More recently, sandwich panels have become quite a popular material in construction. Of these, you can easily erect trade stalls, an industrial premises, large shops. Moreover, work can be done at any time of the year, this material is quite lightweight, allowing you to build objects with little labor. At the same time, there are cases when the use of this material is extremely undesirable.

On the real estate market, you can find many proposals for the sale of houses and cottages from sandwich panels, while it is noticeable that their price tag is an order of magnitude lower than that of ordinary wooden houses, brick or from any other material. The fact is that sandwich panels have a number of serious drawbacks.

Firstly, if you buy cheap material from a little-known manufacturer, it is likely that along the way production for a bunch of fibers used harmful formaldehydes, which evaporate into the air through the end parts panels. Secondly, a sandwich panel house has a very short life. You need to be ready for overhaul in 20 years. Even if minor repairs are regularly carried out, such a house will not stand as long as, for example, from wood, aerated concrete or brick.

Senjvich panels can be dangerous in residential buildings due to the fact that mold easily appears and reproduces in them. The panels themselves are quite tight, so the air exchange inside them is extremely weak. To mitigate this drawback, it is necessary to carefully protect the walls of the house from any moisture and establish a system of artificial ventilation. From the point of view of fire safety, sandwich panels are not recommended for walling, because they are usually very good at grief.

In addition, sandwich panels are unacceptable for those who do not like the metal facade of the building. It is impossible to hang on to it any other finish, since the panel does not withstand the load. In such cases, it will be necessary to assemble an additional frame for the facade, which will be based on the foundation, respectively, this is fraught with additional cash costs.

It is also necessary to take into account that it will not be possible to attach guides for any special interior decoration without damaging the material on the inside of the panel. That is why experts do not recommend using a sandwich panel in residential construction. Since this material is not considered safe and practical in terms of interior and exterior decoration.

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