What tools are better to rent if you plan to do it yourself

Any man who is interested in repairing a living room understands that this event cannot be held without the necessary set of tools. Small repair tools are usually easier to purchase on your own. But more voluminous and expensive tools are most often more profitable to rent.

Where to rent repair tools?

When choosing a company that provides tools for rent, it is important to clarify for yourself the following aspects:

  • what toolkit is available;
  • whether they are in working condition, is it possible to check their performance directly at the point of issue;
  • for what minimum period of time a set of tools is issued;
  • what percentage of the price of instruments will be charged for every day;
  • how far the company is from the repaired premises.

It would be wise to find answers to the above questions for yourself long before you receive a selected set of tools for rent.


What tools do you have to rent?

Here is a set of tools that are most often provided for hire:

  • Electric drill: A very common and necessary tool that is used both in the process of drilling holes of the right size, and during the mixing of cement in the presence of the right nozzle.
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  • Puncher: An extremely important tool for repair work, which is useful both in the process of fixing the cornice, and in the process of drilling a through hole for pipe wires.
  • Concrete mixer: This tool significantly accelerates the mixing of concrete. Brigades rent it more often than individuals.
  • Jackhammer: It will come in handy if the owner decided to dismantle the old concrete mall in his summer cottage.
  • Karcher: A very expensive tool. It is useful in the process of cleaning the working surface of old paint or tile.
  • Grinder: useful in the process of cutting pipes, fittings, as well as during the grinding of bulk metal and stone products.
  • Technical hairdryer: it will help to quickly clean the working surface of old paint and other contaminants, as well as warm the glued surfaces.
  • An electric planer will significantly reduce the time taken to process natural wood surfaces.
  • An electric jigsaw will facilitate the process of cutting plywood, fiberboard and other tile materials (with the exception of ceramic plates).
  • Stroborez: With this tool, beards of the required size are made inside the walls. With a chipper, this work will be completed quickly and without undue difficulty.
  • Circular saw: If there is a lot of work to do with quality sawing of building materials, then you just can not do without renting a circular saw.
  • Milling cutter: If milling is expected to be completed, you will have to rent a milling cutter with a replaceable set of tools attached to it.

Tools provided for hire - a very large number. To list all of them within the framework of one article is practically impossible. However, we managed to list the most necessary tools!

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