Paint the facade, the rules of selection and application to the surface


  • 1 Features of facade paint
  • 2 Primary requirements
  • 3 Types of facade paints
    • 3.1 Silicate
    • 3.2 Calcareous
    • 3.3 Cement
    • 3.4 Acrylic
    • 3.5 Silicone
    • 3.6 Water dispersible
    • 3.7 Mineral
    • 3.8 Paints for wooden surfaces
  • 4 How to calculate material consumption
  • 5 Video
  • 6 Photo of painted facades

Since the facade of the house is its main protection against harmful external influences, it is important that it be of good quality. Be sure to periodically carry out its prevention and updating. To do this, you can apply various finishing materials - putty, paint, plaster and other coatings. Particular attention should be paid to the wooden base, because under the influence of weather conditions it deteriorates and quickly becomes unusable. At the same time, the paint on the facade of a wooden house should have a special composition, which is designed specifically for wood. Therefore, it is worth considering the main varieties of paints suitable for a wooden base.

Features of facade paint

Paint on the facade of the house should be suitable in quality and protect the exterior of the house from harmful effects. The main advantage of this finishing material is that it can not only give beautiful appearance to the structure, but also retains all the properties of the base for a long time in good condition.

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Features of paints intended for facades:

  • high strength;
  • elasticity;
  • vapor permeability;
  • good texture;
  • smoothness;
  • durability;
  • convenient application.
Paint for facades

Primary requirements

Before choosing a paint for a facade on a tree, it is worth finding out what qualities it should have. The color of the facade is significantly different from conventional painting material. Properly selected material should have the basic requirements:

  • finishing material for the facade of the house has good elasticity. For the coloring of facades, this property is of great importance, because due to the influence of temperature changes, the surface can quickly narrow and expand;
  • paintbya treeandstuccomusthavebeautifulstaminatothe impactultraviolet light. She ismustlongtimekeephisoriginalColourevenafterimpactssolarrays;
  • high abrasion resistance. Paints of a wooden facade, for brick, for plastering, walls should have high strength, when touching the coating it should not crumble and leave stains on clothes;
  • paint for stucco facades should be highly resistant to weathering. Water should not pass through it, and also it should retain all its qualities under the influence of frost, sunlight, a sharp change in temperature;
  • the facade coating should have high adhesion, namely it should have high adhesion to the base and ensure high strength of the facade;
  • not to be subjected to various mechanical influences, namely to withstand strong shocks, external pressure and other external influences;
  • It should be easy to apply, dry quickly, and it should quickly gain strength;
  • paint for the facade of a wooden house and plastered walls should have dirt-repellent properties. It should be easy to clean without losing its decorative properties.
Facade of the house
Facade painted with intense silicate paint
Facade paints

Types of facade paints

All paints for plastered building facades consist of special bonding elements, which have suspensions, fillers and solvents that give them additional operational data and quality. Paints of this type, like other coloring finishing materials, are divided into two main types:

  • organically soluble;
  • water soluble.

The first type includes low toxic and toxic components that have dissolving properties - white spirit, solvent and xylene. In addition to toxicity, these components are resistant to fire. Also, these materials may consist of thermoplastic acrylic resin, which is designed to create a protective film. This film is an excellent protection of the external plastered facade of the house from destruction and the influence of external negative factors. However, due to the fact that these bases are highly toxic, they are in low demand.

Color palette
The color palette of facade paints is huge

Paints, which belong to the second group, are the most popular, and their assortment is wider, unlike organically soluble type finishing materials. The subspecies of paints of this type are divided depending on the components contained in them, which, when working, perform their functions.

Water-soluble paints are divided into the following types:

  • silicate;
  • calcareous;
  • cement;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • water dispersible;
  • mineral;
  • paints for wooden surfaces.

When choosing a paint for the facade, it is worth paying attention to its properties, because it is on them that the future service life of the entire structure depends.


Silicate paints are intended for painting walls made of concrete, plaster and brick. In addition, silicate paint for the facade is a popular paint mixture. If you need to paint the base, make markings on the path, paint the walls inside or outside the house, then select this basis.

