- 1 Design Features
- 2 Advantages and disadvantages
3 Types of ventilated facades
- 3.1 Aluminum composite materials
- 3.2 Porcelain Tiles
- 3.3 Metal cassettes
- 3.4 A natural stone
- 3.5 Brick tile
- 3.6 Wood material
4 Facade technology
- 4.1 Instruments
- 4.2 Preparatory work
- 4.3 Bracket Mounting
- 4.4 Installation of the front guide
- 4.5 Installation of cladding
- 5 Video
Modern construction does not stand still, so every year ideas are being developed that make buildings the most durable, strong and durable. The hinged ventilated facade, the installation technology of which will be described below, is a popular system, the installation and manufacture of which differs from conventional wall cladding.
Design Features
Recently, subsystems for ventilated facades have been installed on the external walls of many buildings. Before starting the installation or dismantling of ventilated facades, it is worth considering the subsystems for ventilated facades, namely their design features, components and their construction. The installation of ventilated facades directly depends on the knowledge of all the constituent components of these structures.
The composition of the houses includes the following layers of ventilated facades:
- fasteners - dowels and screws, fastening elements (clamps, rivets), various fasteners of the connecting type: frame profile, brackets can be used as fasteners to the facade;
- insulation elements - the hinged ventilated facade is necessarily supplemented with heat-insulating materials. As a heater, many professionals advise using mineral wool boards, polyurethane foam material;
- protective membrane - this element eliminates the ingress of water, wind on a vulnerable surface. The design does not incorporate precipitation, is not afraid of the effects of seasonal humidity, frequent changes in temperature conditions;
- ventilation - it is made in the form of a layer that provides the opportunity for ventilation, prevents heat loss, and also prevents heating on hot days;
- external finishing layer - made of different types of material. The ventilated porcelain stoneware facade is the most durable, strong. It is made of plastic, wood, steel, fiber cement, stone and other materials.

Advantages and disadvantages
The main characteristics of ventilation cladding for homes and buildings include various advantages that are characteristic of this particular type. But, despite this, there are some nuances that are associated with the peculiarity of installation and the material used specifically for organizing this type of cladding.
Ventilation has the main positive quality - it performs not only a protective base for external walls, but is also used as a heater.
In addition to these qualities, the following characteristics are among the advantages of NPFs:
- layerexternalof typenvfcanhavediversethe basis – brick, a rock, lumbermaterial, boardfacingof type, reikiprofile, sheetaluminum, porcelain tile, butalsootherfacingmaterials. Thanksthisventilationcanbedonewithdifferentinvoice, colordecisions, withdifferentstyle, butfinishwill beenoughattractive;
- the presence of a "dew point", which is displayed outside the load-bearing wall, as a result of this fungal lesions are prevented in the room as well as on the outside walls;
- high efficiency - when using this system, there is a reduction in the cost of paying for the heating energy of a residential building;
- these facade systems have long-term operation, while retaining all the original qualities;
- installation of ventilated facades is carried out quickly, regardless of what period it is carried out;
- ventilation systems are highly resistant to external environmental influences.
However, despite the presence of a number of positive qualities, when installing a ventilated cladding, certain difficulties may arise, which are worth paying attention to:
- if during installation you do not follow all technical standards, then as a result, a decrease in the level of fire resistance of the entire structure may occur;
- for the installation of ventilated cladding products there is no single GOST and SNIP;
- Installation of ventilated systems does not require a SRO approval. For this reason, when choosing an organization for the installation of these products, you should be especially careful.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that the cladding is already installed on the finished building, so it can create additional pressure on it, from which wall collapse can occur. Therefore, before starting the installation of ventilated facades, it is worth inspecting the structure, perhaps you need to carry out restoration work, as well as create a fastener for the entire structure, so that the ventilation version lasts long years.

Types of ventilated facades
Now it’s worth choosing the right product that will protect the external surfaces and create comfortable living indoors. It is worth highlighting the best types of ventilated facades made of different materials. For reliable ventilated facades, the material must be of high quality.
Aluminum composite materials
Ventilation from this material is currently in great demand, and all because these products have a number of positive qualities:
- long service life - products from this type of material can stand for more than 50 years;
- This material is not susceptible to corrosion;
- due to their light weight they are quite simple and easy to install. In addition, in the future they will not exert a load on the wall;
- possesses soundproofing and anti-vibration properties;
- a monolithic component of aluminum composite material has high strength;
- due to its good flexibility, various curvilinear shapes can be made from this material.

Porcelain Tiles
Porcelain Tiles — wideappliesatof variousbuildingworks. Installationventilatedfacadeofporcelain tileIt haswholevirtues
- products have a low level of water absorption, therefore, the effects of precipitation do not cause deterioration in the quality of the external walls of buildings;
- have high frost resistance;
- not affected by household and atmospheric chemicals;
- high resistance to pollution;
- ventilation is environmentally friendly.

