Do-it-yourself bearing replacement in the washing machine: instruction with video

If there are malfunctions in household appliances, some types of repairs can be carried out independently. For example, make a bearing replacement in a washing machine. It is only necessary to diagnose the device and prepare for repair, if necessary.


  1. Repair Preparation
  2. Features of the repair of washing machines with different methods of loading laundry
  3. Video clip on replacing the stuffing box and bearing in the drum
Bearing in the washing machine

To understand whether a part needs to be replaced or not, you need to turn on the machine and check for the presence of:

  • rumble during the spin procedure (Why the washing machine does not wring out the laundry?);
  • noise other than the characteristic sounds of the device when the drum starts to rotate;
  • wear of the drive belt of the washing machine motor;
  • a large gap when swinging the drum of the washing machine manually.

No manufacturer is safe from such malfunctions and a bearing malfunction can be, both in units from LG, Ardo, Ariston, and from Atlant, Bosch, Candy, Zanussi, Hansa, etc.

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Repair Preparation

To know how to replace the bearing in the washing machine, you need to prepare. The quality and speed of the work performed will depend on this. You need to start with the preparation of tools.

Repair Tool Kit

You will need:

  • a hammer (preferably with a bronze drummer);
  • aerosol WD-40;
  • pliers;
  • several screwdrivers of various sizes and shapes;
  • adjustable or pipe wrench;
  • open-end wrenches;
  • ratchet heads;
  • silicone sealant.

After the tool is prepared, proceed to the next step - the selection and acquisition of the necessary spare parts. Nowadays, it is easy to find parts to replace the stuffing box and drum bearings with any of the existing models - there are many online stores, specialized warehouse stores. The main thing is to understand how to replace the bearing on the machine and what exactly is needed for this. The bottom line is that different parts are installed on different models, so before buying parts, to For example, for an Indesit washing machine, it is necessary to clarify the sizes, referring to the recommendations manufacturer.

In the process of disassembling the machine, remember or shoot on the smartphone camera how and in what form wires are connected to the heater, how fasteners and connectors look when assembled. This will be needed when reassembling the device, so that then everything works again as before.

Bearing model

The next step in preparing for a do-it-yourself repair is site preparation. The ideal option for replacing the bearing in the washing machine will be a spacious room: a garage or a workshop. If this is not possible, repairs can be made in the apartment, freeing up space in one of the rooms.

Features of the repair of washing machines with different methods of loading laundry

There are various washing machines produced in many countries by well-known manufacturers: LG, Ardo, Ariston, Atlas, Bosh, Zanussi, Candy, Hansa, Hotpoint, etc. They all differ from each other in design, components, appearance, etc. The main distinguishing feature of automatic washing machines is the method of loading laundry. Loading can be vertical and frontal. Bearing replacement will be different in both cases.

Bearing replacement in a top-loading washing machine

The drum in a vertical type machine is located on two bearings. This ensures a stable and stable operation of the system. Bearings in such systems fail for the second time, there are certain prerequisites for this. This is often water entering the bearing through a faulty seal. Gradually clogging up the dirt, the bearing fails.

Bearing replacement in a top-loading washing machine

The bearings are located on the unit housing on the outside of the tank. The first thing to do is turn off electrical communications: power, sensors, heater. After that, the side pads are removed, under which the subject of repair is located. Replace with a bearing located on the side where there is no pulley.

Then the caliper is removed. The thread here is standard - right-hand and unscrews against the clock. After the part is removed, the packing gland is cleaned of dirt. When installing a new bearing, it is important to prevent the seal from skewing, since this will lead to fluid leakage and rapid breakdown of the bearing.

The replacement of the caliper on the engine side begins with the removal of the belt and pulley from the drum. Next is the ground block. The caliper here has left-hand thread, which is unscrewed in the course of the clock. The seat nest and shaft surface are also thoroughly cleaned. The new oil seal is installed in place, after which the caliper is twisted. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

Front Wheel Bearing Replacement

Automatic machine with collapsible tank

Repairing the unit with side loading is a little more complicated compared to the previous repair. Since the design of such machines is almost identical, the replacement of the drum and oil bearing on the LG washing machine with side loading will be considered. By the way, it is this manufacturer that manufactures direct-drive washing machines. The noise level in them is really lower, but they fail in the same way. But at least repairing the washing machine with your own hands will turn out in the same way as models from other manufacturers.

Dismantling the tank. The bearing in LG is installed in the rear wall of the tank and for its proper replacement you will have to dismantle the tank itself.

Tank dismantling

To do this, you must:

  • remove the back and top protective covers;
  • remove the drive belt from the pulley;
  • remove the pulley, having previously wedged it with a wooden insert;
  • remove the spacer and counterweights;
  • disconnect and disconnect the heater;
  • remove the tank clamp;
  • unscrew the bolts holding the bearing cup in the tank cap.
Tank diagram

In the process of loosening bolts, difficulties may arise due to the oxidation of the bolts. To fix the problem, the bolts are sprayed with WD-40 and after 30 to 40 minutes they can be easily unscrewed. Next, the tank is disassembled, followed by dismantling the drum. All the above operations are also relevant for the repair of a washing machine Indesit.

Zanussi. The drum, which is removed mainly simply, in these machines is knocked out. In order to repair the washing machines of this manufacturer and not damage the threaded connections to the shaft, screw the pin (bolt) with the corresponding thread into the latter until it stops. They knock out the part carefully, without haste.

Candy. The machines of this company also have features. The drum body is connected not with self-tapping screws as in most models, but with plastic latches. In this case, the shaft is knocked out with a hammer and a special guide. The remaining actions during the repair of such an apparatus are identical to the above. The glands are removed from the inside with a screwdriver.

After disassembling the drum, they begin to dismantle the defective bearing. If there are two, begin disassembling from the outside. In the absence of a puller at hand, you can use improvised means - a bolt with a washer selected in size, emphasis and nut. The same actions apply to internal bearings.

The drum bearing is pressed in in the reverse order. The seat is pre-cleaned and lubricated. Installation is made by the same devices as disassembly. Clogging the bearing is not recommended, since even a slight skew can cause a broken seat in the future.

After installing the drum on the washing machine, a shaft is installed using the stop, bolt and nut with washer. All subsequent activities are carried out in reverse order.

With a non-separable tank

Key representatives: Indesit and Ariston washing machines. The difference from the rest is a solid tank made of polycarbonate. In order to gain access to faulty bearings, the tank must be cut using a conventional hacksaw. To reduce the thickness of the cut, the blade is tapped with a hammer to reduce the tooth layout.

Replacing the bearing of a non-separable tank machine

Further, the steps for replacing the oil seal and bearing of a non-separable tank machine are the same as in front-loading machines: LG, Ardo, Atlant, Bosch, Candy and others. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order, and the tank is twisted with screws on pre-marked holes. The halves of the tank at the points of contact before assembly are lubricated with sealant.

Video clip on replacing the stuffing box and bearing in the drum

To feel more confident, watch a video with a detailed description of how the replacement is made.

Such a repair of the machine is not too complicated and it is quite possible to cope with it independently. Read the information and instructions for the machine you have chosen, watch the video and everything should work out.

Read also: how and how to clean the washing machine.

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