strength and soul, but being not a professional in this matter, you may encounter "pitfalls" that will entail serious problems and losses.
- Wrong choice of land for the house
When you are going to acquire a building plot, you need to be very careful about this matter. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the size of the plot (it must be such that you can then expand the house and plant a garden or vegetable garden). The second is the infrastructure around the earth under the house: the availability of shops, transport accessibility, environmental conditions, etc. Thirdly, the decisive factor is the accounting of engineering and geological data on soil conditions, because it is because of this that the foundation of the house can be deformed, and then the destruction.
- Building "by eye" or not having a house project
After buying a site, you need to contact the designers that they have prepared a project for the future home. Why is this a mandatory procedure? What can save on design result in?
- Purchase of excess materials (with the design for you immediately calculate the required number of building materials)
- The lack of a project leads to the fact that the plan changes every time, and these are new costs and conflicts with builders
- Incorrect errors, such as inconvenient layout, may be allowed.
- Too much load for one or hiring the wrong builders
Rather, it seems to you that building a house with your own hands is the right way to save money. But first you need to soberly assess your strengths or the strengths of those workers whom you hire. When choosing builders for your home, ask them to show their completed projects for your trust. And do not forget to control them.
- Underestimation of snow and wind loads
Take this issue very carefully, as with an incorrect roof device, using rafters insufficient cross-section and installation step, the use of incorrect designs will lead to deformation and destruction.

- Improper foundation construction
The foundation is the foundation of the house, it must be performed perfectly, otherwise there may be distortions of structures, cracks in the walls, violation of the waterproofing and thermal insulation of the house.
- Incorrect floor installation
The soil must be covered with waterproofing and ventilation underground, if this is not done, then there will be strong soil moisture.
The interval of installation of beams should be no more than 1 m, otherwise sagging and vibrations will be detected.
- Lack of waterproofing
You must not forget about the waterproofing between the foundation concrete and wall materials, also the waterproofing should be durable, you should not choose from materials such as roofing material, because their cellulose base is susceptible to biological destruction.
- Blocking steam transfer through structures
Aerated concrete is the material through which a vapor barrier passes. This effect appears if the brickwork is without ventilation or without a ventilated gap. Cellular materials dampen and lose their thermal insulation properties over several decades, and the frame of the house begins to rot.
- Construction in a short time
Haste can only cause damage to a future home, it is necessary to take into account how much time is needed for each technology, for example, foundation settlement is carried out for 6-18 months.
- Incorrect construction time
Do not build a house in summer or spring, as it dries faster, but does not have time to settle down.

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