Metal cassettes
The ventilated facade of metal cassettes is mounted from galvanized steel material, which is primed and painted. Installation of ventilated facades in the form of cassettes is carried out on a galvanized surface, on which there are a large number of elements, for this reason the installation process is very time-consuming.
The following criteria are considered positive qualities:
- it can be used for houses even made of wood, because a structure of this kind has high fire safety. Cartridges are allowed to be installed on structures and large buildings. Also ventilated facades for cottages will be the most suitable option for cladding;
- cartridges have high resistance to constant temperature changes;
- a wide range of colors and shades that will give a beautiful look.
Despite the presence of positive qualities, the ventilated facade of galvanized steel has negative aspects - cassettes need to be periodically painted, a very complex installation process due to the presence of a large number elements.

A natural stone
Natural stone structures are in great demand, this is due to their beautiful and unique appearance. But due to the fact that these products are of high cost, they are used by many large companies for facing large buildings and structures.
Natural stone products have a number of positive qualities:
- strength;
- durability - structures made of natural stone can last forever;
- has the highest resistance to precipitation;
- natural material does not have a negative impact on health, does not emit toxic substances.

Brick tile
The ventilated facade of clinker tiles looks beautiful, unusual. Clinker tiles allow you to simulate bricklaying, while it surpasses it in energy efficiency. In addition, clinker tiles are not subjected to deformation processes of the building, it does not change shape, does not collapse and does not crack. Clinker tiles will be an excellent facing material for residential buildings, suitable for fastening to houses from timber.

Wood material
The ventilated facade made of wood has a number of positive qualities:
- provides high warming;
- eliminates various wall defects that stand out clearly;
- creates additional strength of the entire structure;
- possesses soundproofing properties;
- increases the service life of the entire structure.
The wooden facade consists of the following parts - from a layer of insulation, a moisture-proof membrane, a ventilation gap, and a finishing decorative facing layer.

Facade technology
Installation of ventilated facades looks like this - a multi-layer curtain wall is installed on the surface of the external walls of the building. The installer of ventilated facades creates a project of a ventilated facade, as well as a supporting frame, which is made of a metal base.
Before you begin the installation of ventilated facades, it is worth preparing the accessories for the ventilated facade.
Necessary tools and materials:
- profileforventilatedfacade;
- membranewaterandwindproofof type;
- facingmaterial;
- dish-shapeddowels;
- hammer drill;
- meansantisepticof type;
- heat insulatingmaterials;
- bracketforventilatedfacades;
- screwdriver;
- dowelsanchorof type.
All components for a ventilated facade must be in full, because it is on them that the full installation of all cladding elements depends.

Preparatory work
The technology of the ventilated facade provides not only the preparation of materials for suspended ventilated facades, but also the preparatory phase. This stage should include the following work:
- preparation of wall partitions for insulation. To begin with, it is recommended to check their condition, whether fasteners can hold in them. The installer of ventilated facades must conduct geodetic photography to identify the general parameters of the house;
- the design of ventilated facades and thermal insulation is necessarily done. This process includes determining the type, parameters and location of the insulation. Insulation plates must be fixed tightly to each other so that the air gap on the ventilated facade is very small;
- surely, before starting the installation of the ventilated facade, you need to make a thermal engineering assessment.

Bracket Mounting
The parameters of the brackets are directly related to the dimensions of the insulation material and panels intended for facing work.
Installerventilatedfacadesfastensbracketsaccording toas followsthe rules:
- so thatto doplaceswithholes, shouldusedrill, appropriateparametersanchordowelsforfacade;
- to organize places with holes in the bases with a bearing type of brick with a lightweight, porous, hollow view, you must choose a perforator with an impact mode;
- the size of the holes should be made one cm larger than the dowel.

Installation of the front guide
The guide parameters directly depend on the number of floors of the building, the number of transitions on the wall, as well as the size of the area in m2. The installer of ventilated facades when attaching the guide must necessarily observe a number of important rules:
- the sizeguidenotaboveonefloors;
- mostsmallgapbetweenguidesnotmore7—9mm;
- gapbyhorizontalshoulddresslengthmaterialforfacingwithventilatedfacade.

Installation of cladding
Given the material selected for the cladding, its installation has certain features:
- the basis of metal cassettes - before assembling these elements is done, double-sided self-adhesive tape must be glued to the lock. Next, the cassette products are attached to the area of the locks with a tape using screws and rivets. The installer installs these elements from bottom to top or from left to right;
- the basis of porcelain tiles - the principle of installation of these elements is similar to the installation of metal cassettes - from bottom to top. The installer of the ventilated facades begins fixing the plates from the location on the guide starting clamps, which are installed in a horizontal line;
- siding fixation - this material is attached to the place under the structure. It is fixed with screws, a special lock;
- crate or polyalpan mount. It is mounted from a metal profile, which is fixed around the entire perimeter with dowels.

Mountthe systemventilatedfacades – thislabour intensiveprocess. Atinstallationanyconstructions, bethisdeviceventilatedfacadeofporcelain tileorotherimportantrightcountdistance. GoodfacingdirectlydependsfromTogo, aswill becompletedallprocessbyherinstallation, and also what materials for facing are selected.If aeverythingdoright, according tothe rules, thenatthe resultcannotonlyOKto issuemountedventilatedfacades, butandextendtheirtermservice.
The video shows the installation steps of the ventilated system.
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