There are several ways to install a kitchen sink. It all depends on what kind of sink you want to install in your kitchen, and what result you want to get.

There are types of sinks that are installed only in a certain way. These include overhead types of sinks, which after installation perform two functions at once - sinks and countertops. Sinks with a restrictive side also need a special installation method - mortise. At the same time, there are quite a few kitchen sinks that can be installed in several ways: so that they are slightly higher than the countertop level, are on the same level with it. And you can also install the sink so that it is under the surface of the countertop. This method is often used by specialists when you need to install a sink in an elite format kitchen.

Consider some of the most famous ways to install a kitchen sink. The wash module or surface wash is perhaps well known to everyone. Many even take it upon themselves to claim that such sinks are long outdated, but although this type of installation of kitchen sinks has been known for a long time, it has not become less popular from this. For the manufacture of overhead sinks, stainless steel is most often used. When installed, such a sink covers the entire surface of the underframe, so it performs two functions at once - sinks and countertops.
It is advisable to install such a sink on a separate cabinet or on a headset consisting of separate modules. Installing a sink yourself is not so difficult.

The sink must be installed on the underframe, which is a box that does not have an upper partition. Often, in order to conveniently make the wiring of communications, the back wall is also removed. So that the overhead sink does not move, it must be securely fixed with l-shaped mounts having an oblique slot. These fasteners must be attached to the inside of the underframe with slots. Mark the place where the fasteners will be installed and where the screws will be screwed. By the way, self-tapping screws should be no more than sixteen millimeters in length, and screw it in so that it is five millimeters above the marked spot.

Before installing the sink itself, a mixer and siphon outlets must be installed on its surface. Of course, you can do this even after installing the sink, but it will be extremely inconvenient. Next, you need to take a silicone sealant and apply it to the upper end of the underframe. This is done in order to protect the wooden base from various kinds of damage and securely fix the sink. Carefully turn the sink over, put the fasteners on the screws. All this must be displaced until the sink is firmly pressed to the surface. As soon as the desired position is selected, the fasteners must be clamped, and excess silicone removed from the surface.

That's all. The only thing left for you to do is to bring the sewer pipes and connect the mixer to the water. If we talk about the mortise installation method, then absolutely any sink is suitable for this method, no matter what material it is made of. For this installation method, you will need a solid kitchen worktop. After installation, the sink will have a very harmonious look. In addition, if you follow all the installation rules, then you will be able to avoid leaks and damage to wooden elements. In order to install the sink, you need to cut a hole in the countertop of the appropriate size.

Recently, manufacturers have equipped sinks with special patterns that are designed for this purpose, but if you purchased a sink without such a pattern, then you need to turn it upside down and circle its contours on, for example, paper or cardboard. The resulting template must be attached to the countertop and circle. Note that it is better to install the sink 5-6 cm from the edge. Further, approximately one and a half or two centimeters recede from the resulting contour into the template. Here you need to consider how wide the sides of the sink have. So, stepping back, you can draw a cut line.
The hole for the sink is easiest to cut with a jigsaw, but first you need to drill a hole of a suitable size so that you can work with a jigsaw.

It will be nice if you can fix the sawn surface with something below, so that in the process it does not fall off and does not spoil the yet unfinished edge. So that the edge of the countertop does not swell, and the sink is securely fixed, apply silicone sealant to the sawn edges. The same sealant must also be applied to the sink from the inside, after which it can be installed in the prepared hole, pressing it well. Clamps should be included with the sink, which fix the sink from below. Remove excess sealant and connect the sink to the water supply and sewage system. Here you are.

Let's say a few words about the nuances that may arise when you install the sink in a mortise way. The most difficult thing is to install granite sinks in this way. Most often, such sinks do not have a special hole for installing the mixer, so before installing the sink itself, you need to make a hole. In addition, from the inside out, such sinks sometimes have template holes for fittings that are not completely drilled. They must be carefully knocked out with a hammer or screwdriver. And you absolutely can not do without the advice of a specialist if the countertop is made of stone, whether it is natural or artificial.
Cutting a hole in such a countertop will be very difficult. Another way to install the sink allows you to install it on the same level with the countertop. I must say that the method is quite complicated and requires experience, therefore, experienced craftsmen are most often invited to implement it. Also, as in the other methods described above, a hole must be cut out for washing, but there is one caveat. In order for the sink to stand on a level with the countertop, it is necessary to select the size of the countertop according to the size of its side, its depth. You need to choose until the sink is on one level with the countertop. Do not forget to leave a couple of millimeters for applying sealant.

Any housewife wants her kitchen sink to always be clean. The easiest way to keep the sink clean is that it is installed under the countertop. This installation method still carries aesthetic goals, since the sink is below the cut level, which allows you to consider the structure of the material of the countertop. Of course, we are talking about a countertop made of stone, or a special type of wood that is not afraid of moisture. For this method of installation, only the advice of the wizard will not be enough for you, it is better to entrust this matter to the master himself. For fixing the sink, special brackets and screws are used, if the countertop is made of stone, then self-tapping screws are used.
The master will cut the hole for the sink in special ways. For example, in cases where it is difficult to draw a contour of the cut, construction tape is used. Cutting is done with a diamond jigsaw. The edges of the bulging hole must be sanded and coated with a special film that does not allow water to pass through.

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