What time of the year are the lowest prices for repairs


  • 1 What is the benefit
  • 2 How to choose materials for repair in the winter
  • 3 How to make repairs in winter

Any construction requires a large amount of earthwork, so it should be carried out in the warm season. Apartment renovation takes place indoors, so you can do it all year round. In winter, you just need to follow the rules for the choice of building materials.

What is the benefit

If you need to save on repairing the premises, you need to do it in the winter. On this side, it is more profitable to make repairs in the winter season, as it becomes possible to use the services of a qualified team at a lower cost. Since specialists at this time stand idle almost without work, there is an opportunity to reduce the price by 15-20 percent.


However, savings will be visible only when the labor of employees is used. If the work is done independently, the repair cost will be almost the same as that done in the summer. However, in winter there is a possibility that the price of building materials will be lower than usual, since the excitement of buyers in the cold is not so big.

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How to choose materials for repair in the winter

Building materials have a direct impact on the quality of repairs at any time of the year, but this issue is even more acute in the winter. During their selection should pay attention to such points:

  1. Purchases should be made where materials are stored in closed, heated warehouses. In other cases, the buyer will receive frost-bitten materials that will not serve as high-quality and durable.
  2. On the package should be written that a substance can be used in cold weather.
  3. It is necessary to carry building materials in a car that has a heated body.

For these reasons, it is not recommended to buy repair materials in the winter in open markets or small shops where storage standards are not respected.


How to make repairs in winter

The base for dry mixes should be at a temperature of at least 5 degrees.

When there are appliances for heating in the room, it should be remembered that they greatly dry the air. This can cause the plaster to dry much faster than required and the base will not be as strong. To prevent this, it is necessary to retain moisture piece by piece - cover the applied plaster with polyethylene or moisten it with water from time to time.

Problems arise when replacing batteries in old houses - in this case there is a need to block the entire riser, which neighbors will not like very much.

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