The composition of this coloring material includes liquid glass. Modern finishes contain potash glass, which gives them the greatest strength. Also, to increase the properties, these paints may contain zinc, silicon, and aluminum powder. Thanks to silicon and aluminum, the composition has anti-corrosion properties. In addition, the composition contains finely ground mineral pigments that are highly resistant to alkalis.

Positive qualities of silicate paints:

  • silicate type paint has high durability. After application, it can last up to 5 years;
  • waterproof - it tolerates the strong effects of moisture due to its water-repellent properties;
  • vapor permeability - after staining, it does not close the pores in plaster, wood and brick. Due to this, the formation of fungal lesions does not occur, which can quickly destroy the painted layer of the facade;
  • It is highly resistant to sudden changes in temperature conditions;
  • not exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Does not fade, retains its original color even after prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • not destroyed by acid precipitation.

Due to all these properties, silicate-type paint can be used for facades in plaster, concrete, and brick. In addition, it can be used to paint glass, decorative and natural stone, various mineral bases. Due to the fact that this material is able to penetrate deep into the painted layer, it is considered durable and stable compared to others.

Silicate paints Ceresit


The basis of lime paint is ordinary slaked lime. This material is considered the most budgetary means for finishing plastering outside the building. However, despite the low cost, this coating has a number of disadvantages:

  • the limestone coating gets dirty, while touching the walls it leaves stains on clothes;
  • quickly worn away, washed off by rain, snow;
  • since the paint quickly erases, the walls should be updated at least once a year;
  • limited color scheme - it has only white color and bed shades;
  • when various pigments are added to the finish coat, it quickly fades in the sun and the facade will lose its attractive appearance over time.

But still, this material has positive qualities. It has good bactericidal properties and high vapor permeability, therefore, after application to the coating, fungus and mold lesions do not form.

Lime paint
Lime based paint


The compositions of these finishing coatings are suitable for the plastered facade of the building. They are also suitable for brick, wood wall surfaces. Features of cement type paints:

  • the basis of the material is Portland cement;
  • the principle of operation of these finishing coatings is the same as that of lime;
  • these coatings are resistant to moisture. They practically do not collapse under the influence of snow rains and other precipitation;
  • have low bactericidal properties, therefore, fungus and mold lesions are often formed on these coatings;
  • This material is rarely used to cover the facade surface of houses.
Paint for facades and socles


Acrylic paints have good properties, so they are often used for painting facades of houses and other structures. They have high strength, wear and are not destroyed by high mechanical stresses.

Varieties of acrylic coatings:

  • paints based on organic solvents;
  • water-based coatings.

Materials that contain organic type solvents are suitable for painting in winter in severe frosts. Due to the presence of elements - resin, color pigments, various fillers, the properties of resistance to various environmental influences are much improved.

The main advantages of paints with organic solvents are the following properties:

  • simple application to any coating - plaster, wood, brick;
  • can be applied at temperature conditions from -20 to 30 degrees Celsius;
  • paints have high vapor permeability;
  • coatings have good strength;
  • Long service life of more than 10 years.

Acrylic coatings having a composition of an aqueous base, consist of acrylic copolymers, various polymer additives, as well as special fillers, such as marble. After application, this type of coating will be an excellent decorative decoration on the outside of the house, and also able to protect the surface from the adverse effects of weather and corrosion processes.

Acrylic facade paints
Acrylic paint


Silicone paint for the facade is a water-dispersion enamel, which has become quite popular lately in the construction market. This finishing material combines the properties of acrylic, dispersion, silicate paints, while this material has practically no negative qualities.

Silicone finishing materials can be used not only for painting facades, but also for various claddings. A characteristic property of this material is that it adheres perfectly to any surface and after drying gives it a beautiful appearance.

