The washing machine does not heat the water

If the washing machine does not heat the water, the source of the trouble is usually located in the helix region. The cause is scaling, blown fuse, faulty thermostat. In these cases, the sign is the same. The cycle seems to be going, but the water is cold. Of course, the error may lie in the area of ​​a programmer malfunction, but the probability of this is much lower. First of all, pay attention to the error codes, certainly present in washing machines, for LG it is possible to use a Smart Diagnostic using a cell phone. If the reading of the troubleshooting instructions did not give a result, it is permissible to engage in independent research of the situation.

Dismantling of the heating element.

. Periodically it is necessary to clean the washing machine from scale, powder and conditioner deposits and other contaminants. The process is performed using special tools called Descaler. Cleaning is repeated two to four times a year, depending on the hardness of the water. People ask how to estimate the amount of salts in water?

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  • First, contact the water service. Their job is to know such things and inform the public.

  • Allowed to buy a test strip from any manufacturer of household appliances. The amount of 150 rubles.
  • Refine the indicator for anyone with a dishwasher. With the technique, a test strip is included for proper dosing of emollient salt.
  • Look for data on the Internet. For most major cities posted on sites.

It is of primary importance where the water comes from: an artesian well, urban water intake. Other options are possible. Information is supposed to correlate with the specified nuance to determine the frequency of cleaning. Perhaps readers have heard how it is suggested to pour citric acid inside the washing machine to get rid of scale. This is an unacceptable option. If you really want to save on a special cleaner, dismantle the heater from the tank and carry out soaking in a simple plastic bottle. During the day, the heater will get rid of the lion's share of scale.

The back cover of the washing machine housing is removed. Behind it is visible a cylindrical plastic or steel tank, suspended on springs, protected by rubber covers. Approximately in the lower part, more often slightly to the left, a group of three contacts can be seen, lined up with a horizontal line and stuck with nuts.

This is a washing machine heater. Standard plugs are not soldered, but detachable. Disconnect the wires from the contacts, making way for the nuts. Requires an average, responsible for fixing the heater to the body.

The middle nut, tightening, bursting the rubber cuff, sealing the joint with the tank. To work, you need an allen key or ordinary pliers. The nut is completely unscrewed. If the heating element does not come out, the threaded rod is carefully driven in through the plate.

This relaxes the expansion mechanism. Shaking the heater from side to side, remove from the tank. If scaling is noticeable, proceed with cleaning with citric acid. Remove large flakes of scale carefully with a knife so as not to cut yourself and avoid hitting the base metal of the helix. Take a plastic bottle, fill it with hot water, fairly seasoning citric acid powder from the pack. Place inside the heater vertically for a day. It is allowed to approach the bottle, change the solution, shake, stir to achieve a result. After about 24 hours, the heater will become cleaner. If there are burnt spots on the surface where the insulation has burnt out, the item should be thrown out.

It's time to check if the heater is working. You need an ohmmeter or a multimeter configured in the appropriate mode. Usually the resistance between the outermost contacts is 28 ohms. It is permissible to check the insulation. The average contact is ringing with the extreme. Resistance is foreseen at least 2 megohms. Similarly, the difference is measured with the surface of the spiral. Everywhere resistance is present at least 2 megohms. Regulatory elements can be found in the spiral area:

  1. Thermistor, part of the thermostat, measures the temperature. If the element is burned, the water will not be heated by the washing machine. Measure the resistance at the terminals of the resistor. Must be tens of Ohms and not be zero or too high. The electrical circuit is set to the nominal value, therefore, when the element is burned, nothing works. Now place the thermistor in hot water, the resistance will change. The value depends on the slope of the characteristic. If there is a malfunction during these operations, replace the thermistor with a new one.
  2. A bimetallic rod sometimes serves to trigger a microswitch. Together with the helix, the sensing element is in the tank and is exposed to water. If the coil overheats, the microswitch trips, turning off the power. It is enough to clean the spiral with citric acid, return the system to its original state. This also applies to the microswitch. Then the resistances are measured, as shown above, if everything is in order, the part is inserted into the tank.
  3. As a hedging element, a thermal fuse tube is attached to the helix with a hose clamp. The latter burns out if the device has gone beyond the limits of permissible modes. It will be necessary to eliminate the cause of overheating - predominantly scale - and replace the thermal fuse. Then a control measurement of resistance and insulation is performed.
  4. The washing machine does not heat the water if there are 1-2 fusible spring mechanisms in the helix and they have been activated. This is often caused by scale or the inclusion of heating with an empty tank. It is possible to restore the system to work by applying citric acid. From the safety mechanism, the rod often departs, which is pressed by the spring into the internal switch, when the heating element melts the solder in the tube in contact with the coil. In the latter case, the ceramic rod can be cut. Since then, the heating element loses protection from overheating.

Buying a new TENA

It is recommended to take a TEN.Sellers or repair shops will pick up a used item even in appearance. If the heater is OK, it is recommended to check the presence of the supply voltage. Reinstall the heater. The part is planted in the nest, the middle nut is tightened until it stops. Measure the voltage at the terminals with a voltmeter while the program is running. It is possible to disconnect in some cases from the heating element, leaving the ground.

Put the multimeter on the alternating voltage with a limit of 1000 V. That's enough. If at the required moment the control current is not supplied, the matter is not in the heating element. Here it is recommended to call the wizard. Indicated that the temperature is controlled by the sensor being checked, we proceed from the fact that the completed step did not lead to the detection of a malfunction.

According to some data, the heater is supplied with a mains voltage of 230 V( in Europe) through a switching element like a relay. It turns out that when the resistance of the heater is 28 ohms, the power is 1.9 kW.Take these figures as a reference for the nominal helix.

Please note, often washing machines come to a country from Europe, where the standard voltage is 230 V. Therefore, when data for Russia is inserted into the formula from physics, people will get not 1.9 kW.

The heating element for the washing machine should not be made too powerful, otherwise it will not pull the home wiring. If the heating element blows and closes on the ground, the fuses are out of order. In this case, the machine does not heat the water and does not work at all. Equipment looks dead.

The heating element for the washing machine is selected by size, shape and power. Manufacturers supply products with codes. Find out the one you need the most from technical support. The cost of the spiral starts from 500 rubles and above. Power varies from 1800 to 3000 watts. Of course, the electrical resistance varies. The store usually indicates the dimensions, photographs and drawings. This information will help to orient, the dealer does not always have enough patience to list all brands of washing machines for which heating elements are suitable.

Repair washing machine with their own hands

If the appliance is under warranty, it is just silly to repair the washing machine yourself. In other cases, they showed that the process does not look scary - with knowledge of the basics of exposure. Heating of water in the washing machine is made by heating elements. There are flow-through type, having disassembled the case, you will not see spirals in the latter case. Flow-through heater and clean more difficult, and call. Sometimes induction is installed( typical for old models) or works as a simple tungsten coil in any heater.

Please note that even during washing the case and glass look cold. This is not a reason to wonder why a washing machine does not heat water. Find out the actual temperature is possible on the drain. As a rule, after washing according to the appropriate program in the bathroom it becomes noticeably hot.

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