Mold in the refrigerator: how to get rid of its smell and black marks?

Mold in the refrigerator appears due to the multiplication of fungi, and in addition to the aesthetic problem, there is also an unpleasant smell, not to mention the fact that the storage of products in such conditions unacceptable. Fortunately, there are several options for getting rid of mold in the refrigerator without time and effort.


  1. Soda and vinegar against fresh mold in the refrigerator
  2. How to get rid of black mold in the refrigerator?
  3. Cleaning the mold from mold with antifungal agents

Soda and vinegar against fresh mold in the refrigerator

Take measures to clean the refrigerator from mold should be immediately when even the slightest signs of mold have been noticed.

The cleaning instructions look like this:

  • Unplug the refrigerator.
  • Extract all products from the chambers.
  • Wait until the appliance is fully defrosted.
  • Soak a new sponge in a soda or soap solution, since it is these products that can eliminate the root of the problem, namely, the spores of the fungus.
  • Wipe the surface of the refrigerator with a sponge, you can even wipe the device a little if the situation requires it.
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  • Particular attention should be paid to inaccessible places, as these are favorite places of mold. Such places include the corners of the refrigerator, the egg compartment, the blades for fastening the shelves, the space between the rubber gaskets. If you cannot reach the mold with a sponge, you can use an old toothbrush.
  • When the refrigerator is washed, moisten a rag in vinegar and wipe again all the places where the mold was previously.
It is necessary to process the refrigerator with vinegar in order to get rid of the smell of mold in the refrigerator. Other odor remedies - find here.
  • The final step is to treat the surface with a rag soaked in plain warm water to completely kill all the germs.
Cleaning the surfaces of the refrigerator

It’s good if there is a lamp with ultraviolet radiation in the arsenal of housewives, because at the end of the cleaning process It is recommended to put it inside the refrigerator for several hours, so that the fight against mold is obtained as much as possible effective.

How to get rid of black mold in the refrigerator?

Hydrogen peroxide has antifungal, disinfecting and whitening properties, therefore it effectively eliminates even black mold.

The cleaning instructions are as follows:

  1. Prepare 3% hydrogen peroxide into which to dip a sponge.
  2. Use such a sponge to go over the entire surface of the refrigerator, and not only in those places where there are signs mold, as sometimes the fungus does not yet have time to visually manifest itself, but this does not mean that it not.
  3. Once again, wipe the household appliance with a sponge soaked in ordinary warm water.

Hydrogen peroxide can not be used if the equipment is painted in dark color, as this tool can change the color of the device and leave light spots.

Cleaning the mold from mold with antifungal agents

You can choose not improvised means, but purchased antifungal ones, including:

  • Seth
  • Cillit
  • Sano
  • Comets
  • Domestos
  • Mister Muscle

Given the fact that store-based anti-fungal products contain chemical elements, they should be used with caution, and before When starting cleaning, it is imperative to wear rubber gloves to protect the skin and a respiratory mask so that chemical fumes do not enter the respiratory tract.

Mold cooler cleaning

The principle of work with special antifungal agents is exactly the same as with others:

  • Apply the product on a sponge.
  • Wipe the entire surface of the refrigerator with a sponge.

If a spray is used, spray the entire surface of the refrigerator and rub it with a sponge.

  • After carefully walk in the refrigerator with a new sponge soaked in warm water to surely eliminate all residues of detergent.

But, this is not completed cleaning the refrigerator. Since chemicals have a specific pungent odor, the refrigerator needs to be washed additionally with a sponge and vinegar, and then wiped it dry with an ordinary cloth.

Mold is very dangerous for the human body. You should always wipe the refrigerator dry if water appears in it, as well as monitor the expiration date of the products and throw them away on time. These preventative measures will help prevent mold in the refrigerator.

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