The door of the washing machine does not open: causes of failure and what to do

The design of washing machines is thought out in such a way that the door opens easily. However, there are times when errors or malfunctions occur in connection with which the washing machine does not open. What to do, and will it be possible to cope with such a difficulty on their own? This is what we will talk about later.


  1. Possible causes of malfunction
  2. Open the door yourself: when and how
  3. Manual way to open the door
  4. When to contact the master?
  5. Ways to Prevent a Malfunction
  6. Video how to open the door after a washing cycle

Possible causes of malfunction

Before opening the washing machine, review the list of reasons why the malfunction occurred:

  • Having difficulty pumping water out of the drum;
  • The door handle has broken or worn out;
  • Malfunction in the hatch lock device;
  • Machine malfunction;
  • Problems in the operation of the intelligent module for hatch blocking;
  • Sudden power outage;
  • A natural blockage that occurs during the washing cycle to prevent flooding.

Do not rush to pull the door with all your might - so you can only harm the device and simply tear off the handle, and this will create additional problems. To avoid this, it is worth considering in which cases you can act yourself, and in which - no.

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Washing machine door

Open the door yourself: when and how

Open the locked door on your own, and, without harming the washing machine, you can in the following cases:

  • If the washing machine has completed the wash cycle and there is no more water in it, and the door is still not open. It is recommended that you simply wait. Some devices take some time to unlock the door after a cycle. When the unlock occurs, you will hear a distinctive sound (click or ringtone).
  • When the machine does not open after a power outage. In this case, it is necessary to single out one condition - the washing cycle must first be carried out. Then to begin, drain the water through a special filter. After that, try to open the door manually or reboot the device. Do not forget that water can still remain inside. Therefore, next to the device, put a basin to drain it and put a few rags to prevent flooding.
  • There is no water drain function in the washer. Some devices do not open until the water is finally drained, so as not to cause a flood in the room. If the machine is your recent acquisition, perhaps you just have not had time to program it for this function. Read the instructions and check this feature.
  • At the end of the washing cycle, the hatch in the machine is blocked due to a normal malfunction of the device. To try to eliminate it, run the cycle again. Before starting the operation of the washing machine, it is automatically checked whether the hatch is open or closed. Therefore, before the cycle, it is briefly unlocked, and after that it is blocked again. Your task is to catch the moment of unlocking and open the door.

If you cannot determine the reason for the problems, you can use universal method:

  1. Disconnect the device from power;
  2. Wait approximately 20-30 minutes;
  3. Turn on the washer again;
  4. Try to open again.

The door of the washing machine may open after such a “reboot”.

Good to know:

  • How to repair a washing machine do it yourself: what tools are needed and how to disassemble household appliances?
  • What shipping bolts on the washing machine? Why are they needed, how to remove them, where are they and how do they look?
  • How to get rid of bad smell in a washing machine:

Manual way to open the door

If all the methods have been tried, but the door of the washing machine still does not open, you can try to open it manually. In most models, an emergency opening cable is provided for this, which has a bright color. You can find it on the front panel next to the drain filter.

Emergency opening cable

Pull it lightly and the door of the washing machine will open.

If there is no such cable, you can resort to removing the top panel. To do this, use a screwdriver to unscrew all the nuts and pull the “board” up.

Top panel removal

When the top panel is removed, tilt the machine back to move the drum from the front wall. After that take out and take aside a clamp, as this will allow to remove the lock.

Many manufacturers in the instructions for use indicate the algorithm of actions in this situation. Therefore, before opening the door of the washing machine in this way, read through the instructions.

When to contact the master?

When your door does not open in the washer and no improvised methods help to solve the problem, be sure to contact a specialist. Call to the workshop should not be delayed in the following situations:

  • When the hatch does not open, and you are not sure that it will turn out to open it yourself without harming the device.
  • When water is not pumped out after washing, for the following reasons: the drain filter is clogged in the washing machine or the pump is unsuitable for further work. It may also indicate a faulty control module or a broken water sensor. Only a specialist will repair such damage.
  • When the door of the washing machine does not open due to a malfunctioning lock. Here it is necessary to replace the old model with a new one.
  • When the washing machine does not open due to the fact that the intelligent module of the hatch lock device has become unusable.
  • When the washing machine does not open due to a broken door handle. At home, it is sometimes difficult to pick up the missing part or buy a suitable replacement pen. The master will cope with this quickly and efficiently.

For most malfunctions, if the washing machine does not open the door, it is better to pay money qualified specialist and immediately correct the situation, than then solve several problems at once instead one.


Ways to Prevent a Malfunction

So that you do not care about the question of why the washing machine does not open, it is recommended to carry out procedures in advance to prevent this phenomenon:

  • Handle the door and lock carefully, avoid sudden movements, brute force or twitching. All this disables the opening mechanism and the lock, which as a result can simply jam.
  • Clearly follow the algorithm of actions that the washing machine does after the work cycle: does the water drain properly, how much time takes this process, etc. This will help you immediately notice a malfunction when it occurs and quickly begin to neutralize. Problems.
  • Use the device in full accordance with the instructions and handle it in accordance with the operating conditions. This will help you significantly extend its life and prevent excessive repair costs.

Video how to open the door after a washing cycle

In this video, the master will consider a problem in which, after a cycle, the device is locked and the washing machine does not open. With a good example, you can carefully understand the algorithm of actions to do everything correctly.

If a nuisance happened and the washing machine does not open the door, then you should take into account in what cases and how you can solve the problem on your own. If you are not sure about the cause of the breakdown, it is better to contact the master.

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