In the pond man-made fish catch - right at her dacha, her divorce!

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In fact, why go far? After all, you can easily catch fish for yourself on the ears directly from your own pond. Only before that, you need to work a little. But then everything will pay off with interest!

Create a fish pond at the dacha will help knowledge and work!

It is clear that not every pond is suitable for breeding fish. Here you should consider some points.

The depth of the pond should be no less than 120 cm, so that the water in it does not freeze in severe frosts. Otherwise, the inhabitants of the pond may die.

The volume of water for each individual up to 10 cm is about 50 liters. To determine the optimum number of inhabitants of the pond, it is necessary to make appropriate calculations. It should be borne in mind that larger volumes for normal life require more water.

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Install a pond in a space that is not shaded by trees, since the leaves, falling into it, will rot. But one part of the reservoir should still be in the shade so that the fish can hide from direct sunlight. You can place a pond next to the fence or make a special portable screen. For beauty use for this purpose artificial trees or garden sculptures.

It is also worth considering the possibility of supplying an artificial water reservoir with electricity for using a compressor or aerator and devices for cleaning it. The need to add water to the pond or even partially to change it requires the supply of a pipeline to it.

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The material from which the reservoir is made must be safe for fish. The bottom of the pond must be covered with sand and gravel, and planted on it. It is also not bad to arrange artificial caves of stones in a reservoir so that its inhabitants could hide in them.


And the fish, like air, need air in the water!

From the course of biology, everyone knows that oxygen is required for gill respiration. Only not the one that land creatures need.

Therefore, the most important in breeding fish in an artificial reservoir is a sufficient amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.

In order to maintain it in the norm, you should purchase an aerator of the appropriate capacity, which depends on the volume of the pond.

It is worth remembering that the amount of oxygen is significantly reduced because of the putrefactive processes that inevitably occur in the water. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the pond from the remains of uneaten food, falling into it from outside the leaves, grass.

You also need to try to create the right microclimate in the pond. Due to the large number of algae, the presence of snails in it, it is quite possible to do this.

There are some kinds of fish, for example, roach, which eat duckweed. If such residents settle in the pond, the problem of flowering water will be solved by itself.

The number of fish in the reservoir will increase regularly due to its multiplication. This can also cause a decrease in oxygen in the water. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the quantity of fish with the help of its capture.

In winter, the water is covered with ice. Because of this, oxygen intake sharply decreases. The inhabitants of the pond can suffocate. An indispensable condition for a fish farmer is a device in the ice hole, which is topped with straw. Compressors and pumps, which supply air to the water, will not be superfluous during this period.

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Some fish farmers establish a bundle of reeds in the ice-hole. Such a clever way provides air access even when the pond is covered with ice.

The process of settling the reservoir is quite long and laborious ...

But the pond is ready. Everything is provided, thought out. It seems that you can already run fish into it. But no! There is no need to hurry in this case.

Water in the pond must be settled for a month. It is believed that the reservoir is ready for settling, if silt appears on its walls. It is useful to add to it some quantity of river or lake water to form the necessary microclimate in the pond and speed up the process.

It is important before transplanting the manufacturers into the pond to measure the pH of the water. Do this procedure should be regular, and in the winter especially often. Knowing the acidity necessary for the life of the inhabitants of the pond, one must try to achieve precisely this index. The installation of calcareous filters in the reservoir will help to solve the problem. To reduce acidity, lime is added to it.

It is not necessary to launch fish caught in a river or lake in a pond. It can be sick or infected with parasites. It is best to take manufacturers in specialized stores.

Fish at the time of transplantation is experiencing great stress. In addition, it may be shocked by the temperature drop. Therefore, experts suggest such a method. Brought young stock along with the package is placed in a reservoir. In such a state, future inhabitants should spend about an hour. The temperature inside the package is smoothly equal to that in the pond. The fish will get used to it gradually. So "moving" her to a new place of residence will become less painful.

Karpov bred in artificial ponds

What kind of fish is best to breed in an artificial reservoir?

It is very important to consider the survival of species with each other. Predators are best not to contain with smaller fish. Yes, and caring for the fry in this case - it's not the last thing.

Karasi - the most unpretentious inhabitants of artificial reservoirs.

If it is decided to engage in breeding fish for catching and eating, then the best for this purpose is suitable:

  • crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • tench;
  • perch;
  • zander;
  • som;
  • bull-calf;
  • ruff.
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These fish are unpretentious in content, grow well. Although they are extremely voracious.

Catfish like to swim on the bottom.

For pike perch, catfish, except for the usual feeding, in the reservoir run a small fish: stickleback, bleak and others.

Pike perch

But carp in food are less legible. They are fed not only worms and insects, but also a steamed grain of cereals and legumes, as well as a mead of mixed fodder.

Lin likes overgrown ponds.
Perch river well adapts in an artificial reservoir.

Active growth of fish occurs in spring and summer. At this time, fish farmers feed their pets 1-2 times a day. It is recommended to do this at the same time and in a certain place, so that the inhabitants of an artificial reservoir develop a conditioned reflex. 10 minutes after feeding, the food should be removed so that they do not rot in the water.

An inexperienced fish breeder can start with bull-calves.

In autumn, when the temperature in the pond drops below +10 degrees, the fish stops eating. Therefore, fish farmers stop giving her food.

Yorksh - the fish is not big, but what a delicious ear!

But to monitor the condition of the reservoir does not need to stop even in winter. And if everything is done correctly, the pond will be able to provide the family with fish.

How to breed fish in your own pond?

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