The problem of fastening polycarbonate sheets to various kinds of bases worries, first of all, ordinary inhabitants and summer residents. This is understandable, since polycarbonate is an excellent material not only for peaks and canopies of different faces. From it it is quite possible to build a small greenhouse, and even a greenhouse.

However, the desired result can be achieved only if the person is prepared for work at least theoretically. In this we will try to help readers with the help of this article.
Why polycarbonate is so good
The advantages of this material are actually enough:
- Light weight with high strength. So, a panel with a thickness of only 3 cm is able to withstand a load of more than 200 kg / m;
- Low thermal conductivity - even less than that of glass;
- Polycarbonate transmits light very well;
- High reliability, strength and resistance to mechanical damage;
- Safety in operation;
- A wide selection of sizes and dimensions;
- Simplicity and ease of processing;
- Relatively low cost (compared with the same double-glazed windows, for example).

Work with polycarbonate: cutting and drilling
As mentioned above, working with polycarbonate is quite simple. In order to cut the panel in width or length, you will need a grinder or a jigsaw, for a small fit, a sharp clerical knife is enough.
An important point: during the cutting process, it is forbidden to hold a sheet of polycarbonate in your hands, as the power tool can move sideways from vibration and the cut will turn out uneven. In addition, a grinder or jigsaw can injure a person. For safe operation, the sheet of material should lie freely on two boards, between which the cut line will pass. To move on a sheet from above, you can put a third board so that it lies opposite one of the lower boards.

As for the drilling of material, for this you will need a conventional electric drill or screwdriver, as well as a set of sharp drills for metal of the required diameter.
You need to drill the sheet strictly between the stiffeners. This is necessary in order not to interfere with the drainage of condensate inside the sheet.
It is very advisable to make a hole in the polycarbonate sheets immediately before installation so that moisture does not have time to accumulate inside.
The hole should be located at least 4 cm from the edge of the sheet. The sharpening angle of the drill should be approximately 30. You need to drill, trying to adhere to an angle of 90-118, the speed of the drill revolutions should not exceed 40 rpm, otherwise the polycarbonate will melt and envelop the drill.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in drilling polycarbonate, and no special tool is needed for this - just a drill and a sharp drill.
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