Projector lamps starry sky, benq w1070, epson, panasonic, acer

Many people believe that projectors are used only to demonstrate a variety of slide shows and are not very popular these days. But it is not so. We offer you to consider how to choose the lamps for the projectors Epson, Panasonic, Sharp, Acer and Sanyo, Starry sky, and also what is their price.

What is the projector used for?

The device is ideal for conducting lectures and presentations for large groups, as well as watching movies and other video materials, karaoke, home cinema and television, etc. Projectors are also completely different, ranging from size to properties, to for example, handheld devices that can only work in a dark room and ending with powerful devices that work even in bright rooms.

Consider the characteristics of projection lamps: they are selected depending on the device on which they will work. Exists several types of projectors:

  1. LED light;
  2. Halogen;
  3. Slide projector.

The overhead projector is the oldest device, it works thanks to incandescent lamps and has a fairly short duration of up to 6,000 hours. In modern devices, halogen lamps or LEDs are mainly used, whose service life is significantly higher.

instagram viewer

Video: replacing the lamp in the projector

DLP, LCD and LED technology

The lamps used in projectors, as a rule, can be divided into two types: transmitting or reflective. Since LCD projectors transmit light through the LCD panel, they are considered transmitting. The DLP device uses mirrors and halogen lamps to direct the light in the right direction.

How do they work DLP devices? The projector is based on a DLP chip, which is up to two million tiny mirrors, not more than one fifth of the thickness of a human hair. Energy is transmitted to this chip, which in turn directs the signal to the lamp. Each segment of the color wheel provides a specific color. The primary colors of the lamp are red, blue, and green, while more advanced projectors support cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.

Halogen lamp for projectors
Photo - Halogen lamp for projectors

For these projectors, halogen lamps are used that can transmit a fairly wide range of colors and do not expend a lot of energy.

Presently LCD projectors are the most popular devices that are used almost everywhere. The image is created by a multi-stage process, which starts from the light source, in the role of which metal halide lamps are used. White light is transmitted by dichroic mirrors, which are specially assembled in such a way as to reflect only a certain wavelength of light. These are red, black and green color waves.

Photo Projector

Despite their incredible durability, the devices have their own limitations:

  1. They are the most expensive;
  2. These lamps can only be used in darkened rooms, as color rendering is somewhat limited.

Projectors in which they work LED bulbsare the most popular since they can transmit images both in bright rooms and in complete darkness. LEDs, which are used as light sources, are painted in different colors, due to which a spectrum of colors is formed.

LED projector lamp
Photo - LED lamp for the projector

The disadvantage of such lamps is not the best color rendering quality, because it is formed not thanks to light waves, but with the help of multi-colored LEDs.

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