Why the washing machine does not drain and buzzes: what to do and how to drain the water?

Every owner washing machineHaving heard a signal informing about the end of washing, he immediately rushes to open the door and get the squeezed out, clean linen. But what to do if it turns out that while the water has completely remained in drum and spills onto the floor, or, at best, things just float in the water?


  1. The reasons
  2. What can be done to diagnose problems?
  3. How can I solve the problem myself?

Here we will try to clarify what went wrong, why the washing machine does not drain the water and what measures can be taken in such a situation.

The instruction is suitable for models LG, Samsung, Beco, Bosh, Candy, etc.

The reasons

There can be many reasons: from a trivial breakdown to its incorrect operation by user.

Consider what may cause the washing machine to not drain the water:

  1. First of all, you should check the correctness of the mode. It often happens that the washing machine does not drain the water because the owner accidentally chose a non-drying wash. This method is relevant when washing very delicate items or items made of wool, which the spin may damage. The mistakenly selected mode as the reason that the washing machine does not drain the water is solved very simply: just press the combination of “start-stop-cancel” buttons and start draining the water.
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  2. The washing machine does not drain out completely because the drain hose is pinched. Make sure it is not transmitted.
  3. Blockages can also lead to malfunctioning drainage systems. In order to find out, disconnect the hose and put it in the bathroom. Next, select any washing mode. If water flows through the hose without any problems - most likely, it is a sewage system. It is recommended to clean it yourself or seek the help of a specialist.

What can be done to diagnose problems?

If the correct washing mode is selected and the hose is working, and the washing machine does not drain the water, then the problem is in it. Here it is necessary to forcibly disconnect it from the network, remove things and manually drain water from the washing machine through the drain filter.

It is important: substitute a container under it in advance so that all the water does not appear on the floor.

Now call a specialist from the service center to help identify the causes of the problem and repair it.

  • Often, the washing machine does not drain and buzzes because the drain filter or siphon is clogged. At the exit, the water goes through a system for cleaning threads and lint - therefore, the filtration system may clog and the washing machine will not be able to cope well with the drain. To fix this is not difficult: you just need to remove it and rinse, for example, with a detergent. Read more about cleaning the filter - read here.
  • Another reason that the washing machine does not drain water may be a pump that has failed; he is responsible for pushing water into the drain. The solution here will only be its complete replacement.
  • Failure can be caused by a malfunction of the control module. In this case, the signal is not transmitted to the pump motor, therefore the washing machine does not drain the water. This can only be fixed by repairing the programmer.
  • The presence of a malfunction in the water level sensor causes the washing machine to not detect water inside. Therefore, the control module indicates that the water has already been drained and the wash is finished. Then the sensor must be replaced.

How can I solve the problem myself?

If you are using the “you” technique and want to do without calling the wizard, this review about the causes and methods of eliminating the breakdown of the washing machine will be useful to you:

  • First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that if the washing machine does not drain the water, its door may be blocked. You can familiarize yourself with door unlocking methods in this video:
  • Program reset. When your machine doesn’t drain the water, stopped pushing and stopped at the spin stage - it is necessary to interrupt the program, and then restart it at the same stage. First of all, you need to unplug it from the outlet. If this method does not help, use the buttons to interrupt the wash and press “rinse and spin”.
Program reset
  • Change control module. A malfunction of the electronic device can also cause the washing machine to stop draining water. It is impossible to fix its performance without certain skills and abilities - it is easier to bring the machine into the repair service or call the master at home. Her master will not only be examined, but will also carry out high-quality repair work, including the change of the electronic control module.
Change control module
  • Filter check. If your washing machine cannot drain completely and does not wring the laundry, the filter is likely to be clogged. First you need to start draining the water, then turn off the filter, which is most often located in the lower front of the machine. This should be done carefully so that water is not poured on the floor and no one is flooded. Next to it is a hose from which you need to remove the cap, designed to drain the water. Then the filtering device is unscrewed, and inspected: sometimes everything can get stuck here, starting with threads and villi and ending with small coins that block the outflow of water, after which the washing machine does not drain the water and buzzes. After the filter is cleaned and the accumulated debris removed, you can start it in spin mode.
  • Drain hose inspection. In order to make sure that it is passable, just blow it into it and make sure that the air enters the tank of the machine. In addition, it is recommended to check the condition of the siphon, because it, like the filter, can be clogged with impurities. Often, the washing machine does not drain the water because the hose is simply pinched. If a gap is not visible in it and a plaque forms, it is recommended to replace the hose. And if everything is in order with him, you need to make sure that the pump is working.
  • Pump check. Paying attention to the sounds that the washing machine makes is the best way to check the health of the pump. If the washing machine seems to be buzzing, this may indicate one of these problems:
  • The pump is blocked and does not rotate;
  • Its engine is out of order.
Pump check

If there is a humming buzz, you need to disassemble the pump. If hair or threads are wound around it, you need to clean the device, collect and restart the wash. If you have a multimeter - check if voltage is applied to it. If it regularly fails, you can safely proceed to its replacement, because in this way it warns that it will finally break down soon.

  • Wiring Integrity Diagnostics. If power is not supplied to the pump of the machine, then such problems may arise:
    • Electronics defective;
    • The integrity of the wiring is broken.

If problems with the wiring can be eliminated manually, then the repair of the electronic component is best entrusted to professional employees of the service center.

We hope that our article helped you determine why the equipment does not drain the water, and what needs to be done in order to drain the water from the washing machine and completely eliminate this problem. If such an incident happened, you should not panic and calculate the cost of repairing or buying a new washing machine, because there are many ways to deal with this yourself. The only exception is the repair or change of the electronic module, and every man who knows how to hold tools in his hands can handle a faulty pump. As for the cleaning of drain hoses and filters, even every housewife can do it!

We also recommend reading an article about how to clean the washer from scale.

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