10 tips for choosing a mosquito net on plastic windows


  1. №1. Types of mosquito nets
  2. №2. Mosquito net with Velcro
  3. No. 3. Framework mosquito net
  4. №4. Rolling mosquito net
  5. №5. Sliding mosquito net
  6. №6. Mosquito net-pleated
  7. №7. Mosquito net on hinges
  8. №8. Color and size of the mosquito net
  9. №9. Net "antikoshka"
  10. №10. Mesh "anti-dust"

Those who suffer from constant attacks of mosquitoes and flies on their homes, midges and poplar fluff, do not need to explain the advantages of a mosquito net. This is practicallyinvisible home protection, a thin but powerful barrier that will not missinsects and small debris. Moreover, the correctly selected mosquito net becomesprotection for pets- no longer have to worry that the pet accidentally drops out of the window. We figure out how to properly choose a mosquito net on plastic windows, what they are and what is hidden under the names "antikoshka" and "antipyl."

Once, instead of an mosquito net, several layers of gauze were stretched over the window aperture, and tulles were used to open the doorways, and sometimes stickers were used. Such protection did not look very good, it took away a lot of light and air and did not always cope with its direct tasks. It is good that today there is a more thoughtful decision. Usually the most simple mosquito net is already

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Included, but someone at first refuses it, and then bites the elbows, someone wants to set the grid on the old wooden windows, and someone - Improve your home and make it more comfortable by putting a new and most appropriate to all requirements mosquito. In all these cases, purchasing and installation is preceded by the selection and analysis of possible options.

№1. Types of mosquito nets

By the method of fastening and construction mosquito nets are divided into the following types:

  • frameless or velcro grids;
  • framework;
  • rolled;
  • meshes on hinges;
  • sliding;
  • grid-pleated.

The grids also differ in terms of the material of manufacture, the material of the frame and the size of the cell.


№2. Mosquito net with Velcro

Mesh with velcro -the most budgetary option. Among other advantages is the ease of installation and dismantling, it is easy to wash, and when folded, it takes up a minimum of space, which solves the problem of winter storage. The shortcomings are short-lived. It is generally accepted that such a grid will last about a year, but under conditions of accurate use, the service life can be extended to 4 years.

Separately it is worth notinggrid on magnets, which is installed on doorways. It is perfect for private houses, villas, to protect balcony doors. Invented the grid in China, but in the domestic space it is not used so often. It consists of two identical cloths, which are connected vertically by several magnets. The force of their adhesion is sufficient to keep the canvas together, but allows a person to pass through the net without much effort, by uncoupling the magnets. After this, everything returns to the place - the magnets connect the sashes.

No. 3. Framework mosquito net

The most popularamong all, it is the framework mosquito net. She isinexpensive, reliable, in terms of its operation can not be called the simplest, but there are no special difficulties - the main thing is to install in the spring and do not forget to periodically clean it from dust. The appearance of such a grid is familiar to everyone - a frame and a grid stretched over it.

The frame can be made of PVC or aluminum. The first option is the most common low price and can serve for years if the plastic quality, so order the mosquito is better with proven manufacturers. Aluminum frame is more reliable and durable, such a grid can not be removed for the winter, because the metal, unlike PVC, does not crack from frost, but this option is somewhat more expensive. The thickness of aluminum walls varies from, to 1 mm: the thicker, the better.


Frame Profilemust be smooth, without jags and defects. Special attention should be paid to the corners, they must be strong and reliable, otherwise after several procedures for installation and dismantling the grid may break.Penscan be made of soft plastic (the least durable option), hard plastic with fastening on rivets or from metal plastic. The last two options are most preferable.

The frame can be installedin the opening or outside the window. In terms of convenience, the options do not differ, but most often the grid is placed on the window - this is much easier in terms of implementation. Grids of this type can be put not only on plastic windows, but also on wooden ones.

A subset of a sliding mosquito net can be calledplunger. If the grid is usually installed in special grooves formed by Z-shaped fasteners, the plunger net is held by plungers that pass through the aluminum frame and enter the wall.

