Why does the ice on the back wall freeze in the refrigerator and what should I do?

If the ice on the back wall freezes in the refrigerator, this often indicates the improper operation of the household appliance or the presence of faults of one kind or another. To find out the cause of the freezing of ice, you can call a repairman or try to figure it out on your own.


  1. Incorrectly set cooling mode
  2. Solenoid valve malfunction
  3. Capillary blockage
  4. Defective defrost sensor
  5. Sealing gum wear
  6. Compressor overload

Incorrectly set cooling mode

If it freezes on the back of the refrigerator, then you should immediately check which cooling mode is set in the refrigerator. As in the case of air conditioning, you should not maximize the cooling in hot summer weather.

There is an erroneous opinion that at high air temperature, in the refrigerator should be as cold as possible. But the temperature inside the refrigerator and outside is not connected in any way, if the tightness of the chamber is not broken. Therefore, it is worth doing the opposite, and in hot weather, slightly increase the temperature in order to protect the unit from overloads due to work at the maximum of its capabilities and to exclude freezing of ice in the camera.

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Solenoid valve malfunction

The solenoid valve is responsible for adjusting the cooling in the two-chamber refrigerator. And its malfunction may be the reason why the back wall of the refrigerator freezes. The valve automatically cools the chamber that is currently most needed.

The ice on the back of the refrigerator often appears when the valve transfers resources only to the refrigerator. Along with the fact that the wall is covered with ice, the freezer may defrost, therefore, such a malfunction must be fixed immediately.

Read also:

  • Which should be optimal temperature in the refrigerator and freezer? We understand the nuances.
  • Refrigerator power consumption: what is the average power of the refrigerator?
  • Why does the refrigerator flow inside or below and how to fix the problem: https://sovetexpert.ru/techet-xolodilnik.html

Capillary blockage

Often the tubes through which the refrigerant circulates have some roughness. With such a structure, various impurities can accumulate in an uneven place, which leads to partial blockage. In this condition, ice freezes on the back wall, and the temperature in the refrigerator increases.

Unfortunately, blockage can only be removed under pressure or with special solvents. That is, without the help of a master repairing refrigerators, you can not do here.

Defective defrost sensor

The defrost sensor is responsible for maintaining the temperature in the refrigerator so that the products do not deteriorate and snow or ice does not appear. The sensor can break itself, like any other mechanism. Also, it may cease to fulfill its functions if the equipment is used incorrectly.

It is not in vain that the user manual indicates that you should not put hot food and utensils in the refrigerator, or keep the door open for a long time. This leads to the fact that the temperature in the chamber rises, and the sensor does not turn on the defrost mode. The first thing to do is force the unit to defrost, that is, disconnect it from the power supply and allow the ice to melt. After all the ice has disappeared, the refrigerator compartment must be wiped dry and turned on.

With a working sensor in a single-compressor refrigerator, hoarfrost on the wall lasts about 15 minutes, and then it melts for 35 minutes. In a two-compressor unit, hoarfrost lasts 25 minutes and melts as much.

If these time intervals are not saved, then most likely the sensor is already faulty and requires repair or replacement. You can replace the sensor yourself, but it is better to contact the repair technician, who will probably fix the old mechanism.

Sealing gum wear

If the seal on the refrigerator door is worn, this leads to a violation of the tightness of the refrigerator compartment. Warm air from the room enters the chamber, which misleads the defrost sensor and subsequently ice forms on the wall.

The elastic is attached to the door usually with glue, screws or inserted into a special groove. You can see how to replace a worn out seal yourself in this video instruction:

If the sealant was on glue, then before gluing a new one, carefully remove the remnants of the past glue and degrease the surface. You can also attach the sealant to the screws if the old gum was held in this way. The screws themselves are not required to be replaced with new ones. The doors of some models of refrigerators are equipped with a special groove in which the sealing gum is inserted. To replace it, you need to find exactly the same. After all, if the sealant does not completely lie in the groove, then the wall of the refrigerator will be covered with snow.

You can find the same gum on the website of the manufacturer of equipment of the same brand as the original refrigerator. In addition to the equipment itself, they also sell components that require periodic replacement. You can also contact a service center or a repair organization to help you find a gasket from the same refrigerator model.

Compressor overload

If the unit is often overloaded with a large number of products that need to be cooled, then its compressor will operate at the limit of its capabilities and will soon fail. The appearance of ice in the refrigerator may be the first signal of an overload. That is why it is important to eliminate the cause of what freezes on the back wall in time. After all, replacing a compressor is a very expensive procedure.

To preserve the compressor’s performance, do not immediately load the entire refrigerator with warm products, but spread them in batches at intervals. You also need to monitor the temperature inside the chamber and, when it is unreasonably lowered, call the master.

If the reason why an ice layer appeared on the rear wall of the refrigerator is in a compressor condition, then here you can’t do without the help of a master. First you need to check the amount of refrigerant. After all, if there is not enough cooling substance, then the compressor is overloaded. Refrigerant injection requires special equipment and the substance itself, which is not easy to buy, since it has certain storage and operating conditions.

If you find out why the ice in the refrigerator compartment freezes, then the cause can be eliminated on your own. But it happens that ice forms on the back of the refrigerator as the first sign of a rather serious malfunction of the vital parts of the unit. Then you should not save and call a specialist who will correct the situation and save the equipment.

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