How to clean the washing machine from limescale with citric acid and vinegar?

Washer - An important household appliance that helps to wash dirty things over the long 10 years. But hard, chlorinated water with numerous impurities and rust can minimize the useful life of the washing machine. Its result is the formation of scale - salt deposits of heavy metals - on a tubular electric heater (TENE), which leads to a complete breakdown of the machine. Is it possible to somehow protect your assistant from the inevitable "death"? Of course you can! It is enough to know how to descale the washing machine.


  1. How to determine the presence of scale on a heating element?
  2. Mechanical way
  3. Chemicals to help the hostess
  4. Folk Organic Descaler

How to determine the presence of scale on a heating element?

Before moving to emergency measures to clean the machine, you need to understand whether it really needs it. So, cleaning the washing machine is necessary if you notice that:

  • after washing, the laundry smells bad
  • white things turn gray
  • during washing there is a buzz or rattle,
  • instagram viewer
  • the glass on the door of the washing machine stopped heating,
  • increased consumption of detergents, not bringing significant results.

If you have noticed at least one of these problems, it is time to take decisive action and clean the washing machine from harmful deposits!


Now let's look at effective anti-scale measures. Descaling by professionals is expensive. In order not to overpay, you must know how to clean the heating elements of the washing machine from scale at home.

Mechanical way

If you are an engineer with experience or you have experience in the assembly / disassembly of washing machines, then you can safely remove the heater from machine and subject it to mechanical cleaning with a wire brush, kitchen knife or ordinary putty knife.

Remember the important points:

  1. Before disassembling the machine, disconnect it from the mains.
  2. Dismantle the water supply hoses.
  3. With a gentle, smooth movement, clean off all formed scale from the electric heater.
Knife cleaning

If you are not confident in your abilities or make descaling in the machine with careless, sudden movements, be prepared for the risk of damage to the heater and its final failure. In this case, look at the method of chemical cleaning.

Chemicals to help the hostess

Progress does not stand still: every year in stores there are more and more funds for the home, designed to fight mold, grease, soapy stains and, of course, clean the scale in the washing machine. These widely advertised liquids and powders are chemical methods for controlling scale. The effectiveness of their use is proved by various tests and personal experience of the hostesses. Store-based detergent for washing machines refers, as a rule, to a group of solutions called “decalcifiers”, and contains in its composition adipic, sulfamic acid and sodium citrate, responsible for the decomposition of salt growths and their complete removal.

Rules for the use of decalcifiers:

  • buy products designed specifically for washing machines, and not other electrical appliances with internal heating elements (teapots, coffee machines);
  • Before using them, carefully read the attached instructions, clearly observing the temperature and washing mode;
  • do not start washing the laundry at the same time as the descaler in the washing machine, so as not to damage delicate fabrics;
  • use the “idle” washing mode;
  • When using a detergent for washing machines, be sure to leave the room in which the machine is located in order to avoid inhalation of toxic chemical fumes.

Today, among the variety of store products, the following are especially popular:

  1. Antinakipin "Top house"- a concentrated product from a German manufacturer, soluble in cold water and designed for 39 washes.Top house
  2. Antinakipin "Cinderella"- a universal liquid descaler for washing machines, coffee makers, kettles, irons. Among its undoubted advantages are called the absence of smell, efficiency, efficiency and an inexpensive price.Cinderella
  3. Antinakipin "Furman"- a means with inorganic acids that protects the drum and the heater of the washing machine from salt deposition. According to reviews, it resembles citric acid in composition.Furman
  4. Descaler "Topperr"- express cleaner for washing and dishwashers, which contains special additives protecting rubber parts of machines from destruction.Topperr

This is not a complete list of store anti-scum. Their choice is huge, and each housewife always finds "their own", which suits her in price and quality. But if you are an adherent of all natural and want to know how to descale in a washing machine less aggressive ways, pay attention to folk remedies for cleaning washing machines from destroying their internal elements scum.

Folk Organic Descaler

Not every housewife knows how to clean the washing machine from scale without resorting to chemicals. Although this allows you to significantly reduce the line item for the advertised anti-scale and reduce the risk of allergic reactions. In addition, they, as a rule, are always at hand - this is ordinary citric acid and vinegar! So, how do the hostess act in case of using these funds?

1. For intensive, frequent washing, descaling should be done. citric acid no more than 1 time in 3 months. If the machine is rarely used, 1 procedure in half a year will be enough. Consider that the number of sachets of citric acid weighing 20 g depends on the maximum load of laundry in the machine.

Lemon acid

So, for machines with a load of 5 kg, 5 sachets or 100 g of powder are needed, and one of them is poured directly into drumand the rest into the powder compartment. The washing machine is cleaned with citric acid when the drum is empty. The washing mode should be selected the longest and with a maximum temperature (approximately 95 ° C). After completing the cycle, put the machine in rinse mode, preferably double. The last step is to wipe the inside of the drum with a soft sponge.

If you still doubt your own abilities, watch the video on how to clean the washing machine with citric acid:

It describes the detailed process of the procedure with the sequence of all actions, indicating the norms temperature, amount of powder, as well as small nuances that should not be forgotten in the process cleaning up.

2. Vinegar removal of harmful scale is no less effective. However, it should be noted that acetic acid is more aggressive than citric acid, therefore, it is not recommended to exceed the permissible norm. For the procedure, you need to take 2 cups of white 9-% vinegar, pour them into the compartment for liquid powders. Next, you need to set the machine in the washing mode with the longest cycle in hot water and after 5 minutes, stop the cycle for 1 hour. During this time, vinegar will penetrate into all inaccessible parts of the washing machine and remove accumulated salt sediment. After an hour, continue the selected cycle and wait for it to complete. To completely clean the drum of traces of vinegar, run the machine again in quick wash mode. After finishing, wipe the inside of the drum and door with a dry rag or sponge.

Photo instruction:

Set the temperature

A descaler for washing machines is not a panacea. It is much more reasonable to carry out preventive measures in the form of installing filters for mechanical water purification, using water softeners when washing, and choosing a washing mode with a temperature of no more than 75 ° C. But if no such measures were taken, now you know how to use mechanical, chemical or folk methods can extend the life of his assistant; you know what and, most importantly, how to remove scale in the washing the car.

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