Teslo is a carpentry tool that looks like an ax. The difference in the blade is that it is located across the ax. The tool is convenient for hollowing out various products from solid wood, for example, boats, troughs. It will be truly appreciated by craftsmen making similar crafts or parts thereof.

They make tesla with their own hands from an ax. First, a blade is cut off from it by a grinder, retreating from the eye to the thickness of the butt. Then it is placed in an oven and heated to red. Clamped in a vice and, acting with a hammer, bent in a plane perpendicular to the blade, giving a bend with a peak rising 6 cm. The operation is long, it requires heating the workpiece several times.

Take a thick strip of steel with a width equal to the width of the upper part of the cut off blade, warm its end in the furnace, bend, focusing on the bend of the upper part of the blade of the cooper tesla. Apply the curved part to the end of the ax residue (from the side of the eye), mark the place of the cut along the top of the butt and cut off the desired piece with the grinder.

In the end, with which the piece will be attached to the remains of the ax, a trapezoidal slot is arranged using a grinder, a drill and a hammer. The remaining edges should cover the eye and butt part of the ax on the sides.

The edges of the slot are cut, creating slopes, which is necessary for reliable placement of the seam when welding parts. The same is done at the place of welding of the insert and the blade.
Engaged in welding the latter. Apply a seam, clean it from slag, using a turntable to the grinder. Then close with another seam (s) and again cleaned from slag. This is done until the entire joint between the parts is filled with metal. In the end, with the help of emery, remove the excess surfacing and grind the seam.

They adjust the ax butt to the slots in the upper part of the blade, setting the necessary angle, removing the curvature. Weld the parts, arranging surfacing for the strength in place of the seam. All the excess is removed by the grinder and the heat treatment of the obtained tesla is done. Before heat treatment, the Tesla blade is blunted to a thickness of 1 mm.
Tesla is annealed by heating in a furnace and allowing the parts to cool completely. For hardening, they again heat it, hold it for 5 minutes in heat and take it out; immersed for three seconds 3 cm of the blade in warm (30 °) water, then dip the entire part in oil and completely cool. They release tesla, keeping an hour in an oven preheated to 300 ° С.

After that, they sharpen the blade from the outside, giving it a 30 ° tilt. Then they put tesla on the ax and the tool is ready to work.
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