough for the product to dissolve the existing impurities, but at the same time it will not harm the details of the machine.
  7. After the specified time, the washing mode ends.
  8. The remaining acid is removed from the machine, but a small wash is recommended to remove it completely.
  9. At the end of the cleaning procedure, all internal parts must be rinsed with plenty of clean water and wiped with a dry cloth.
  10. Do not forget to wipe and the rubber seal, as well as the inside of the door. For this, it is recommended to use a solution consisting of water and vinegar (components are taken in equal amounts).
Vinegar descaling

During the execution of this cleaning method, it is forbidden to use any detergents in addition.

Lemon acid

The use of citric acid helps to clean the washing machine of unpleasant odors, mold, limescale and dirt residue. But for this it is necessary to use only a fresh remedy. The procedure itself is performed in the following way:

  1. You will need to take at least 200 g of citric acid.
  2. The product is poured into the tray for washing powder or directly into the drum of the machine.
  3. The device turns on, a long washing mode is set, and the temperature should be at least 60 degrees.
  4. The active substances of citric acid have an intense destructive effect on the structure of limescale. As a result, it easily and quickly exfoliates from the inner surfaces of the machine.
  5. As soon as the washing program is completed, rinsing is activated, due to which the remaining citric acid is removed.
  6. This washing machine cleaning procedure is recommended not more than once every 3 months.

It is highly recommended that you do not use citric acid too often to clean household appliances, as this can cause early wear of rubber parts.

Soda Cleansing

If dirt accumulates inside the washing machine, it is recommended to use simple baking soda, which is in every home, to remove it. This tool effectively cleans the walls of the drum and does not harm the device. The cleaning procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Pure water (room temperature) and baking soda are taken in equal amounts.
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed, as soda crystals must completely dissolve.
  3. A sponge is taken, wetted in the resulting cleaning composition and the surface of the drum is wiped.
  4. The remnants of the product must be washed off with plenty of clean water.
  5. You need to wipe both the metal parts of the machine and the rubber, because dirt also accumulates on their surface.
  6. As soon as the remaining soda solution is removed, the treated surfaces are wiped dry with a clean cloth.
Cleaning the washing machine with soda

Soda is often used to clean washing machines, because with its help you can remove not only dirt, but also mold fungi. Such a procedure is recommended to be carried out once every 7 days, regardless of whether the device is used or not.

Video: Cleaning the washing machine

There are three common problems that await all owners of washing machines - mold, drain pump filter, scale. How to deal with these problems in the process of caring for the unit, the expert of the program “Everything will be good” will tell:

Putting the above recommendations into practice helps not only to keep the outside of the washing machine in perfect cleanliness, but also to prevent scale formation. However, such procedures must be carried out regularly, and all residues of cleaning products are washed off with clean water.

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