Washer designed to wash things, contributing to their freshness and cleanliness, but only a few know how to get rid of the smell in the washing machine. Sometimes even powders and rinses cannot cope with this problem. Folk products and household chemicals will come to the rescue, allowing you to remove the smell in a short time.
- Possible causes of a musty odor
- Popular methods of dealing with a musty smell
- Prevention of the appearance of stench in the washing machine
- Household chemicals
- How to quickly remove scale in a washing machine (video)
Possible causes of a musty odor
To get rid of the problem you need to heed the tips on how to eliminate odor in the washing machine:
- the stink can be caused by a drain hose. Over time, dirt gets into it, which it is impossible to remove on its own, therefore it is easier to purchase a new one;
- if the drain is improperly installed to the sewer, water may stagnate in the tank. It is recommended to call a wizard who will connect everything correctly;
- often stinks from the washing machine from the heater, on which small debris and dirt settle, starting to rot in a couple of weeks. Here you will need either cleaning the heating element or buying a new one;
- poor-quality powder may not be completely washed out and stick on the unit walls, as a result of which an unpleasant odor appears;
- sometimes the problem lies in the sewer, but in this case the stench is heard from all the sinks in the house;
- to prevent the appearance of a bad smell from the washing machine, you should wash the powder tray in time, in which mold occurs (see also - how to get rid of mold in a washing machine). It is required to clean it at least once a month, so that the rotten smell from the washing machine no longer appears;
- dirty laundry that is stored inside the washer often causes such a problem, because the machine begins to absorb all the smells.

Attention! When using a gel, powder or rinse in a large volume, their residues settle in the container and drain.
Popular methods of dealing with a musty smell
- Vinegar. There is a universal recipe, with the help of it there is a solution to the question of how to remove the smell. It is necessary to take 0.5 cups of vinegar and pour it into the compartment for washing powder. The washing mode with the maximum temperature is selected and turned on. It is worth knowing that the first part of the supplied water that enters the machine is poured out, so you need to wait half a minute and only then pour vinegar.
- Laundry Free. The easiest way to get rid of the bad smell from the washing machine is to wash one thing without things. Before turning on, it is necessary to set the maximum temperature and pour 1 measuring cup of ordinary powder or 2 tbsp. bleach.
- Bleach. 1 tbsp is poured into the powder tray citric acid and 1 tbsp. bleach is poured into the drum itself. The machine turns on at maximum temperature, and the windows in the room must be opened, because chemical vapor is formed from the combination of salts and chlorine. After this method, the unit will be cleaned even in the most inaccessible places. The procedure is recommended to be repeated every 3 months.
- Blue vitriol. You can get rid of the fungus that causes a rotten smell from the washing machine. A wet rag with copper sulfate, which is purchased in a specialized store, is taken, and the cuff of the machine is washed. The technique is left for a day and only then all the components need to be washed with clean water using a detergent.
- Baking soda. If mold is the cause of stench, then it must be removed with a sponge dampened in a concentrated solution of ordinary soda. After the procedure, it is worth additionally treating all affected areas with vinegar diluted with water in equal proportions.
- Lemon acid. Sometimes the rotten smell from the washing machine appears due to scale, which appears from the sedimentation of insoluble granules of powder on the ten. Citric acid can cope with the problem if applied correctly. 200 g of product is poured into the powder compartment or into the drum and a mode with a temperature of about 90 degrees is selected. After the start, you should carefully monitor the washing, because there is a risk of spalling, and large parts of the scale get into rinse drain. If there is a buzzing sound, then you need to turn off the equipment, get the scum and turn it on again. After switching off, you need to walk with a damp cloth over all the rubber elements and re-clean the drain.

Helpful advice! To prevent odor from the washing machine, after washing, wipe the cuff of the hatch with a dry cloth and leave the door ajar. This will help prevent mold and mildew.
Prevention of the appearance of stench in the washing machine
- It is recommended that a magnetic water softener be installed under the hose through which water flows or the water pipe. The drug has the property of splitting salts into ions.
- Before wondering, how to clean a washing machine from smell, you should buy only proven brands of powders. It is forbidden to put the detergent for hand washing in the machine.
- After each wash, wipe the unit dry.
- For washing things, it is worth using means that soften the water, but before that you need to make sure that the running water is really hard.
- To avoid rotten odor from the washing machine, it is necessary to clean it every few months.
- If the powder contains soap or rinse rather thick, then the laundry must be rinsed again or the wash again without these agents. Their concentration does not allow water to completely wash all the granules, therefore, over time, bacteria begin to multiply in the machine.
Household chemicals
Now the market offers a huge assortment of chemicals that are designed to clean the washing machine. The buyer always chooses based on the price category and its requirements. Almost every master is sure that kalgon will help to clean the unit, preventing the re-appearance of scale and remove the musty smell from the washing machine. This tool will cope with any type of pollution, because the coating on the inside of the washer can have a different composition and nature.

Many housewives do not know what to do when an unpleasant smell from their assistant appeared. You can use the tool "anti-scale", which allows you to remove scale on the heating elements of the machine. Store products as an anti-scale and antibacterial agent help a lot, they can be purchased in the department with household chemicals.
Acting strictly according to the instructions, add a certain dose of the drug to the powder tray or drum machine. Cleaning is carried out without laundry, at the highest temperature every six months.
How to quickly remove scale in a washing machine (video)
The video shows how to remove odor from a washing machine at home if it is caused by scale. You will need only ordinary powder, citric acid and soda. You can alternate products, use citric acid once, and in the second add 1 tbsp to the powder. l soda, which further softens the water. Wash is required at a high temperature in order to remove the carbon deposits from the heating elements completely.
We also recommend finding out how to remove the smell from the air conditioner.
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