In ancient Russia, beans were considered the main food of the common people and one of the main vegetable crops. But after the appearance of the "Petrine" potato, the planting of beans gradually decreased. In tsarist Russia, beans consumption declined in Russian kitchen gardens, three times. And in modern summer cottages and gardens they are not at all! It's a pity…
Vegetable beans contain components unique to the human body: protein, up to 35%; light fat, 15%, and rare mineral salts. Our body easily absorbs any beans, and mature, and green - early, still "unripe".
As a "power engineer for nutrition beans exceed calories by 3 times potatoes and 7 times - cabbage.
It is very useful for children to have young, not fully ripened beans (raw), and fully ripened, dried up. Because of the quality of their hardness, they already need to boil or extinguish. Beans are not exacting to their predecessors in the garden, like soy or peas, but after them, in the next season any vegetables and plants grow perfectly. It is noticed that their powerful root system loosens and enriches with microelements even the most depleted soils.
The principle of action is similar to a one-year-old phacelia. (phacelia, this plant is siderat, i.e., live green fertilizer). And yet, beans prefer loamy soils, and light and moist are not desirable. If you choose the worst part for beans, then in autumn you need to bring in a little manure, potassium salt and superphosphates. All this mixture is dug into the "bayonet" of the shovel. And, in the spring enough land to loosen and begin to sow.
Sow beans can be from the third decade of April until the end of May. It is important, before planting seeds to sort out, to remove the damaged ones. To revive the exchange processes in beans, it is useful for 10 minutes to soak them in water (50-55 deg.), And then to accelerate the germination, put the beans in cold water. But, no longer than 2 hours. And planting stock - ready!