№4. Rolling mosquito net

For windows, rolling mosquito nets -the best option in terms of convenience. The principle of their work in something similar to the roller blinds: this grid reliably closes the window opening, but if it is necessary to release it, it easily shifts up. Handling such a grid is much easier than with frameless or frame, it provides greater mobility, and looks great. In addition, the roll mesh can not be removed for the winter, and the likelihood that it will fall out when installed or high pressure on it is minimal.

The design includes guides, a box and a handle, and to simplify the raising and lowering of the grid in the box, the spring is hidden. Care is reduced to periodic washing with a damp sponge.

№5. Sliding mosquito net

This is actually a variation on the theme of the rolling mesh: the principle of functioning is the same, only the mesh is shifted to the side, and not upward, as in the closets. The design includes a frame with a stretched mesh net and guides along which it moves. Everything functions simply and conveniently, such grids are placed on balcony doors, they are perfect for double-leaf doors. If the glazing area is large, it makes sense to use a double roll mosquito net or use a pleated grid.

№6. Mosquito net-pleated

Pleated mesh on the design resembles the previous version, that's just folded into an accordion. This allows you to provide mosquito protection even in homes where the window or doorway is very large, i.e. Glazing is used almost all over the wall. Designers call this type of nets the most aesthetic and functional, you can meet even decorated with some pattern or pattern options.

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№7. Mosquito net on hinges

Another good option for installation on the balcony door, but some sometimes use such grids and for mounting on window openings. A mesh of similar design opens like a conventional door, and a tight clamp is provided by the availability of tape magnets. It is convenient to use, allows you to quickly and easily release the opening when you need more air or light, but when you open it takes up enough space, which must be taken into account.

№8. Color and size of the mosquito net

Some manufacturers offercolored grids- this option allows you to make the window unusual, and the room - a little brighter, but it is better to choose the traditional color solution. itlight gray color, which does not distract attention, allowing you to immediately focus on what is outside the window. Plus, a grid of this color will not significantly obscure the room and unnecessarily heat up under the sun's rays.

Make mesh fromcotton, nylon, polyester, fiberglassor other materials, but they are not much different in terms of performance. It is important to check that it is strong and does not emit sharp specific smells. The main parameter iscell size, They may befrom, mm and up, mm. Naturally, the smaller the hole, the more reliable barrier will be the grid, even for the smallest midges, but the less air and light it will let through.

For city conditions, you can take a grid with a cell of 1 mm.Option with a hole, mm is justified for houses and apartments located close to a pond, fields or marshes, where often a lot of small midges, and for her a grid with a cell of 1 mm is not a very serious barrier. Also, a grid with small cells can be useful to people with allergies - it will detain a significant part of dust and pollen. For maximum protection against any kind of insect, you can use a special spray, which is applied to the mesh.

№9. Net "antikoshka"

The window contains not only the danger of dirt and insects entering the apartment, but also the risk of an accident with a pet. Previously, grids with a cell of 5 cm used to block the path to the animal, but did not protect it from insects, and then Two grids began to be used in tandem, and such a dense construction did not allow normal penetration of sunlight into apartment.

Today, the grid "antikoshka" looks like an ordinary mosquito net, but it is distinguished by its high strength and able to withstand the weight of the animal, if a fluffy pet will make attempts to get beyond apartments. Make such a mesh of vinyl threads covered with polyester, so they even do not leave marks of scratches. Manufacturers say that their strength is 7 times higher than the strength of conventional grids, while the product copes well with the function of protection from insects.

№10. Mesh "anti-dust"

If there is an allergy to pollen, poplar fluff or other natural pleasures, it makes sense to install a grid of "anti-dust". It differs from the usual size of cells - instead of holes 1 * 1 mm there are used cells 1 *, 5 mm. Such a grid detains a decent amount of dust, but it will have to be washed more often - this is the reverse side of clean air.

Large manufacturers of windows also make accessories for them, including and mosquito nets, so it's best to place an order in a company with a name. No less important andproper care, without which even the best quality grid in 2 years will look, to put it mildly, not very much. It is enough to clean the mesh regularly, gently handle it, and plastic frame grids - to shoot for the winter from the window.


On the materials of the site: https://okna-pfo.ru/

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