The modern building materials market is distinguished by its huge selection. For roofing, you can choose the finish for every taste and color. The most common roof finishing materials are: corrugated board, slate, ondulin, tile, seam or soft roof. This is due to their availability and inherent quality characteristics. Let us consider in order some of these types, and also determine which one is less durable and may require repair after 5 years after installation.

The metal tile is a wave-shaped sheet that imitates the appearance of a classic tile. The front side of the metal tile is covered with a polymer film, which contributes to its long service life. Most manufacturers talk about the ability of the material to maintain its integrity for 50 years from the date of installation.

Soft roofing is a material based on fiberglass or fiberglass in combination with bitumen impregnation and granular stone chips. Such a roof can last for more than a dozen years, since the guarantee for it is from 10 to 50 years of operation, depending on the manufacturer.

Ondulin is very similar to traditional slate in appearance. Its composition includes cellulose-fabric material impregnated with bitumen and basalt chips. Ondulin perfectly copes with the functions assigned to him for 20 years.

Decking is most often presented in the form of a profiled galvanized steel sheet treated with a polymer coating. The properties of corrugated board are very similar to metal tiles, but they slightly lose in aesthetic part. The disadvantages include poor flexibility, a large amount of waste during installation and high thermal conductivity.

Regardless of the reliability of the material used, any roof may require local and major repairs during use. As a rule, this is due to the occurrence of minor defects, such as: a split seam, a crack, a swollen bubble, and others. Most often, the reasons for the shortcomings are poorly completed installation or negative environmental impact. In the spring season, any roof especially requires attention, since it was exposed to prolonged exposure to ice, snow and low temperatures.

Timely localization of the problem area will not only eliminate the consequences, but also save a significant amount of money on repairs.
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