1 Insulation of the walls of the garage with foam
- 1.1 Gate and ceiling insulation with corrugated board
- 1.2 Floor insulation
- 1.3 Summary
To insulate the metal garage from the inside, it is necessary to prepare all surfaces. If you skip this action, then corrosion of the metal or peeling of the heat-insulating material may appear.
Insulation of the walls of the garage with foam
If the winter temperature is from 20 to 23 degrees, then you need to choose a heater with a thickness of at least 50 millimeters. Then there is a cutting of panels according to the size of the walls of the garage and their cutting. The following is gluing of the material. It is better to take special glue or liquid nails. The gaps that remain between the foam sheets are filled with mounting foam.

For thermal insulation of a metal garage, foam is used no thinner than 30 millimeters with the addition of foiled Izolon. This insulation is on a soft basis of foamed polyethylene, which is glued on both sides with foil. Isolon perfectly eliminates the penetration of moisture into the garage, and you do not have to splurge on the expensive Penoplex. Good savings! Isolon differs only in the method of fastening with brackets.

Gate and ceiling insulation with corrugated board
For their insulation, it is necessary to manufacture a wooden crate. Using bolts, a 40x40 centimeter beam is attached to the iron frame of the garage. Further along the ceiling perimeter and the edges of the gate holes are drilled 40-60 centimeters from each other. The wooden crate is fixed to the garage frame.
Further, everything is the same as with wall insulation. After installing the insulation on the crate, the installation of finishing materials, shelves and racks.
Floor insulation
If the foundation did not go through the thermal insulation process, then 20% of the heat will be lost daily. The garage will be damp and wet due to the concrete screed.
We need to start removing the previous flooring and cleaning the bottom of the garage. To fill the floor you will need 150 mm expanded clay or slag. After tamping, 10 to 20 mm of plain sand is added. Everything is well compacted. To level the floor, you must apply a level to check the horizon. And the last layer is the laying of polystyrene panels. Allowed dimensions are 1.5x2.5x0.5 meters.

Now you need to think about a durable coating. Particleboard and fiber cement boards are ideal. Differ in the low price and bad passability of moisture. Plates are laid in two layers, which will create stability and durability of the coating. It is desirable to lay linoleum on top.
To warm a metal garage, you do not need a lot of tools and expensive materials. 40,000-60000 rubles will be spent on the insulation of a garage measuring 4x6 m.
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