Why and how to use laundry balls in a washing machine

What manufacturers come up with to improve the quality of washing. Today their task is even more complicated. Modern users strive not only to effectively wash things, but also to maintain their health. Production does not stand still - and now we are offered balls for washing in a washing machine. We'll figure out what they're used for and how to use them.

Why and how to use laundry balls in a washing machine

Content of the material:

  • 1What are the washing balls?
    • 1.1Tourmaline balls
    • 1.2Balls-hedgehogs
    • 1.3Balls against spools
    • 1.4Magnetic Balls
  • 2How to use the balls for washing
    • 2.1What can I replace

What are the washing balls?

You can find several varieties. All of them differ in form and principle of action. It can be washing balls made of foil, magnetic, oxygen. Consider those that are more popular:

  1. Balls with tourmaline for washing.
  2. Rubber "hedgehogs" for washing, rinsing and drying.
  3. Polypropylene against cobbles.
  4. Magnetic.

Tourmaline balls

They are a plastic case with holes. Inside the case there are small ceramic balls. According to the manufacturer, they include 80 kinds of minerals.

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Why and how to use laundry balls in a washing machine

Principle of action: when washing, negative ions are released into the water, infrared radiation is working. The action is similar to the work of a detergent: the connection of dirt to the fibers of the fabric is weakened. Using balls during washing, you do not add additional detergents.

At the request of the manufacturer, you can use tourmaline balls for two to three years. You no longer need to buy powders and rinsers. You can imagine how much money will be saved.


  • Do not contain chemical additives (phosphorus, boron).
  • Validity period is three years.
  • Ceramic balls have antibacterial effect. Substances penetrate deeply into the tissue, removing dust allergens, microbes.
  • Do not leave a divorce on the laundry. On the contrary, strengthen the color of the fabric, make it softer. Therefore, you do not need air conditioning.
  • Do not require an accurate dosage.

Why and how to use laundry balls in a washing machine


  • High price.
  • Inefficiency.

In some reviews, users complain about the quality of the balls from tourmaline. Things after washing lose color, dirt is poorly removed.

In the network you can find balls of different values. You need original, which are produced in South Korea. A lot of resources are expended on production, therefore the products can not cost less than 4000 rubles. The rest is a fake.


These are plastic or rubberized balls. They are covered with pimples from above. Used for washing things from fluff, as well as ordinary linen. Often, "hedgehogs" used to wash the down jacket. During the rotation, they hit the surface of the product, not allowing the filler to stray into the heap.

Why and how to use laundry balls in a washing machine

It is undesirable to use without powder: plastic balls improve the quality of washing only in combination with detergent. Among the advantages can be identified availability, low cost.

"Hedgehogs" can be replaced by ordinary tennis balls. The effect is the same: tennis balls smash lumps of fluff, do not damage the drum machine.

Balls against spools

Frequent washing contributes to the formation of spools on clothing. Particularly affected are woolen products.

Polypropylene balls come to the rescue. Outside they are covered with soft loops. When you rotate the eyelets collect all garbage, wool, hair from the surface of the fabric. In addition to effective washing, you get the prevention of the machine from blockage.

Why and how to use laundry balls in a washing machine

Magnetic Balls

How do magnetic balls look? This product with large holes of rubber, inside of which there is a magnet. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous cases. Balls beat about things, helping the mud to flake better. The inner magnet softens the water.

It's impossible to completely refuse the powder, but you can use a smaller dose.

Why and how to use laundry balls in a washing machine

Advantages: unlimited lifetime, economical consumption of water and electricity.

How to use the balls for washing

If we are talking about tourmaline balls, they are first charged in the sun. Be sure to set the correct water temperature - not more than 50 degrees. Otherwise, the products are deformed.

How many balls for washing? It is enough 2 pieces, at loading up to 7 kg. They need to be put in the drum together with the laundry. After use, allow them to dry out.

Why and how to use laundry balls in a washing machine

Balls against spools and "hedgehogs" are applied according to instructions on the package, from 2 pieces. Magnetic are laid in an amount from 6 to 12 pieces.

What can I replace

Do not know what to replace tennis and other balls? Use silicone or rubber baby balls. On sale there are soap gel balls, which are used instead of detergent. You can buy them on the market, in hardware stores.

After reading this article, you can try to abandon detergents. Perhaps, now everyone will find an alternative to washing powders.

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