Wet facade installation technology and materials necessary for this


  • 1 What is a wet facade system
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 3 The choice of insulation for the design
  • 4 Wet facade installation technology
    • 4.1 Tools and materials for work
    • 4.2 Facade preparation before work
    • 4.3 Base profile device
    • 4.4 Installation of a heat-insulating layer
    • 4.5 Reinforced plastering
  • 5 Common mistakes when creating a wet facade
  • 6 Video

Finishing and insulation of facades is an obligatory process that guarantees a warm and attractive home. Various methods are used for this, but the most relevant and interesting choice is the one in which a wet facade is created, the installation technology of which will be examined in detail. During its formation, special mortars and heat-insulating materials are used. If you understand how to create such a facade, the process is easily done by yourself.

What is a wet facade system

The most popular materials used for the construction of various structures are brick, concrete or wall blocks. They make buildings that have good strength, but do not have excellent thermal insulation parameters, so warming is an indispensable process. For this, a wet facade technology would be an excellent solution.

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With the help of the work, not only high-quality insulation is provided, but also the decorative design of private houses. All work is carried out exclusively with the use of specialized mortars. At the end of the process, the walls are plastered, which ensures their attractive appearance.

A distinctive feature of the design is multi-layer, with each layer performing a critical function.

The composition of the wet facade includes the following layers:

Construction layer Functions that it performs
Glue Provides a secure fit for the entire structure
Insulating It guarantees high-quality insulation of building walls
Reinforcing It is responsible for the high strength and reliability of the wet facade, and also creates the basis for easy and quick creation of the next layer
Decorative It acts as a plaster coating that protects the insulating materials from external influences and provides a beautiful view of the structure

When using this technology, the useful area of ​​the premises does not decrease, since all work is carried out outside.

The whole range of materials for a wet facade

Advantages and disadvantages

The design has positive and negative parameters, which are carefully studied before direct work. The pros include:

  • reasonable cost;
  • small mass, allowing you to create a design for houses built on light foundations;
  • the useful area of ​​residential premises is not reduced;
  • thanks to the creation of a wet facade, the installation technology of which is clear and simple, not only the thermal insulation parameters of the structure are increased, but also the sound insulation is improved;
  • its service life exceeds 35 years;
  • the appearance of the structures improves;
  • if necessary, simple repair work is easily performed.

However, a wet facade has not only advantages, but also the following disadvantages:

  • work can only be carried out when optimal conditions are established on the street, since the desired result can be achieved with temperatures below 5 degrees are almost impossible, but the solution to this problem is to use a suitable thermal equipment;
  • it is important that all layers dry evenly and gradually, therefore precipitation or a sharp change in humidity can lead to poor-quality insulation;
  • so that in the process of solidification of the structure it does not get dirt, it provides constant protection from the wind, which carries with it an additional waste of time and effort.

This technology provides the formation of high-quality thermal insulation with minimal investment. Photos of the design are presented on the Internet in large quantities, so you can see its attractiveness. All the shortcomings are easily removable, so this option of insulation is chosen very often.

Wet Warming Methods
Wet insulation options

The choice of insulation for the design

The main purpose of the wet facade is the insulation of buildings, so much attention is paid to the choice of high-quality insulation. It must meet the following criteria:

  • light weight;
  • ecological cleanliness, since the work is carried out for a residential building;
  • low rate of water absorption;
  • good resistance to mechanical stress;
  • even with a sharp change in temperature, the material should not change the structure;
  • installation must be simple, and the cost is low.

Only some thermal insulation materials are suitable for these requirements. These include:

  • polystyrene foam - has a specific structure, which contains a huge number of closed air bubbles. It has a low cost and is easy to install. It has a small mass, therefore, does not affect the foundation and other parts of the structure. Stands before mold or mildew. Its disadvantage is a poor indicator of breathability. Also, it is not durable, therefore, even minor mechanical influences easily lead to its destruction. It is not advisable to use it for wooden buildings;
  • polystyrene foam - is a modern type of foam. Preference in the process of creating a wet facade is often given to expanded polystyrene. Its structure also has numerous closed air bubbles, so it has good thermal insulation parameters and does not allow moisture to pass through. It is resistant to fire and has a small mass. The material is considered unsuitable for wooden houses, as it affects their breathability;
  • mineral wool - created using special fibers obtained by melting all kinds of rocks. The material is popular because it contains only natural and environmentally friendly components. Vata is lightweight and affordable. The disadvantages include the lack of resistance to moisture, due to which mineral wool loses its thermal insulation parameters.

Most often, mineral wool is chosen for a wet facade. It is available in slabs that are easy to mount. To warm the structure with this material, you do not need to spend a lot of money.

Styrofoam Plates
Styrofoam plates
Expanded polystyrene
Mineral wool insulation
Mineral wool

Wet facade installation technology

Make the design simple enough if you carefully understand the technology of work. A wet facade is formed by several large stages.

Tools and materials for work

Initially purchased materials and tools used in the process. All of them are required to be of high quality and reasonable price. These include:

  • basement profile - it should be equal in width to the thickness of the plate of the selected insulation. Its amount is calculated depending on the size of the building itself. To connect the individual profile elements, the corresponding connecting elements are used. Its fixing is carried out by different dowels with nails, the length of which depends on what material the walls of the building are made of;
  • primer - necessary for the proper preparation of the walls of the building before creating a wet facade. A primer is also purchased, which is applied to a layer of plaster, which ensures its preparation before subsequent decoration;
  • mushroom-shaped dowels - are used for reliable and final fastening of the insulation;
  • glue - is used in the process of creating a heat-insulating layer, and it should be specifically designed for the selected insulation;
  • insulation plates - their required thickness is calculated in advance, since the effectiveness of thermal insulation depends on it. Most often, for a wet facade, mineral wool is selected;
  • plaster composition - it provides a protective and reinforced outer layer applied to thermal insulation;
  • reinforcing mesh - the most commonly chosen fiberglass construction, which is sold in rolls. It is easy to use, and also provides a durable and resistant to various influences plaster layer;
  • decorative plaster - it guarantees a beautiful and bright appearance of the facade of the building;
  • paint for the facade - with its help, the walls of the building are painted in any selected color.

