How to eliminate mold in a washing machine

What does mold look like in a washing machine? If there is a damp and musty smell around, and black spots are formed on the elastic band of the sealant - this is it, ordinary mold. It is not easy to withdraw: the result will be if the fungus has not spread throughout the typewriter. And if the details are already struck - the hose, cuff, cuvette, then you have to replace them.

More on the fight against mold in the washing machine will be discussed later.

How to eliminate mold in a washing machine

Content of the material:

  • 1Why there was mold in the washing machine
  • 2What to do to clean the car
    • 2.1Prevention
  • 3Means from mold: professional and homemade
    • 3.1Soda
    • 3.2White
    • 3.3Washing powder
    • 3.4Kaneyo
    • 3.5Nagara
    • 3.6HG

Why there was mold in the washing machine

Fungus, more precisely, its disputes, there are almost every home, and in large numbers. Even after the general cleaning in the air there are about half a thousand spores per 1 m3. Inhaling disputes, people with a weak immune system can pay with their health and earn asthma, chronic headache or rheumatic pain, at least an allergic reaction.

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Why there was mold in the washing machine

Fungus multiplies rapidly under comfortable conditions:

  • at high humidity and dampness;
  • at high temperature of air;
  • If there is no or no ventilation in the room.

The walls are easy to cure, and it is difficult to get rid of the fungus from the fungus - special methods and "chemistry" will be needed.

If the mold appeared in the machine by itself, but did not pass from the walls, then this may be caused by the following reason: washing at low temperature in order to save. When this does not use powders with bleach, a generous portion of the conditioner is poured and not means are used, such as "Antinakipin - consider that the mold receives an individual invitation in your AGR.

At temperatures up to 60 degrees, microorganisms do not perish, and the colonies that have already been wound up do not overheat. If there is no bleach in the powder, this creates additional conditions for the fungus. And if there was still a conditioner on the walls of the drum, in the tray or on the elastic band, this mucous plaque becomes a real "lullaby" for new colonies of parasites.

Why there was mold in the washing machine

Important! If you read the article, trouble has already occurred. Therefore, first inspect the drum inside and outside (rubber cuff). The spots are perfectly hidden on the rim of the hatch in the folds of the seal and deep in the detergent compartment. To find mold will also help an unpleasant smell. Having determined the dislocation of mold, you can choose the method of struggle.

What to do to clean the car

What to do to clean the car

Before you get rid of mold, you need to deprive it of comfortable conditions. To fight the enemy, you need tough measures - high temperature, dryness and acidic environment. To wash the machine, respectively, you need acid, high-temperature washing and long-term drying.

To clear the AGR, proceed as follows:

  • Set the maximum temperature: 90-95 degrees.
  • Run the longest mode for a few hours.
  • In the dispenser, splash the bleach with chlorine.
  • When the water warms up to the maximum, stop the washing and leave the machine for a couple of hours - the cleaning is started, the active components need time.
  • Run the program.
  • Wait until the CM completes the cycle.
  • Then, in order to additionally clean all the "insides" of the styrant, pour a few glasses of table vinegar (9-11%) into the cuvette and run the rinse mode.

What to do to clean the car

  • Open the hatch, wipe off all the details, remove the dispenser tray and dry the SMA to the winning one.

Important! Do not pour bleach together with vinegar - this mixture can harm "tender" details.

To completely remove the mold from the machinery, it will take not only several such purges. It is necessary to completely deprive the fungus of the chances of survival by taking away heat, moisture and mucus from it. What to do - you know. Next, let's talk about prevention.


You already know how to clean the mold. But to eliminate the pest - a little, you need not let him return. To do this, carry out a set of activities:

  1. After each use of the washer, wipe the drum and cuff.Prevention
  2. Take out the powder dispenser, wash it and dry it.
  3. Do not forget the wet laundry in the drum.
  4. Monthly run the mode with the maximum temperature mark (boiling) and fill the dispenser with "harmful" powder with bleach. You can include a technique without linen, if the model allows.
  5. Once a half a year, clean the equipment with "folk" remedies - vinegar or citric acid. These substances have a double beneficial effect: they kill the fungus and eliminate the scum.


Important! To clean the machine, take 1000 ml of vinegar or 400 g of acid. Start the washing with a temperature above 60 degrees.

  1. Try to use air conditioners less often.
  2. Start regular cleaning of hoses, drainage and filler filters.

Means from mold: professional and homemade

You have to choose the best means to combat mold. How do vinegar and citric acid, you already know, consider the possibility of using other folk and factory tools.



Suitable for cleaning any surfaces from stains and dirt, including the drum from mold. Unlike other products, soda is always at hand or at the nearest hardware store.



"Whiteness" is the legendary bleach, to which the hostesses of the CIS countries have found a lot of spheres for application. Today, when there are more gentle and soft bleaches, "Belizna" is used for cleaning surfaces. Use this recipe:

  • take 1000 ml of vinegar;
  • the same number of "whiteness
  • mix the fluids;
  • fill in the cuvette;
  • run the "long" and "hot" mode.

Washing powder

Washing powder

It is used mainly as a preventive agent. The composition of the classic loose laundry detergent includes bleaches, which perfectly kill the fungus. If you wash things with liquid shampoos and gels without bleach, use an ordinary cheap powder for laundry.



A Japanese remedy for combating plaque, mold and dirt. Produced in bottles with a volume of 5 liters - this is enough to clean the SMA with a drum up to 9 kg. The cost is 350-400 rubles.



One more remedy from Japan. It is produced in the form of tablets, has high efficiency and is available at an affordable price: 120 rubles for 10 pieces.



Dutch powder for cleaning washing machines from mold marks. In a pack, 62 liters - this is enough for SM with a capacity of up to 7 kg. If you have loads of 8, 9, 11 or more kg, better buy 2 packs. The price "bites" - 600 rubles per piece.

Important! Experts are inclined to professional chemistry and categorically do not recommend using whiteness, acids or Coca-Cola.

Choose the right "chemistry" and eliminate mold immediately - it is dangerous both for your health and for the details of the machine.

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