We install a sports corner for children at home

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To realize the childhood dream of one's own corner for playing and playing sports, it is not enough to place a Swedish wall in the room. To do this, it is necessary to create a sports corner for children, which meets primarily the safety requirements, so that the structure is as safe and durable as possible. And, of course, for a child to be comfortable playing physical exercises, this is the same toy, only big and strong.

Sports corner for children: the basic requirements for the design and configuration of the kit

Choose the optimal version of sports equipment and elements for the construction of a sports corner for children will help understand what for, and most importantly, for whom it is planned to build it. The age of the child, his physical data, height and weight allow you to design a design and develop a set of exercises for classes.

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Sports corners for the house can have the following classification:

  • equipment for a child from 1 to 3 years of play;
  • Design for children 3-7 years old for initial physical development with game elements;
  • A classical gymnastic corner for children from 8 to 14 years old;
  • corner for maintaining the form and playing sports with sports and rehabilitation equipment.

It is quite possible to create a very similar design on a small area of ​​a children's room, especially if take into account the fact that if you build it yourself, the cost will be 2-3 times less than the finished corner of store.

The second important point in the decision to build everything with their own hands is the opportunity to control the child during his studies, gradually giving him the opportunity to do it himself.

When you start building you need to clearly understand and see all the nuances of the location of the shells, their equipment and accessibility for the child. Gathering the design of the entry level, over time, you can remake the physical culture in accordance with the age and growth of the child.

Safety and reliability of design - the main requirements

Whatever it was, but the safety of the building for the baby and others in any case should be in the first place for any kind of sports facility. This applies to and collected by own hands, and bought in the store. For safety reasons, a sports corner for children should provide:

  • Stability under the influence of any kinds of loads;
  • strength of joints of all components and parts;
  • correspond to the size of the child's age category;
  • do not have protrusions, untreated electric welding seams or joints of wooden parts dangerous for the child;
  • To exclude even the theoretical possibility of entangling a child in ropes and ropes;
  • mandatory to provide that the sports staircase on the wall had a safety mat.

Installation and attachment of sports equipment must be done in such a way that the complex does not block free space for emergency evacuation from the room in the event of a fire, does not obstruct the passage and does not obstruct window.

Before making a children's sports corner with their own hands, you need to determine the place of installation. When choosing the fixing points to the wall, ceiling and floor, you must first check the presence of hidden wiring, the route of laying water pipes and pipes of the heating system. Do not install metal structures cluttering access to the outlet, the switch, the valves of engineering systems.

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And of course the local conditions:

  • places for games should be abound;
  • Sloping boards or slides should not rest on a bed or chair;
  • glass door inserts should be at a safe distance from the swing, rope and rope ladder.

What can be a sports corner for children in the apartment?

The standard scheme of a set of sports equipment for a home gym in general, has a small choice. Traditionally, it includes such sports equipment for children:

  • Swedish wall as a corner sport corner;
  • hinged bead-bars;
  • rope;
  • rope ladder;
  • trapezium;
  • rings;
  • swing;
  • rope ladder;
  • inclined board.
  • for sports gymnastics insurance;
  • if the dimensions of the apartment allow a small basketball shield with a ring and a grid.

Gradually, while the child will grow up a sports corner for children in the apartment will be modified, some shells will be added, and others, on the contrary, get out. So, a very important sloping board with a smooth surface will gradually change its purpose, and from the slide it will become a press board. Swings just necessary for a 3-6 year old child will gradually become a place of rest for a teenager and absolutely unnecessary for a young man or girl to 16-17 years of age.

And if the sports corner with your own hands is built once and for the rest of your life, it is better to immediately provide for the possibility of using the design for several variants of the child's age from infancy before the youth.

On the other hand, the use of a modular construction system will make it possible to make the game more interesting and interesting on it, structures an artificial rock and a grid frame, a row of bars and a vertical pipe, and of course the upper tier in the form of a platform at a height of one meter from sex. With this equipment corner - this can be a spaceship, a pirate frigate, and an impenetrable jungle.

But the sports corner for the smallest must necessarily include a swing and a slide, this set in a compartment with the Swedish wall is enough for the child to learn how to coordinate his movements and could independently occupy himself in the room game.

The main elements of the design of the sports corner

Whichever version of the sports home complex has not been chosen there are basic elements. Their installation is mandatory.

The Swedish wall

Designing a children's sports corner with their own hands is the best option for the frame structure and it is difficult to offer. Stable frame construction of the Swedish wall can be successfully installed both at the wall and in the corner of the room and even used as a partition for the design of zones in the room. For the basis, two types of material are used - wood and profile pipe.

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The tree is preferable in terms of aesthetics, its noble appearance with natural lines of fibers makes The room is more interesting and lively, but for large, really sporty loads it will suit metal. The truth for working with metal you need to have the skills of working with a metalwork tool, including electric welding. Photo of the Swedish wall, assembled with their own hands, shows that its design is relatively simple and it will be necessary for it:

  • Bar or board thickness of 50 mm for sidewalls;
  • round elements with a thickness of 20 to 50 mm, depending on the age of the child;
  • electric tools for woodworking and drilling;
  • fasteners and metal perforated elements for wall mounting.

