In order to protect your fingers from damage, it is important to follow certain precautions when hammering nails. First of all, it is necessary to carefully fill in small marks in those places in which nails will subsequently clog. This is necessary in order to better fit this part into the conditional surface.
The use of a vertical drill will prevent a hammer from hitting the wall or ceiling. To a certain extent, such a component part is able to protect fingers from possible mechanical impacts on them.

In hard-to-reach places where it is not possible to use the hammer freely, the nail line is easily extended with a bolt on which the nut is screwed.
Several nails are driven exclusively in a checkerboard pattern. Thus, this is much more convenient to do, because there is enough space for operational space. Yes, and the hammer itself is more convenient to use, as a result of which the hands are at less risk of bruising on them.

It is best to maintain a nail boat with your fingers when a similar part just begins to clog deep into the original base. However, when it is already a quarter driven in, then there is no need to hold the nails with your own hands.
On the “hat” you must try to get strictly, so the movements of the hands should be as coordinated as possible. And at first, strikes on nails are made not with a certain effort, but very lightly. And only as it enters the wall or ceiling, the frequency of impacts and their strength can be somewhat enhanced.
In order for the nail to not bend during the driving process, it is extremely important to choose it exclusively from high-quality and reliable metal alloys. And a possible corrosion process on such parts can only aggravate the entire technological cycle.

It is worth remembering that it is best to hold the hammer by the end of the handle. By this action, the most acceptable conditions are achieved so as not to get injured while driving nails. To provide the necessary support, it will not be superfluous to use a hammer with large dimensions.
You can hold the end of the “hat” with a regular clothespin. This completely eliminates all the risks of a hammer blow on your finger.
Despite the fact that almost every man knows how to hammer nails, in this case there are also certain tricks and subtleties. And only having mastered them well, you can become a professional in this activity!
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