Positive qualities of the material:

  • due to the fact that the composition of paints of this type has special binding components, the material has high elasticity and is not damaged by strong mechanical stresses;
  • This mixture has a heat-resistant composition. For this reason, it does not deteriorate under the influence of strong temperatures, electricity, it does not melt and does not deform. It tolerates prolonged exposure to sunlight - does not fade and does not fade;
  • possesses water-repellent properties. Therefore, when exposed to heavy rain, snow, dampness will not be able to penetrate through the stained layer. As a result, the foundation will always be in good condition;
  • silicone paint perfectly hides all cracks, scratches and deformations;
  • does not have a strong specific smell;
  • Since this paint is matte, it is easy to clean.
Silicone paint
Structural quartz paint for exterior and interior use

Water dispersible

Water dispersion paints incorporate polymers and aqueous dispersions. The main binders are acrylic and vinyl acetate polymers. On the market in the form of these compounds, latex paint for facades is on sale. Qualities of water dispersion paints:

  • no volatile organic solvents;
  • application simple and easy;
  • possesses fast drying. One coat dries in about half an hour;
  • has high resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • has a high level of adhesion to various types of surfaces, as well as, including previously painted surfaces;
  • have high vapor permeability;
  • if the surface is previously plastered, then after applying this paint the layer will last more than 20 years.
Water-dispersed paint for facades
Water-dispersion paints


These mixtures consist of lime, silicate cement, casein. They are diluted with water with the addition of a dry filler. Types of mineral paints:

  • casein is a coloring mixture that is suitable for painting facades from a mineral base, for decorating walls indoors;
  • silicate - this paint is used for painting walls made of brick, plaster, concrete. It dries up about 7-8 hours, after this period creates a protective film on the surface;
  • decorative mixture or gouache - diluted with water. After staining, a protective film is created on the surface of the layer to be painted from a strong matte base. These mixtures are suitable for artwork and decoration.

Paints for wooden surfaces

For painting wooden surfaces, various coatings can be used. Paint for wooden facades should have good strength, vapor permeability, deep penetration, as well as water-repellent properties. Therefore, choosing a coating for a wooden facade, it should be borne in mind that paints for a wooden coating should be specifically designed for this material.

What paints are used on wood:

  • oil - this mixture has almost been superseded by other analogues from the construction market. It has an unpleasant odor, contains a high level of toxic substances, has a harmful effect. Dry for a long time, crack with time;
  • Acrylic is an environmentally friendly mixture that has high frost resistance. In addition, it lasts a long time, after application, mold and fungus do not appear;
  • Alkyd mixtures - dry quickly. After application, a protective film is created on the surface that does not allow water to pass through. Resistant to low temperatures up to - 30 degrees Celsius. Possess low durability, contain harmful components;
  • water-based enamel - after application, a glossy coating is created that does not hide the pattern of the tree.
Weatherproof alkyd enamel for exterior and interior use
Acrylic paint for wood
Oil paint

How to calculate material consumption

Before you start painting, you need to calculate how much paint is required on the surface of the facade. This indicator depends on the area, as well as on the planned result. For example, if you want to get an intense color, then the coloring mixture will need to be applied in several layers, respectively, and more paint will be needed. If acrylic, water dispersion paint is used for painting, then per 1 sq. M will require from 200 ml, if alkyd, then 1 liter, and if oil, then 150 ml.

It is advisable to carefully read the instructions on the package, because it always indicates the exact flow rate, depending on the composition of the base.

When calculating, you should consider which paint you plan to use:

  • water emulsion - should be purchased based on a proportion of 300 g per 1 sq m;
  • oil - consumption is approximately 150 g per 1 sq m;
  • alkyd - to paint 10 square meters, about 1 liter of paint will be required;
  • acrylic - its consumption is from 130 to 200 g per 1 sq m of surface.

If you want to determine the exact amount of paint you need, then you need to do simple steps and calculations:

  • measure the length of all the walls of the facade and calculate the perimeter;
  • measure the height and calculate the area to be painted;
  • subtract the area of ​​all window and door openings from the total area;
  • knowing the value of the area to be painted, you can easily calculate the required amount of paint using the material consumption values ​​indicated on the package.
Consumption when using acrylic textured paint

Painting the facade of the house is a rather difficult process, which requires increased care and responsibility. First of all, it is necessary to choose a paint that will provide not only a beautiful appearance, but will also be high protection against further destruction of the facade. Selected material with good properties can extend the service life by almost 20 years. You need to choose the paint before plastering the surface of the facade or apply a different type of finish to it.


Specialists will demonstrate how to quickly and efficiently paint the facade of a building with their own hands.

Photo of painted facades

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