What is an activator washing machine with spinning

When it comes to activator washing machines with spinning, many of us immediately recall the Soviet machines, which were distributed more than 30 years ago.

But in fact, a modern washing machine activator type - this is not just a remnant of the past, used by summer residents. Today, the market offers quite advanced devices, which amounted to a worthy competition with drum-type automatic machines.

Let's consider, how such a styalka is arranged and we will choose the most functional models.

Content of the material:

  • 1How is the activator washing machine with the spin function
  • 2How to choose an activator machine with spinning
    • 2.1Whirlpool Vantage
    • 2.2Maytag Centennial MVWC360AW
    • 2.3Daewoo DWF-806
  • 3Advantages and disadvantages

How is the activator washing machine with the spin function

In Soviet models, the laundry was set in motion by an asymmetrical lobed activator, and today it was replaced by an impeller. This device resembles a bell with symmetrical ribs, rotating from side to side. It provides a smooth rotation of the laundry, due to what it does not wear out as much as in the washers of past generations.

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How is the activator washing machine with the spin function

The impeller in its design assumes holes through which oxygen passes, enriching the water for washing. This "bubble" technology maintains the quality of washing at height, and also excellently pushes the powder out of the clothing fibers.

How is the activator washing machine with the spin function

As for models with heating and pressing, today there are such variants of SM. When spinning, the laundry is in the same drum (unlike conventional activator machines with a separate centrifuge, in which you need to move the laundry for spinning). When the drum rotates, water is pushed out of the laundry and drained through the holes.

How to choose an activator machine with spinning

Choosing the right model, it is worth to study the recommendations of experts and feedback from users. We have drawn up for you a small rating, relying on the opinions of independent experts.

Examine the range of modern activator CM to make the right choice in favor of the most functional device.

Whirlpool Vantage

Whirlpool Vantage

This model of the Slovak assembly can be attributed to the elite class. And for good reason - it provides 33 wash modes at once. "Whirlpool" copes with pollution on rugs, shoes and other specific things.

The capacity of the drum can not leave any buyer indifferent: the manufacturers provided a maximum loading of 1, kg. Of the additional "chips" we note the touch control, which is provided by a large, almost 20-meter digital scoreboard.

The cost of this SM fluctuates around 110 000 rubles, so an ordinary buyer, this model may seem expensive.

Maytag Centennial MVWC360AW

Maytag Centennial MVWC360AW

This activator machine with spinning involves 11 programs. Feature: cost-effective resource consumption, provided by a sensor that determines the weight of clothing. A brushless motor reduces power consumption.

Daewoo DWF-806

The Korean SMA, equipped with an air-bubble system. It is calculated on 6 kg of linen. Moreover, you can choose not only one of the masses of proposed modes, but also set the necessary parameters for washing: time, intensity, rinse time, spin speed.

It is also possible to connect to both cold and hot water.

Daewoo DWF-806

Advantages and disadvantages

All the models we wrote about above are modern, therefore fully automatic. It would seem that such machines can not have drawbacks. But let's be objective and consider all the pros and cons.

Advantages of activator machines with spin function:

  • Vertical loading. Users point out that this type of laundry loading is much more convenient: do not bend over to load or get underwear, and you can "brake" the laundry if necessary.
  • No wings. Activator machine from the usual vertical SMA differs in that its drum has no flaps. It is these valves in machine-machines that give a lot of trouble to the owners. The drum can open during washing and jam. But the machine with the activator can be opened.
  • It is unpretentious to chemistry. Machines with an activator do not require the use of expensive detergents. They can safely fall asleep powder for hand washing, as well as wash by any means: shampoo, dishware. Excess foam in these models does not happen, so you can erase anything without harm to the technique.
  • Selection in the connection. You can connect directly to hot water to save resources on heating and shorten the washing time.
  • There are no unnecessary details. In the design of such a CM you will not find the TEN and the drive belt, and therefore, there are fewer reasons for failure, and repair is easier.
  • Low noise level.
  • Price. This styralka costs about the same as the vertical SMA from a common brand.

Experts believe that the disadvantages of the styrene with the activator are subjective and often unjustified. Conclusions do yourself:

  • By saving electricity costs, you have to pay more for water.
  • A small lineup, and therefore a modest choice of automatic models. Semiautomatic machines are larger, but they are usually bought at the dacha.

As you can see, progress has made a confident step forward, so even such a technique as a stiralk with activator and pressing has become modern, ergonomic, functional and stylish. If you want to enlist the support of a reliable assistant, you can safely choose the right model.

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