How to make an eternal log on wood

Many people, wanting to reduce their costs, are searching on the Internet for ideas that will help them achieve this. One of them is the eternal log, which allows you to reduce the consumption of the yard by half! In this case, the heated room will be as warm as before.


Although they write about logs - this is not wood, but a piece of metal pipe. On it, plugs are welded on both ends, and a hole is arranged on top, overlapped by a valve. The hole serves to fill the pipe with water - this is done for the entire volume.


On the "log" from above there are several holes of small diameter located along the pipe. The latter, so that the water does not splash out through the openings at the slopes, has legs along the edges - the simplest of the transversely welded corners.
The inventor, who invented the “log”, claims that such a device works for a long time and allows saving on heating. It, placed in the stove, allows it to work more efficiently.

Initially, the pipe is filled, through an opening with a valve, with water. Better hot, which will provide faster overall heating "log", the formation of saturated steam. Then it is placed at the very bottom of the wood stove, which is filled with ordinary wood.

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The presence of "logs" among firewood increases their burning time by an average of 40%, which leads to fuel economy. In addition, steam generated from water during heating and released from the "log" into the furnace through a series of open small holes has a greater (2 times) heat capacity than the surrounding air. The latter leads to better heating of the stove, and from it the air in the room.


The inventor indicates that the "log" effectiveness has been proved by him experimentally. Although, given that the laws of physics, in particular, energy conservation, have not yet been repealed, it is difficult to agree with him. It is possible, in principle, to obtain additional energy. But this will necessarily lead to the loss of its same share elsewhere.


There are other crazy and not so ideas that save fuel in stoves. However, all of them can be ineffective if you do not follow the basic rules that help to keep warm. They are: a stove must be properly folded or manufactured; it is necessary to close all unnecessary holes, slots through which leaves heat, clean the blower, exhaust pipe in time; for heating use firewood from those hardwoods that have more heat transfer.

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