There are special integrated systems on the market that include all the necessary materials and tools used in the process of creating a wet facade. The purchase of such a kit is considered profitable, but quite often some components are unsuitable for home owners.

The list of tools used in the manufacture of wet facade
Tools for the wet facade

Facade preparation before work

Achieve a high result of work will be possible only if there is a minimum distance between the wall and the insulating layer. Therefore, attention is paid to the quality preparation of the facade.

Initially, surfaces are checked for any irregularities or other imperfections, which are necessarily eliminated by suitable mortars. Since glue is used in the process, it is important to clean the walls of dirt or dust.

Wall cleaning
Facade wall surface cleaning

Old coatings will certainly be eliminated, and for this, mechanical or thermal methods can be applied, involving heating the base with a building hairdryer or other equipment. The presence of moss or mold on the walls is not allowed, so if they are found, they will certainly be cleaned off, after which the base is treated with an antiseptic. Especially checked are the areas near each window of the building, since it is there that there may be major disadvantages of the walls. Also, all elements of the drainage system or other objects that will interfere with the work process are eliminated from the base. Next, a primer is applied to the base, for which a roller and brushes are used. It is important to prevent omissions, as this will adversely affect the fastening of the insulation.

Primer surface
Primer walls

Base profile device

For its fastening, a zero line is first applied to the walls, beaten off exclusively with a laser. It is important that it be perfectly even, since it depends on it how high-quality, even and reliable the wet facade will be. The line that you will have to focus on when creating the heat-insulating layer should be 30 cm lower than the floor level in the building. This will ensure that there are no cold bridges in the structure.

Base material
Base profile

The basement profile is required to perform the following functions:

  • guaranteed smooth fixing of the insulating material;
  • mineral wool is protected from below from moisture and dirt.

If there are slight irregularities on the surfaces, then in the process of fixing the profile, special pads made of plastic, compensating for the curvature of the base, as well as allowing pressing The design is tight. Fastening is done end-to-end, and a small gap is left between the individual segments, not exceeding 3 mm. In the corners, special connecting elements are used.

How to mount the base profile
Base mounting steps

Installation of a heat-insulating layer

For a wet facade, mineral wool is considered an excellent choice. It comes in the form of plates that are easy to fix. The whole process is divided into stages:

  • for fixing the insulation, glue is used, which is diluted with the right amount of water in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. The solution is mixed with a construction mixer to obtain a homogeneous mixture of optimal consistency;
  • the composition is applied to the insulation boards in two approaches, since initially a small amount of it is rubbed into the elements, and after that an even and fairly thick layer is already created;
  • a plate smeared with glue is applied to the desired section of the wall, after which it is pressed firmly and tightly. It is recommended to slightly move it to evenly distribute the glue. When working near the window where the slope is located, it is important to monitor the thoroughness of fixation. If surpluses appear, they will be immediately removed with a spatula;
  • when using the following element, it is important to ensure that all plates are pressed against each other very tightly. Significant gaps are not allowed;
  • the material is fastened in successive rows, and work begins with a pre-selected angle. At the same time, the seams will certainly move to prevent the occurrence of cold bridges.

The first row is stacked in strict accordance with a pre-fixed start profile. Mineral wool is cut with a special knife, and during operation it is important to constantly use measuring equipment to prevent possible deviations and distortions.

Glue application on insulation boards
The prepared adhesive solution is applied to the insulation boards
Installation of insulation on the walls of the facade
The first row of insulation is neatly fixed with glue to the base profile
Installation of plates with dowels
Additional fastening of insulation with dowels

Reinforced plastering

A wet facade is created without fail with the formation of a special reinforced layer of plaster. The mixture is usually sold dry, so it must be diluted with water before use.

Work begins with each window in the building, since these areas are considered the most complex. As a rule, special corners for slopes are used here. After the formation of the optimum thickness of the plaster layer, a reinforcing mesh is used, which is recessed in the solution. It should not touch mineral wool, but should be in the plaster mixture. A special corner equipped with mesh stripes is used in the corners.

Reinforcement mesh
Reinforcing mesh

The mesh overlaps to obtain a strong reinforcing layer. If necessary, trimming of excess material is performed.

After setting, another layer of plaster is applied. The second layer is overwritten, after which you can cover it with a primer, and then paint the resulting structure with high-quality facade plaster or paint.

The mesh must be lapped
The reinforcing mesh is lapped
How to fasten a mesh for reinforcing
The mesh is pressed into the layer of plaster

Common mistakes when creating a wet facade

It is not difficult to do the work, but often the quality of the result is low. This is due to the following errors:

  • the base was not prepared or a poor primer was applied;
  • the reinforcing mesh was laid end-to-end, not lapped;
  • the insulation layer does not fit snugly against the walls of the house;
  • used plaster with a high vapor barrier;
  • improperly mounted ebbs.
Cracks in the facade
What threatens improper installation of a wet facade

To avoid these errors, it is important to use quality materials and clearly follow the instructions. Thus, wet facades, the installation technology of which is described above, are considered an excellent solution for any building. The design has many advantages, does not require a large investment of money and is easily created with your own hands. High-quality insulation of the house is provided, and its appearance is also improved.


We suggest watching a video that will help you understand how to properly make such a facade.

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