The technology of assembly and installation of the Swedish wall provides:

  1. Surface treatment of the side bars - the primary, to give the same shape and finish as a final cleaning of the surface before painting.
  2. Marking and drilling holes for cross bars in bars.
  3. Bonding the structure.
  4. Preparation of holes for hanging elements - pad, horizontal bar, suspension for other projectiles.
  5. Painting with colored and colorless varnish.
  6. Installing the ladder in place, fixing it to the wall, ceiling and floor.

For apartments of standard height, the meter bars take a length of 0 5 meters. The width of the beam should be at least 10cm. The crossbars have a diameter:

  • for children up to 3 years cm;
  • age category up to 6 years - 3-4 cm;
  • for adolescents - up to 5 cm;

Sports corner for children in the apartment of wood is better to collect from hardwoods, the strength of the joints of the parts will in this case be more reliable, and the tree itself will be much more secure. But when painting it is better to use lacquer with additives of light tone - a light tree is better suited for a children's room.

Crossbeam and bars

A sports corner for a child in an apartment from only one wall of Sweden would be incomplete, in any case monofunctional without a crossbar and bars. For children, the crossbeam is important as the basic structure, on which most of the projectiles are suspended, but for the older ones it is important as an independent sports projectile.

For a wooden Swedish wall, you can propose to make two variants of the crossbar:

  • wooden fixed structure;
  • mobile structure of metal.

Producing a sports complex with our own hands, the drawings of a fixed crossbar are easy to make - it's the same wooden board 50 mm thick and 150 mm wide. The crossbar itself can be both a metal pipe and wood. Fastening to the Swedish wall using conventional or furniture bolts. To strengthen the design, you can add plywood inserts 20-25 mm thick as reinforcement.

Children's sports corners for the house with hanging projectiles except the fixing points in the wall and the floor are further strengthened by the point of attachment in the ceiling above the crossbar. The shells themselves are attached to the crossbar, to special carbines, metal rings, chains, or rope.

A wooden crossbeam is necessarily sanded with sandpaper and is opened by varnish in 3-4 layers.

Removable construction of metal is a universal system, including both a bar and bars. The structure is welded from a metal corner or profile pipe. This element will be very much in demand in the sports corner for the boy. Used to perform exercises for the development of strength, and for the formation of the male figure silhouette. The great advantage of this design is its versatility. Having established it in one position, a horizontal bar turns out, and by rearranging it, the bars are obtained in the other.

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Rope ladder, rings, trapezoid

Children's sports corner for the home photo, which is most often placed in the advertising of shops is completed with a small the number of accessories, so for a complete set will have to develop more and much needed "soft" shells.

The rope ladder is perhaps the most difficult element. It will need a few cuttings for garden rakes 35-40 mm in diameter and a rope made of synthetic fibers with an outer double weave. Cuttings are cut into equal parts, the ends are carefully treated with sandpaper and drills are made at a distance of 20 mm from the edges. The diameter of the holes should be 1-2 mm larger than the diameter of the rope. Steps of the stairs are pre-painted and varnished.

The rope is unwound, the edges are not exposed to open flames. The rope is folded in half, from the point of bending retreats 50-60 cm and knotted at each end. The upper stage is installed so that the ladder can be hung to the hook or crossbar. After the ends are threaded into the hole, the fixing knot is again made. Distance between the steps is usually taken 30-35 cm, but for small children you can take less.

Choosing a rope, you need to pay attention to the quality and density of weaving the outer layer. Rough weaving of synthetic thread for a child's corner is not suitable!

A child's sports wall can be added to the room with rings and a trapezoid. For the trapezium, the same materials as for the ladder are used. True, only one crossbeam is used here, its height from the floor is usually taken at the level of the child's growth.

Rings can be made from 2 plates of multilayer plywood with a thickness of 20 mm and a size of 25x25 cm. The plates are glued together with PVA glue and densely compressed using clamps or self-tapping screws. After drying with a jig saw, rings are cut with an outer diameter of 23-22 mm, and an internal diameter of 19-18 mm, respectively. The ring is polished and varnished. On the crossbar is installed using a rope or rope with a thickness of 10 - 12 mm.

Assembling the bracket and fixing to the wall

The sports wall with its own hands is assembled in several stages:

  1. First, the main elements are assembled - a Swedish wall and a horizontal bar.
  2. Then everything is joined in one structure and tightened with bolts. Mounting brackets for wall, floor and ceiling mounting are installed.
  3. The assembled structure is fixed with anchors at all points. 2 installation points on the floor, 4 on the ceiling, 6 on the wall. 3 on each of the vertical beams of the Swedish wall.
  4. After checking the strength of the corner, mounted elements - ladder, trapezium, rings are installed.

Installation of a sports complex in a nursery - video

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